Chapter 3:

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-morning time-
Madison pov:
I woke up an my vision was blurry. I rubbed my eyes an my sight became clear. I was sleeping on the floor. Ethan's face was only inches away from me an Someone's hand was wrapped around my waist. when I looked it was Grayson. I lightly removed his hand an quietly got up an made my way to there guest bathroom. I looked in the bathroom mirror. "Oh god Madison you look like shit"I said. Most of my guy friends have seen me without make up so I cleaned my face off with soap an water getting the rest of my make up off. There was a brush on the counter so I used it an brushed my hair then put it back in a pony tail. When I walked out I ran into someone. "Sorry" I said. "It's fine Madison" Cameron said. "Is everyone else asleep still" she asked. "Uh" I looked around the corner an nodded my head yes. "Have you eaten" she asked. "Nope" I said popping the p. "Well we have pancake mix an eggs an cereal so" she said. "Ooo pancakes" I said licking my lips. We both laughed at how weird that was an made our way to the kitchen. We decided to make pancakes an eggs for everyone an bacon. "Can you pass me an egg" Cameron said. I threw her an egg an she caught it. "We're pros man" she said which mAde ma laugh. "We should fight crime together" I said. "Hell yeah" she said. We both just laughed an continued cooking.
"What smells so good" Ethan said. Oh my god his morning voice. "We're making breakfast for everyone" Cameron said. I saw Ethan look at Cameron who was turned around then back at me. He walked behind me an lightly slapped my butt. I couldn't help but laugh a little an when he passed me I slapped his butt back. He went to go get something to drink an I had finished making pancakes. Ryleigh an Grayson had both woken up an Cameron finished the eggs an bacon. We all got a plate an sat down at the dining room table. Ryleigh an I made wholes in a pancake to have faces an put on our face. Everyone laughed an then Grayson said something to me. "That's hot" he said smirking. "Thanks" I said smirking back. I could see Ethan tense up a little. Since I was sitting by him I grabbed his hand under the table to reassure him everything was fine. I don't know why but I think I'm liking Grayson but I'm becoming in love with Ethan. I suddenly felt someone playing footsies with me. I choked on my drink an saw it was Grayson. He was sitting in front of me. "Are you ok" Cameron asked laughing. "Yeah was just thinking about something" I said looking at Grayson. I kicked his leg an made a "quit" face but smiled. He just winked at me an continued eating.
When we were all done eating we all cleaned up. "We should get going ry" I said. "Ok lemme go get my stuff" "I will to" I said. We both went up to Grayson's room to get our stuff. "Ry look" I said pointing at Grayson's phone. I smiled an we grabbed his phone we instantly took pictures of us. "Type his code in" Ryleigh said. "I don't know it" "it's 1339" she said. "How did you know that" I asked. "I watched him" she said. We set his lock screen as Us I was laughing at Ryleigh who was trying to do a basic white girl selfie. I really liked our photos so I quickly sent them to me an then I put his phone down an we grabbed our stuff an went down stairs. As we were saying goodbye I hugged Grayson. He moved his hand down to my butt but I dug my nails into his ribs to make him stop. "Ooo fiesty" he whispered in my ear. What the heck has gotten into this boy. I went an hugged Ethan an kissed him on the cheek. I looked over at Grayson who looked jealous. I just ignored him an me an Ryleigh headed out to my car. I got in an started the engine. "They both like you" she said laughing. "What" I said. "Don't play dumb Madison you know they do" she said smirking. "Which one of them do you like" she asked. "We all just met ry" I said blushing. "I know you like one of them or even both" she said. I just rolled my eyes an drove off to my house. Ryleigh decided to go back to her house since she's been at mine.
I decided to invite Cameron over to hang out an then go shopping. About 15 minutes later she arrived. *knock* *knock* I opened the door. "Hey cam" I said. "Hey" I let her in. "What ever my dad says don't believe him" I warned her. "Ok" she laughed. "Dad this is Cameron. Cameron this is my dad" I said. "Hi" she said smiling at my dad. "Hello I'm Shea's dad" he said smiling back. "An that's my mom" I said running to my mom an hugging her. My mom said hi to her. At that moment my dad gave me a wet willy. "DAD" I screamed. "do you see what I live with" I said to Cameron laughing. She just started cracking up. We headed up to my room an I washed my ear out. She was sitting on my bed an I came in an sat down to. "So my Brothers an you" she smirked. "What about them" I said laughing. "Oh come on I know they like you I see the way there all flirty with you" she said. "I barely even know them an they barely know me" "ok ok I'm just saying" she said putting her hands in the air as if she's surrendering.
My phone went off an i looked at it.
New message:
Person: I like my new lock screen😏(photo attached of me an Ryleigh)
At that moment I knew it was Grayson.
Me: 😉there's more.
Gray: what you doin?
Me: hanging with your sister
Gray: my sister?? Uh an not me are you cheating on me?
Me: don't worry babe it's not serious.
Gray: babe? I like that.
Me: don't get used to it😏 ttyl loser.
Gray: k babe😉

Since I texted gray I decided to text Ethan to thank him.

Me: i had fun yesterday. Thanks for letting us stay the night😘
Ethan: no problem I had fun to especially with you being there😉.
Me: same with you😉 gtg I'll ttyl.
What is with these boys.

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