Chapter 13:

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~ 5 years ago~
Madisons pov:
We were driving to an adoption center today an My parents were adopting another girl an I was really Happy to have a sister who's my age an didn't play with barbies.
"Mom what's her name"
I asked. "Lilly" my mom said. She couldn't even sleep last night an stop smiling she was as happy as me maybe even happier. "Ok guys were here" my dad said. I unbuckled my seat belt an my brothers car seat an put him in my arms since he's one. Rose was already out of the car practically running to the doors with my mom. " I swear dad sometimes I feel like I'm the mom in this family" I said. My dad laughed a little an we walked to the door. "Well my lovely wife you may enter first" my dad said opening the door for me. "Why thank you my lovely husband" I said entering the door. Me an my dad always joked at how I would act like I was my mom sometimes an my mom would act like a kid sometimes. Plus she was 32 an still was young.
It was time we were meeting her.
"Sherman family this is lily. Your new daughter an sister" the lady said. The girl who was my age walked out from behind. She had bright blonde curly hair with green eyes. We were totally opposite because I had brown straight hair with blue eyes. Her smile immediately lit up when me an her looked at each other. "I'm Madison an were sisters now" I said really happy. "I'm lily" She said as happy as me. I went to shake her hand but she hugged me instead an I hugged back. I heard a camera snap an it was my mom taking a photo. We let go of the hug an my parents greeted her. "I'm Leslie your new mom. You can call me Leslie if you want or mom or anything" my mom said nervous because she was so happy. "I think I'll call you mom is that ok" she asked. "Of course sweetie" my mom said hugging her.
We were driving back to my house an me an lily were talking a lot. "So how old are you" she asked. "I'm 13" I said. "I am to" she said. "Birthday"
She asked. " February 10th"
I said. "April 20th" she said. "So I guess your still the older sister" she said laughing. "Yeah I guess so" I said laughing along. I can't wait to hang out with her everyday. " we're gonna be great sisters" I said. She turned towards me an hugged me. I didn't know her story that but I'll I know Is that she was sent to an adoption center 2 years ago. "So lily I hope you don't mind but you an Madison will be sharing a room together. We have bunk beds" my mom said. "Cool" she said really happy I was to. "I've been sleeping on bottom bed but if you want It I'll move to top" I said. "Oh no no it's fine I'm totally fine with the top bunk I'm just really thank ful you guys our adopting me I'm so happy"
She said with the biggest smile.

~a year later~
"Your so much prettier then me it sucks" I said. "No I am not every single boy in school talks about you an says how's pretty your are an how your butts big" she said laughing. "An here I am 2 inches taller then you with bright blonde hair an a small butt an your personality is better then mine your so outgoing an artsy an I'm shy an not artsy I guess an you have pretty brown hair an have a big butt " she said. "Lily it's not fun being short I hate it because guys always call me shortie I mean for crying out loud I'm going into 9th grade an I'm 5,1 an it's not fun having a big butt now because to many boys are on me an it's annoying" I said. "Your so gorgeous you have no idea lily an if I could switch bodies with you I would in a heart beat" I said. We hugged an then turned our tv on. Since me an lily have the second biggest room we have a lot of stuff in there. For starter we have our own bathroom an walk in closet which is cool. We have a big bunk bed set. Plus we have a desk by the window that's for both of us. We also have a mini fridge an We have a swing chair in there that's connected to the ceiling so we can swing in it. We also have a electrical piano in there an a guitar. My sister lily learned how to play piano an I play the guitar an sing so does lily but not all time. We we're decorating a wall with all these pictures we have of us an our friends or of just us or our family an putting them all over our wall an hanging lights up.
It's pretty awesome sharing a room with her an being related to her now. I figured out what really happened to her but she told me to never tell our parents.
(Flashback: a month ago)
"Why are you crying lily" I asked. "I um I was looking through some of my boxes an found one of my Parents" she said. "Hey lily I know you said you would tell me when the times right but-" she cut me off. "I'll tell you" She said wiping her tears Away. "When I was about to turn 12 my mom was taking me out to go get food. My mom was an alcoholic an she took me from my dad so I never saw him after I turned 9. I've always wanted to see him again one day but I can't now. I've always had this feeling that's telling me to find him but it's just not gonna happen. Anyways before we were about to leave my moms crazy ex boyfriend broke our front door down an was drunk. He pointed a gun at me an he said he would shoot me if my mom didn't take him back."
She began to sob an I knew this wasn't good. "My mom
Said go ahead she Ruined my life anyways. I hadn't realized my mom was crying an she was trying to lie to him. At that moment he had shot me in the chest but lucky not into my heart. My mom instantly reacted an ran an got a knife an ill I know is the next second her ex boyfriend was on the floor bleeding out an my mom was crying an then everything was black. I woke up at some time I don't know when or how long I was out but I'll I know is that when I was being released my mom was taking me to an adoption home. She told me she wanted to protect me so she had to leave me an keep me safe. I hated her because she left me an I never wanted to see her again but really I'll I want in life is to see her face again an tell her I love her" she said. "One day I want to find my dad again"
(End of flashback)
~skip to 3 months later~
"I'm doing it Madison I don't care what you say" lily shouted. "Lily please don't leave we love you your our family" I said. "No I'm not I'm just some girl you guys adopted I finally found him my father Madison I'm going to him I'm sorry but I need to be with real family. He said he would take care of me" she said. "But Lily my parents there going to be so devastated an me- I need you your my sister" I began to cry an she hugged me. "Thank you for being my sister I've always wanted an helping me. If you want to keep helping me you have to let me go. I'm going to fake my death you can't tell anyone you promise" she said sticking her pinky out. I didn't move or speak. "Please madison" she said. I freaked out an pinky promised her. What am I thinking.
"Your going to upset my parents badly especially my mom" I whispered. I stared over at the photo of us on my bedside table of the first day I met her.
It was now Sunday. I didn't know when lily was going to fake her death an every day I was freaking out. When I saw my parents I could barely talk to them. I had had some breathing problems but they usually weren't bad an if it was my dad had to cup my mouth shut an hold my nose so I didn't breathe an calmed down.
It was about 4:00pm an I was watching tv.
All of a sudden My mom ran in an grabbed me an cried. "Mom what's wrong" I asked. "Honey it's lily- she- she's dead" my mom said. I started to cry even tho it was fake but now my parents are broken I couldn't believe she left us an me how could she???
She's a terrible person. No no she's not I'm just breaking down
This is how I got my breathing problems an have to use an inhaler now. After her funeral an everything I had major panic attacks all that was eating me alive was telling my parents but I promised I never broke a promise an I could never ever tell anyone not even my bestfriend Ryleigh. Not only did lily leave but my baby brother Alex has a disease. My mom basically lost it in life she had to see a therapist for 4 months until she was finally our normal mom. Except she quit her job an became a stay at home mom an was with us every second. My dad had to work more. I wouldn't say we were rich but we had a lot of money to have a big house except now since my moms not working were moving to another house in New Jersey that's a little bit smaller.
(Even tho it's 2015 were going to say that in real time in this story's it's 2020)
~June 7th 2016~
I was just out with some friends an ran into this guy. I never got his name or number but he was amazing an he had a twin. I wish I meet him again some day.
I was so excited that I met him I couldn't sleep. I heard a thump but just ignored it because I thought it was my parents going to the bathroom. I really needed to sleep so I went to my brothers Alex room because he usually helps me sleep. I opened his door quitely an couldn't move. He was lying on the floor pale an his lips were blue an he wasn't moving. "Alex" I whispered. I fell to the floor an shook him. "Alex wake up" I said. I felt for a pulse an there was nothing. I put him in my arms an cried. "ALEX" I shouted. "NO ALEX. SOMEONE HELP" I screamed. My dad instantly came running in an my mom an they saw us. My mom fell to the floor an started balling her eyes out an came over an held me an Alex in her arms. My dad ran an called 911 then came back up an cried. "He's gone" I whispered. The ambulance arrived an we went to the hospital the doctor had come out an said he didn't make it.
2 weeks later an I still wasn't talking to anyone, I barely ate, I didn't go outside or anywhere besides my room or TV room of kitchen. I stopped crying this week an now I have no emotions. "Madison sweetie talk to me" my mom said. I just stared into space thinking of everything that's happened. "It's my fault he died" I said. "Honey no it's not it was the disease there was no way around it he's in a Better place now" my mom said rubbing my back. My parents tried everything to get me to talk an do something. I only responded if I needed to an if I didn't i ignored them.
A week later I was still the same an my mom took me to a therapist.
It took me about 5 months to finally become my old self an restart in life. It's only my mom, my dad,rose,an I now.

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