Chapter 14:

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I arrived at the grave yard an walked over to lilys grave. I saw rose sitting on the floor an heard her talking so I listened. "So mom an dad are fighting" she said. "I wish you were alive lily so you could of comforted me while it was happening. I would of had Madison but I feel like she doesn't even know I exist anymore. Ever since she met Ethan an Grayson an Cameron she's barely been home an I can barely spend time with her. I miss when you were alive an we all hung out together or when Madison played barbies with me" I heard her sniffles as if she was crying which made me cry. I guess she heard me that she turned around. "Madison" she said. I looked up an ran to her embracing her with a big hug an she hugged me back. "Rose I didn't forget you. I will never forget you. You have no clue how much I love you an I'm sorry I haven't been home as much but I'll change that for you because I love you an care about you rose I have to look after you to an make sure your always safe an rose im always gonna be here if you need me" I said. She started to cry even more which made me cry to.
About 5 minutes later of crying we headed home.
"Is mom an dad going to be mad at me" rose asked. "No they won't be mad there scared out of there minds right now an when they see you there gonna smother you with kisses an squeeze you in hugs" I said which made her laugh a little.
"You know when I was 11 I ran from home to " I said. "Really why" she asked. "Because you told me you hated me" I said. "What id never do that an if I did it was never true" Rose said shocked. "We were playing dolls an I accidentally broke your favorite doll an you screamed I hate you at me. I was pretty broken because I couldn't believe you said it to me so I ran away from home. Now if I look back I realize that you were 5 an obsessed with dolls an you didn't even know what hate meant to be honest an I over reacted I guess" I said. Rose grabbed my hand that wasn't on the steering wheel an held it. "Sis I'll always love you an if I ever say that again which I plain on not doing I never mean it" she said. "I know" I smiled.
After we got home I totally just realized I didn't bring my phone. When my parents saw rose they literally jumped on her an gave her 1000 kisses then me because I found her. I ran up to go see I had some missed messages an 5 missed calls from Ethan.
New message from mom:
Mm: hey honey you've been gone for a while is everything ok?
New message from Ryleigh:
R: hey loser so there's gonna be a party next week on Friday are you gonna go?
Me: sure but where is it?
R: oh uh Hannah's house
Me: I'll think about it.
New message from Ethan:
E: heyo
E: it's been 10 minutes which is weird because you always answer my text.
E: you okay??
Me: sorry some stuff happened an I forgot to get my phone.

Suddenly Ethan called me.
I didn't decline it an answered it.
(M: Madison E:Ethan)
M: hello
E: hey what happened
M: uh well when I came home from school my uh parents were fighting and I ran up to go see where rose was an she was gone so I left an looked for her an found her an I forgot to bring my phone.
E: oh babe I'm sorry an I'm glad you found her.
M: hey Ethan did you hear about the party next week?
E: yeah but it's at Hannah's
M: yeah I heard but do you wanna go?
E: I don't care it's up to you
M: I guess we'll go then
Me an Ethan talked on the phone for about 30 more minutes until we hung up.
I looked over at my bedside table at the picture of me an lily that I still had. I decided to go grab some CDs my mom had of me an lily when we were younger. I played them in my room an couldn't help but laugh because we were acting so weird. I was done watching them an I grabbed the picture that was in a frame an walked over to my old desk. I looked at the photo an a tear rolled down my cheek an fell onto the frame.
" I kept my promise. I may never see you again an I still miss you but it's been 4 years. I guess it's time to move on now. Good bye lily" I said an put the picture in the desk.
She was never coming back to see us again an I get why because people think she's dead. If I had the chance to see her one more time I would probably take it. I wonder what she looks like now an how she's doing in life. The last words she said to me played in my head.
"Remember when I first met you an you said we'd be great sisters. You were right. We're always be sisters Madison. Always.".

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