Chapter 6:

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Ethan's pov:
I was kind of shocked an disappointed to hear that Madison actually did something  like that. I didn't even have words. I finally snapped back into reality an saw Madison walking out of school. Crap!!! I texted her but she didn't answer me. I don't know what I'm feeling. But it's not just love it's like anger. I'm not angry tho it's just I feel bad for Hannah because she seems really nice.
The day passed an Hannah came to talk to me. She ended up asking me out. I said yes because she seemed nice an cool an she was hot.
~next day~
Madisons pov:
I decided to skip school. I lied to my parents an told them I was sick. Since rose was feeling better she went to school an my parents went to work. I love staying home from school but then again I don't because I have nothing to do or anyone to hang out with me.
My phone wouldn't stop buzzing an I havent checked text messages since last night.

Text message from Gray
Gray: hey hottie
Gray: hey Ethans worried about you an I am to where are you??
Gray: your mom told me you were home. Please talk to me :(
Gray: is everything ok
Gray: I don't care if I'm bugging you I need you to answer please.
Gray: find I'll bug you again tommorow goodnight 💕
I decided to respond.
Me: I'm fine. Just not feeling good today.
Gray: can I come over later?
Me: I don't think that's a good idea I'm really not feeling good. I'll see you tommorow at school.
Gray: uh ok feel better😘

From Ethan:
Ethan: Madison where'd you go
Ethan: are you ok
Ethan: r u ok please just talk to me
Ethan: I don't know what I did but please don't be mad at me.
Ethan: Madison???
Ethan: gray told me you were home I tried to see you but your mom said you went out.
Ethan: Madison why won't you respond??
Ethan: I love you

What the? Did he really send that to me!!!
I basically just watched Netflix all day an then waited to go pick rose up from school. I ordered Chinese for us an we played board games together. I don't know why but I feel like Ethan Hates me but that text he sent me it's just it I don't even know. I like him a lot but I like Grayson to an I really like being good friends with them an I don't wanna ruin our relationships.

~next day~
I pushed everything behind me an tried to act like nothing happened. I wasn't going to talk to Ethan unless I had to.
I got ready for school an wore (outfit up there) I also applied some make up.(eyeliner, mascara, foundation, an some blush).
I arrived at school an parked my car.
"Please please be a good day please" I said in my head. I got out of my car. Instantly people started saying hi to me an I waved at them an smiled. "Madison" Ryleigh shouted. "Ry" I said walking to her. "Hey why'd you not come yesterday" she asked. "Oh I wasn't feeling good" I said faintly smiling. "Your lying what happened an with who" she said. "I really hate that your my bestfriend some times" I said. We wrapped are arms together an walked to my car. We still had 10 minutes till we had to get to class. I told her everything an why I skipped yesterday. "So you skipped because you thought Ethan hated you" she asked. "I don't know I didn't want to have to see him. I mean I'm used to this every guy I end up liking Hannah just jumps in" I said. We got out of my car an headed inside. I walked to my locker with Ryleigh an as I was walking I saw Ethan an Hannah laughing. "See" I said to Ryleigh. "I'm sorry madi" she said hugging me. "It's fine" I said opening my locker. I got the stuff I needed an walked to home room with Ryleigh since we had it together. Someone came behind me an hugged me. I already knew who it was. "Where have you been bestfriend" Jacob said. "Hey. hey she's my bestfriend" Ryleigh said. "Oh yeah" Jacob pulled me into a hug. "See she's mine" he said. "No she's mine" Ryleigh said grabbing me. "You wanna settle this outside sugar" Jacob said playing around. "Bite me" Ryleigh said. "Gladly"Jacob said. "Ok guys just stop. Please just stop" I said laughing at them. I looked over at the door an Ethan walked in holding hands with Hannah. My smile instantly went away. He looked at me an paused for a minute an I did to. I gave him a faint smile an sat by Ryleigh. I felt like crying. Why the heck did he say he loved me if he's with Hannah now.
Of course Ethan sat two desk behind me an so did Hannah I could tell Ethan was listening to me an Ryleigh talk. "Are you going to the party Friday" Matt asked me(one of my friends). "Maybe" I said. "You should your basically the life of the party" tucker said. "Why because I usually wear a tight dress an get drunk an dance on a table" I said smirking at him. "Hell yeah" he said winking. "Shut up" I said laughing at him.
I was now in 4th period.
I ignored Ethan an gray all day. I had Grayson in my first with Ethan an also in my third but I sat away from them. I have science for 4th an I seriosuly hate the teacher but the class is fun sometimes. I sit next to Ryleigh but since it's science we sit in stools at tables. Ethan an Grayson sit behind us so hopefully they don't bother me.
I ended up being late to class an of course the teacher made a scene. Everyone looked at me an so did Ethan An Grayson. "Late again miss sherman" mr Andrews said. "Late again miss Sherman" I mocked him whispering. Everyone was starring at me an laughing at what I did. "Do you want detention" mr. Andrews asked. I rolled my eyes an sat down next to Ryleigh. Ethan an Grayson watched me as I sat down.
10 minutes through the class my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out an looked.
Text message from Ethan:
Ethan: are you still mad at me?
I kept deciding wether or not to respond.
Me: I'm not mad at you.
Ethan: why won't you talk to me then?
Me: I just need time to think.
Ethan: about what
Me: nothing.
I set my phone down an just stared off into space. My phone buzzed again an it made me a little angry. I picked my phone up an looked.
Group message between Jacob, Ryleigh, Lauren, and Tyler.
Jacob: who else is dying of boredom.
Ryleigh: I'm already dead. Madison on the other hand is just staring into space.
Tyler: she's probably thinking about us in bed 😏
Me: In your dreams
Tyler: I dream about it all time babe😚
Ryleigh: ok love birds calm down an make this stay on rated g.
Jacob: has anyone noticed mr Andrews boner!?!?
Me: why TF are you looking there 😂
I couldn't help but laugh I covered my mouth an Ryleigh laughed to.
"Something funny ladies" mr Andrews asked.
"No nothing sir" I said trying not to laugh. He turned around an me an Ryleigh laughed so hard but quietly. "I can't breathe" Ryleigh said laughing really hard. We kept laughing for about 2 minutes an finally stopped.
I went back to texting everyone.
Me: I hate you Jacob!!
Jacob: you love me babe
Ryleigh: I love you bitch
Jacob: I ain't never gonna stop loving you bitch
Tyler: bitch!!
Jacob: (photo attached of me an Ryleigh)
I looked at photo an saw Ethan an Grayson looking at me.
Ryleigh: your a stalker.
Jacob: pose
Me an Ryleigh made faces at Jacob an he took photos of us. (They sit across from us)
I could see in the corner of my eye Ethan smiling.
"Madison" I heard someone whisper behind me. I looked behind me which wasn't good because the person who called me was behind Ethan an Grayson. My friend Victoria was calling my name. "What" I whispered. I could tell Ethan was looking at me. "Can you get my pencil" she pointed to the floor. Great I had to get up to get it. I went over an bent down to get it. People whistled at me an I just rolled my eyes. I walked to Victoria an gave her the pencil. " you know Ethan an gray have been starring at you" she whispered in my ear but a little to loud that Grayson turned around an looked at us an the smirked. I just walked away an went to my seat.
I texted ryleigh.
Me: this day is so akward.
Ryleigh: tell me about it. Jacobs sending snapchats of pictures zoomed into our boobs.
Me: guess we gotta get payback!!
Back to group message:
Me: Jacob look
He turned around an I zoomed in an took a picture of his face he looked drunk I couldn't help but laugh.
Me: (attached photo) this is my new lock screen
Jacob: don't you dare!!
Me: to late
Jacob: I hate you
Me: you love me
Jacob: I know freak
Tyler: you guys our s'cute
Ryleigh: your face is s'cute

My friends our so flipping weird.
"Miss Sherman. There's no texting in class hand over your phone" mr. Andrews said putting his hand out. I looked up at him. "Ugh" I said putting my phone in his hand. "I'll be back for you" I said. Everyone laughed an of course. "Detention miss Sherman an who ever was texting you has it to" he said. He looked at my lock screen. I guess I had texts from them. "So Jacob, Ryleigh, Tyler, an Ethan detention" he said. Ethan?? I turned around an looked at Ethan with a "what the" face. "I was trying to tell you he was watching you" Ethan whispered. I just turned around an stared out the window in the class room. This should be fun.

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