Chapter 12:

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Madisons pov:
My mom decided to not tell my
Dad an let it slide except we did tell him I was dating Ethan an he was happy for me. Other relationships I've been in were basically just for fun you know.
But Ethan an mine it's serious an I love it.
*beep* *beep*
"Ughhh" my alarm on my
Phone was going off for school. Oh yay school the place of hell that I love to go to. No I hate it kill me!!!!
I turned my alarm off an got up. I took a shower the night before so I was still clean an pulled an outfit out. (In picture) I threw my outfit on an went to apply make up. It's still just the basic( eyeliner, mascara, foundation, a little concealer, an lip balm)
I had about 20 minutes till I had to leave so I went down stairs to eat. "Hey mom" I said walking into the kitchen. "Hey sweetie" she said. "What are you making for dinner tonight" I asked. "Either steak and potatoes or spaghetti. Why" she said. "Can I invite Ethan" I said. "Of course I'd love to get to know him more especially since now you guys are totally  dating" she said in a 15 year old girls voice. Yep that's my mom. So cool right hahah.
"Ok mom tonight please act normal an tell dad to" I said. Knowing my mom an dad there gonna embarrass me especially my dad who will tell stories of when I was younger. Here's a common one. One day when I was 12 I was going to the lake An I had a crush on this boy an when he waved at me I waved back but ended up falling an rolling down a hill an my shirt ripped an came off an I was left in a bra an shorts. My dad thought it was pretty funny. Well guess what father it wasn't!!!!
~skip to school in 4th~
Ethan an I were holding hands an talking until someone stopped us. "O M G are you guys dating" some girl squealed. "Uh yeah" I said faintly smiling because the girl was freaking me out. "Hi I'm Isabel an a huge fan of you Ethan I've never had the courage to talk to you till now an I've seen you guys together a lot an I've shipped you guys forever an now OH MY GOD" she said jumping up an down. "Thanks" I said. "Can I get a photo with you Ethan" she asked. "Sure" he said giving her a smile. I took the photos for them an they were cute. They smiled in one then he picked her up which you may think I was jealous but I wasn't I thought it was cute how he can cheer his fans up an it makes
Me Happy.
*ring* "crap were gonna be late to science" I said pulling Ethan to our next class. "Babe we'll be fine" he said. "No we won't the teacher hates me an he said next time I'm late then I'll be in trouble" I said. We quickly got to the class an snuck in. "Ok class- uh- Madison were you here just a minute ago" the teacher asked. "Yeah she's been here" Ryleigh said. "Ok" He said. I looked back at Ethan an he winked holding his phone up which meant he asked Ryleigh to cover for us. "Thanks Patrick" I said hugging her . "No problemo Patricia" Ryleigh said hugging me back. (If your confused on why we said that we'll let Me Tell you. Ryleigh an I our married since we've been bestfriends for like ever an I took over an was the woman so I'm Patricia an she's Patrick an we have rings but thee bestfriend rings)
I saw a paper be shot past me an I turned around. "Read it"
Ethan mouthed. Since last time I got my phone taken now I'll I can do is send notes. The paper was on the floor by the teachers desk. I quitely walked over to the note before the teacher could see. "Damn look at that ass" someone said. It was Matt. I death glared him an shoved the note in my bra. "Miss Madison why are you out of your seat" the teacher asked. "Uh I was getting matts pencil" I said grabbing mine from my
Pocket. I walked over to Matt an handed him the pencil. I looked back an the teacher was turned around so I took the pencil back. "Get me caught again an next time this pencil will be down your throat" I whispered to him. "Uh um uh ok" is all he could say.
I really can't afford getting in trouble in school now. I've been participating in after school programs to get my referral taken off of my record.
I sat back down an grabbed the note out of my bra an read it.
(M: Madison E: Ethan)
E:I'm bored I just wanna leave an be alone with you :(
M: me too btw your aiming sucks an I almost got in trouble because of you!!
I threw the note back to him an we kept passing It back an forth.
E: sorry babe love you <3
M: love you to! Do you want to come over for dinner tonight!!
E: yessssss is your mom making spaghetti??
M: it was an option I'll text her an tell her to tho :)
E:when you read this turn around
I turned around an Ethan had his phone out pointed at me. I posed for him an then turned around.
My phone buzzed in my
Pocket an I took it out.
Twitter notification.
I went on Twitter an Ethan had tweeted something.
@ethandolan: She's cute an the reason I don't pay attention in class❤️❤️ (photo attached that he took of me)
I then went on Twitter an replied. @madisonS: your cuter an the main reason is that your to lazy to love ❤️
@ethandolan: that's not completely true.
I laughed a little at what he said.
"Madison" the teacher called me an I looked up. I tried to put my phone in my pocket an act like nothing happened. "Yes" I said nervous. "Principles office now" he shouted. "Shit" I whispered. I brushed my hair over to the side grabbing my bag I started walking out the door. "Wait" Ethan said an I immediately
Stopped. "It was my fault I texted her an she just looked that's all" he said. "Eth-" I tried to talk but got cut off. "ok then mr. Dolan to the principles" the teacher said. Ethan stood up an grabbed his stuff an stopped Next To me. "I'll be fine" he whispered an then kissed my cheek an left.
End of day. I hadn't seen Ethan since 4th period. I was about to go to the the office to sign in for my program until i saw Ethans
Parents in there talking
To the principle an Ethan sitting in a chair with his head down. I pulled my phone out an texted him.
New message to Ethan:
Me: look up.
I sent the text an saw him pull his phone out an look, he then looked up an saw me an smiled. I saw him say something but couldn't understand what he said. All of a sudden he was walking out of the office an pulling me to the bathroom. "Hey-" he soon pushed me against a wall an kissed me."hi" he said. "Ethan you didn't have to take the blame" I said. "Yeah I did. it was my fault an plus if you got in trouble again that referral wouldn't come off your record an you've been working hard to get it off" he said smiling at me. "Why are you smiling at me" I asked. "Because I'm proud of you. Your working hard to get that off of your record. Not everyone has the patience to do that" he said. "Thanks" I couldn't help but smile at what he said. "Wait so what happened when you went to office" I asked. "Oh well I went to office an principal called my parents because he figured out the truth an I got in trouble for not only disrupting class an lying but for being on my phone while learning an I had to wait for my parents to arrive. It's pretty dumb" he said. I nodded so he could continue. "An then when my parents came my mom was pretty pissed an she said how i promised I wouldn't get in trouble an that I'd keep good grades an pay attention in class an that if I did I got to stay in school. She said if I get in trouble again I'll be home schooled again" he said. "Oh" is all I could say because I was really confused. "Ethan why aren't you paying attention in class I thought you told me you were doing good in school" I asked. He started rubbing his neck an at that moment I knew he lied. I wasn't mad I was just upset because he lied. "I uh I kind of lied I'm failing science an chemistry an math" he said. "Wait so all the classes you have with me" I asked thinking. "Yeah" he said. "An are you um are you distracted because of" I pointed at my self. "Me" I said. "No it's not because of you I mean apparently it's because I always doze off in class" he said. "Well What are you thinkin about" I asked. "Well uh well of You" he said. I stopped looking at him an looked at my feet. I don't know what to think I mean I'm why he's failing. "Madison" "yeah" I said. "Are you mad"he asked. "No- no I'm not mad I'm just I don't know like shocked I guess" I said. I couldn't express how I felt. "It's just I mean. You are failing because of me" I said looking back up at him. "No-" "Ethan it is. just promise me you'll try harder ok" I said. "I promise" he said sticking his pinky out. I laughed a little an we pinky promised. "I don't think I'll be aloud to go to your House for dinner tonight" he said. "It's ok we can do it another day" I said. "Ethan" mrs Dolan said. "Uh hold on mom" Ethan said looking out of bathroom. "Hide in one of the stalls she's walking over here" he whispered. I quickly went to walk in one until Ethan said my name. "I love you" he said pecking my lips. "I love you to" I said going into the stall. I waited 5 minutes for them to leave so I could sneak out.
~skip back to my house~
I walked into my House an totally regretted it.
"WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH A BITCH" my dad yelled. "WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH AN ASS" my mom yelled. I stood there watching them fight an finally closed the front door causing them to look at me. "Hey sweetie uh how was school" my dad asked. "It was ok" I said. "Honey I don't think Ethan should come tonight" my mom said. "Don't worry he can't anyways he's in trouble" I whispered. I hadn't realized I had some tears slip but not because of Ethan because my parents were fighting. "You can sleep on the couch tonight" my mom said to my dad. "I'm gonna uh go up to my room" I said pointing to the stairs. I've never seen my parents scream at each other that badly. Oh shoot where's rose. I ran into rose room looking for her. She wasn't there. "Mom where's rose" I asked running down stairs. "She should be in her room" my mom said scared. "She's not" I said beginning to freak out. "What" my dad said. "She she she- She ran away because- because of you guys. THIS IS YOUR GUYS FAULT" I shouted. I was actually just freaking out because I couldn't breathe. "Honey calm down let me go get your inhaler" my dad said. He ran back with my inhaler an I calmed down. "I'm sorry" I whispered. "It's ok sweetie Do you know where she would be" my mom asked pacing back an forth. My dad was in the kitchen calling 911. "No I don't know I can't think where" I said. I kept trying to think where she'd run to. Suddenly I knew where. "Mom I'm gonna go looking ok" I said grabbing my car keys. "Ok please call me when you head home or if you find her" my mom said trying to stop crying. Where's rose you ask? A grave yard.

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