Chapter 16:

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I walked into the lobby an took the elevator up to the 6th floor.
The elevator made a stop an I walked out. I began walking to my room an remembered I was still crying. I looked over the balcony as I was walking an saw Ethan getting out of his car. Shit. I started running to the room an unlocked it with my key. I ran in the room an closed the door an locked it so if Ethan tried opening it he couldn't.
I ran to my luggage an started packing everything.
I heard him insert the key but it didn't unlock the door.
"What the hell" he said. He tried again an then knocked. "Madison are you back" he asked. I just stood there an didn't move. My phone suddenly started going off an I remembered my sound was on. "Pick up the phone it's-" I quickly put vibrate on an just stood there. It kept ringing an I didn't answer it. I'm guessing he finally gave up an he walked somewhere. I finished packing an grabbed my stuff. I opened the door to make sure Ethan wasn't there an he wasn't. I grabbed my purse an suitcase an walked to the stairs. I started running down stairs but not very fast because I was holding everything. I finally made it to the last step an walked out of building.
I had bought a rental car so I went to go find it. I looked in my purse for keys an didn't find them. Oh Crap I left them on the table!!!! I left my luggage under my car an ran up to the room again. I ran into room an Ethan was sitting on the couch. "Hey- what's wrong" he said getting up. I didn't respond an ran an grabbed my keys I then ran out the room an down the stairs. "Madison- Madison wait what's wrong"
I heard Ethan say. He was catching up to me an I was freaking out. "Leave me alone" I shouted. "Babe what's wrong where are you going" he said. He finally got a hold of me an stopped me. "I said leave me alone" I shouted again. "What's wrongs what did I do" he said grabbing my wrist to pull me back. "Babe why are you crying what's wrong" he said. I began to cry again an pulled my arm out of his grip. He tried to hug me but I didn't let him. "Did I do something" he softly said. I didn't respond or even look at him. "What did I do" he asked. "You know what you did" I said. He looked at me confused but then he realized what I meant. "I'm sorry" he said. I saw his eyes begin to water I just wanted to hug him but I couldn't. "Bull shit Ethan. I hope your happy with your new red head girlfriend" I said. "How did you figure out" he whispered.
"Because she kidnapped me an she took Ryleigh to because of you" I spat out. He looked up an he was shocked. "She told me if I didn't get away from you shed hurt Ryleigh an ID rather protect my bestfriend from being hurt then stay with my boyfriend who's cheating on me. It's not like it matters Her plan changed an I figured out you were cheating so she let us go. She even called you an I was there I was forced to watch you guys kiss an go to Starbucks together" I began to break down into tears again. "Madi-" "I'm leaving have a happy life with her Ethan. Just Leave me alone an never talk to me again" I said. I ran to my car an put my luggage in trunk. As I started the car everything was silent an went black.
I opened my eyes an I was back in class. Omg. I quickly pulled my phone out an saw it wasn't even spring break yet. I asked my teacher to use the bathroom . I walked out an ran to bathroom. I was still in my same outfit an my hair was still fish tailed. I let out a breathe of relief an walked out of bathroom only to see two people making out. I got closer an saw it was Grayson an Hannah. I felt a little hurt because I loved Grayson still an he knew what Hannah did to me. I knocked on a locker to get there attention. "Uh hey Madison" Grayson said. "Ugh can you leave us alone" Hannah said. "Sure go ahead an keep shoving your slut tongue down Grayson throat" I said beginning to walk. As I was walking someone grabbed my hair an yanked me To the floor. "What the-" Hannah got on top of me an pinned me down. "What's wrong you can't hit me" she said as if I was a 3 year old. "Hannah stop an get off me" I said. "Or what you'll hit me. Oh no you can't do that or I'll that hard work you did will be down the drain" she said. I'm not 3 idiot. "Hannah stop" Grayson said. "Oh no I'm just starting" she said smirking. She then punched me in the mouth which made my lip bleed. I pushed Hannah off of me an got up. I saw Grayson run away. Wow thanks. I went to the bathroom to wipe my lip off until someone pushed me into a sink. Which really hurt because my hip went into it. "Shit" I said. I looked up an it was Hannah. "Come on hit me" she said. "I'm not gonna hit you Hannah stop" I said. I walked past her which caused her to slap me in the face. My hair was now all messy an my mouth was bleeding an my face was red. I ran out into the hall way trying to get away. "Your just a worthless slut Madison. Ethan doesn't care about you or even love you he's just gonna use you like all the other guys an then come running to me" she shouted. I instantly stopped an walked back she pushed my limits. I threw her to the floor an jumped on her. "YOUR THE WORTHELESS ONE HANNAH YOUR SUCH A SLUT YOU HOOK UP WITH EVERY SINGLE GUY AN YA WANNA KNOW SOMETHING THOSE GUYS SAY SHIT ABOUT YOU WHY DO YOU THINK YOU DONT KNOW ABOUT THAT BECAUSE OF ME I STOPPED IT BUT NOW ID RATHER THEM DO IT AN RUIN YOUR LIFE" I yelled. I was about to punch her in the face until someone grabbed me an picked me up. I saw someone pick Hannah up an it was Grayson. I instantly knew who was holding on to me it was Ethan. I'm guessing Grayson ran to get him. I tried getting out Ethans grip because I'll I wanted to do was hit Hannah in the face. "Babe don't do it you worked so hard an got your record clean if you do this now it will all come back an be worse" Ethan said.  "I'm not gonna hold you back Madison if what you want is to get that all back then go for it hit Hannah but if you want to be clean don't do it" Ethan said. He let go of me an took a step back. I listened to his words an thought. I looked up at Hannah an saw Grayson holding her back. "Come on Madison hit me I mean I'm a slut right but guess what you are to" Hannah said. I had to fight it I couldn't let her get to me. I laughed a little. "Your right Hannah you are a slut an you'll always be one. You think you can over power me but you can't" I said. I then backed up an was next to Ethan an grabbed his hand. I looked up at Ethan an saw him smiling at me. I saw Hannah get out of Grayson's grip an run toward me. I closed my eyes an thought of happy stuff. I waited for her to punch me but she didn't. I opened my eyes an she was right there. "I'm sorry" she whispered. She then ran past me an left me sitting there confused. I looked up an saw Ethan an Grayson standing next eachother an I couldn't help but smile which made them smile to. I loved both of them I mean I loved Ethan more then Grayson but I loved them both so. Ethan walked up to me an kissed me passionately. "I'll leave you two" Grayson said laughing a little. I stopped kissing Ethan an looked over. "Wait gray" I said. He turned around"yeah" he said. "Thanks" I said. He smiled an then walked away. "Come on let's go clean you up" Ethan said. We walked in the boys bathroom an he set me on top of a sink an cleaned my face. He was done an began to kiss me again. "Oh crap. I've been.out of class. for 10 minutes" I said in between kisses. "I'll walk you back" Ethan said. He's so charming an sweet I love him so much. We were holding hands an walked to my classroom. He gave me a kiss goodbye an I walked into class. "Madison you've been out for 10 minutes do you have an explanation" the teacher said. "Yes miss I wasn't feeling to good" I said holding my stomach. I was lying tho an she bought it. I'm surprised no one heard us in hall way.
All I can say right now is.
"I love Ethan Dolan"

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