Chapter 9:

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~ present time~
I can't believe I almost slept with Derek. I promised my self I never would. What is wrong with me. My head has been spinning an ill I can think is about leaving an being alone an being the only person on earth. I just want something to take the pain away.
I started to make pros an cons about Ethan an Grayson.
Pros for Ethan:
He's cute an sweet an nice an makes me smile even if I'll he does is walk into a room because He has that affect on me. He can sometimes be the bad boy flirt type but not always. He's weird but cute weird.
Ok wait no cons:
Well he hates me now. Doesn't want me to talk to him. He's taken An he know I'm screwing his brother. Ughhhhhh.

Pros for Grayson:
He's nice an he understands me. He's definitely the bad boy type an he's really hot. He can be his weird self sometimes but only in front of me an Ethan.
He's funny an makes me smile. Dang it!!!
He's not Ethan
I need to choose.
I got into my car an drove to the dolans house. With my luck Cameron answered an said hi. "Hey where's Grayson" I asked. "He's in his room" she said. "Ok" I was making my way up to his room until I saw Ethans door cracked. I looked through the crack an saw him an Hannah talking except he looked angry. I walked over to the door an snooped on them. "You have feelings for someone else" Hannah said. "Yes no I don't know" Ethan said. "How could you" Hannah said. "Oh please Hannah your not so innocent your self I know you kissed Derek behind my back" Ethan shouted but quietly. "How did you know that" she asked. "It doesn't matter. All that does it that were done I'm breaking up with you Hannah" Ethan said. "What ever I was just using you so Madison couldn't have you" she said. I heard her walking toward the door an I backed away. She looked at me with a disgusted look. Before she got to the stares I said something. "Hey Hannah" "what slut" she said rudely. "You really shouldn't mess with me" I said at that moment I slammed my fist into her face an she fell to the floor. "What the hell you bitch" she said standing up. She came at me an I ran into the wall. I quickly jumped on her an threw her to the ground punching her in the face over an over. Someone grabbed me by the waist an pulled me off holding me. "Your a worthless piece of shit Hannah you know that." I said. "Look who's talking" she said trying to stand up. I tried getting out of who Evers grip I was in an finally did. I looked back an saw it was Grayson. I punched Hannah again but in the nose. I pushed her an before I knew it she was about to trip an fall down the stairs but I grabbed her hand an set it on the rail so she didn't. "Your lucky I'm not a self centered whore" I said to her. She looked at me as if she was a new person an was thank ful. What the hell?
Someone grabbed me by the waist again an put me in the bathroom. "What the hell" he said.
(This is kind of short sorry)

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