Chapter 17:

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Madisons pov:
I was scrolling through vine, while waiting for Ethan an Grayson to get done with there hair cuts.
I kept thinking about that day I almost gave up an fought Hannah but I didn't. My record was clean now an I was super happy Ethan even kind of gave me a gift. (You know what I mean)
I'm so in love with him it hurts.
I got back to reality when I realized this vine I was on kept replaying over an over.
I then went on Twitter an posted a photo of me pretending to sleep an captioned it
"Been sitting here for over 35 minutes while the boys get there hair done an I'm having so much fun"
I posted it an just sat there.
"It's actually been 30 minutes" I heard ethan say. I looked up an just laughed at him. "I like your hair" I said. "An you didn't like it before"he asked putting his hand over his heart. "It looks the same as it did before" i said. I smiled an he leaned down to kiss me. To annoy him I put my hand in his hair an ruffled it around so it was messy. "Thanks babe" he said annoyed. "Your welcome" I smiled.
The boys payed an we walked to there car an Grayson dropped his phone. I laughed at him because he looked like he wanted to cry. He cracked the bottom of his front screen an his back camera.
I got into the drivers seat since I was driving an started the car. I played music in the car an drove back to there house.
I got into there house an walked to there kitchen an set my keys on there counter. "Eth-" as I was calling him he picked me up an started walking up the stairs. "This is a nice view" I said poking his butt. "This view is nice to" he said grabbing my butt. "Stop!! Put me down Ethan" I said smacking his butt. "Ok" he said an dropped me on his bed. I went under his covers an ignored him but he just laid on me. "Where's my phone" I asked. Ethan pulled my phone out his pocket an held it up an I took it. "Thank you" I said. "No kiss" he asked. "Nope" I said. He got up an held my arms down trying to kiss me I laughed tho so it was impossible for him to. He gave up an started kissing my neck which took me by surprise. He kept giving me kisses on my neck an then made his way up to my lips. I just looked at his eyes an smiled then kissed him. It started to get heated an I pulled his shirt off. "ETHAN" his mom shouted from downstairs. "Ugh" he said. "WHAT MOM" he shouted down to her. "COME HERE" she said. "I'll be right back so we can finish what we started" he said giving me a kiss. I stood up with him an smacked his butt as he walked down stairs an I went to Cameron's room to talk to her. "Aloha Cameron" I said jumping on her bed. "Hey" she said. "Where are you going" I asked. "Out with my mom an dad for dinner there making me" she said. I laughed a little an just laid there. "BABE" Ethan shouted while walking up stairs. "WHAT" he then ran in an jumped on me an pretended to fall asleep. Cameron walked into her bathroom an Ethan was still fake sleeping. "You know if you fall asleep then we can't do it" I whispered. He instantly got up an grabbed my arm. "Bye Cameron" he said. "Bye cam have fun at dinner" I said. "Bye have fun in Ethans room" she said. Oh my god. I jumped on Ethans back an he ran to his room an threw me on his bed. He began to kiss me but I stopped him"When are your parents leaving" I asked. "In like 5 minutes" he said. "Then we're waiting 5 minutes" I said. "Nooo" he whined. "Yess" I said. "Fine" he said. We laid in bed waiting until his parents an sister left an Grayson was down stairs. 5 minutes later an then everything got heated. My clothes were all over his room an so we're his. (You know what happens next)
Ethan fell to the side of me an we were both out of air. "holly" I said. "Shit" he said. I laughed an laid my head on his chest. "I love you Madison" he said. "I love you more" I said. "Impossible" he said. "Possible" I said. "Yo Ethan-" Grayson opened Ethan door an I rolled over an pretended I was sleeping. "What do you want for dinnerrrr ohhhh sorry bro" he said. Grayson left an I turned toward Ethan an we both laughed.
Even the littlest things we do even if there dumb it makes me fall for him even more.

(This was just some simple chapter sorry)

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