Chapter 21

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Madisons pov:
I'll I can do is sit here trying to remember things. It's hard though I try so hard to think an get nothing. I still don't know why im here. I've had people tell me memories, a lot.
My parents tell me like 1,000 each day I've been here, which has been 4 days an I'm leaving tommorow.
I learned that my parents are well my parents an I have a sister name rose an I feel like I already knew all that I just had to be told, my best friend name is Ryleigh, an then I have two guy friends name Ethan an Grayson.
(Later that day)

My head was hurting a lot so I squeezed my eyes shut but it didn't do a lot. The pain went a way after a while an I decided to sleep.
"Excuse me can you help me"
Some guy said.
"Uh sure" I said.
I helped him up an got the things he dropped for
Him. "Here you go" I said.
"Thanks babe"
He said. "Ethan" I asked.
"Nope" he said an then threw a bag over my head.
"Help. Stop. Someone help" I screamed trying to get out of his grip. "What is happening out here" I heard a man say. "Help" I shouted. "Ma'm are you ok" I heard him ask an then a gun shot went off. I took the bag off an saw the guy who asked me on the floor dead.

I woke up an shot up. I was sweating an breathing heavily.
The dream kept replaying in my head an my head was pounding. I tried hitting the red button an finally got it.
"What's wrong" a doctor asked coming in. "My head" I said holding my head. "Get it to stop" I said. "Madison it's ok just calm down" the doctor said. "MAKE IT STOP" I screamed.
All these memories were coming back in my head. I was remembering everything.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Madison, happy birthday to youuu" my family sang.
"Blow your candles sweety" my mom said.
"Mom I'm not a baby" I said. "We know honey but your still our baby" my dad says.
I blew my candles out an everyone started cheering. "So what's It like to be 18 sis" my sister asked. "uhh it feels like I'm getting old" I say laughing while hugging her. My dad then came behind me an smashed my face into the cake. "Love you lovey" my dad said. "I love you to dad"
my last birthday.
"Madison an rose" one of the workers called I got up an got our drinks an as I was going back to our table some one ran into me causing me to spill my drink on me. "Great" I said. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry here let me help you up an I'll buy you a knew one" some guy said helping me up. "It's ok an sure" I said.  He ordered what I got again. "Thanks for buying me a new drink" I said. "No problem I mean I spilled your other one on you so it was the least I could do" he said. "Oh I'm Ethan- ethan Dolan by the way"
first time I met Ethan.
There he was Ethan Dolan holding a present an I'm guessing his twin brother behind him because he looked just like him.
"Hey Ethan" I said with the biggest smile ever. "Hey Madison" he said blushing. " uh this is my twin brother Grayson" he said. "Hey uh happy birthday " Grayson said. "Thanks" I said.
First time I met Grayson.
Me: mom?
Mom: (crying) honey were at north hospital.
Me: what why
Mom: rose she- she got hit by a car an- she is in a coma.
When my sister was in the hospital.
I smiled an got up an walked back to the books.
"Yes gray" I said when I saw him. "Nothing just wanted to do this" he said. He quickly grabbed my waist an kissed me. It became heated. "Wanna take this to the bathroom" Grayson asked. "How we're gonna get caught" I said. "We'll be fine" he said grabbing my hand. We snuck out of the library an made our way to the staff bathroom. Grayson picked me up an put me against the wall. He took his shirt off an then took mine off an my pants then his. He began to observe my body an smiled. He pulled a condom out of his bag an I laughed a little . "Why do you have a condom in your bag" I asked. "In case something like this happens" he said smirking.
When I hooked up with Grayson.
Be with him" grayson said."what"I asked. " try an be with him. I know you two love eachother an I'm not gonna stop you guys from being with eachother" he said."I want you to be happy Madison". He looked at me an I looked At him. "I'll always love you grayson" I whispered. "I'll always love you Madison" he whispered back.
When I chose Ethan.
I walked into my House an totally regretted it.
"WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH A BITCH" my dad yelled. "WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH AN ASS" my mom yelled. I stood there watching them fight an finally closed the front door causing them to look at me. "Hey sweetie uh how was school" my dad asked. "It was ok" I said. "I'm gonna uh go up to my room" I said pointing to the stairs. I've never seen my parents scream at each other that badly. I ran into rose room looking for her. She wasn't there. "Mom where's rose" I asked running down stairs. "She should be in her room" my mom said scared. "She's not" I said beginning to freak out. "What" my dad said
When my sister ran To lily's grave.
I was now out of my hospital room trying to walk to the front desk. A doctor tried stopping me but gave up an followed behind me so I didn't fall. I was leaning against a wall until I had another memory.

People came an picked us up. Hannah grabbed the gun an pointed it at me. "I'm gonna shoot both of you now since you guys deserve it" she said.  Before I knew it the gun went off. Ryleigh was staring at me an crying, I looked down an saw She shot me in the stomach. The people untied my hands an I held my wound. "Now your turn Ryleigh" ryleigh was standing there crying an I was loosing blood. "Please don't Hannah" I said.
I went against the wall crying trying to stay standing up. "I wouldn't do that if I was you" I heard someone say. I looked up an a cop was at the door. " or what" Hannah said. "Or I'll have to shoot you now put your gun down" The cop said. I saw Ethan an Grayson behind the cop. I looked at Ethan an he was crying. I then looked back down an removed my hand from my wound an had blood all over my hand.

I closed my eyes an held my head tighter.
"Madison" I heard someone say. My head kept pounding.

" they need what they deserve so there getting it"
Hannah said. She lifted the gun up an pointed it at Ryleigh. "NO" I screamed. I jumped in front of Ryleigh an Hannah pulled the trigger shooting me in the chest. I looked an saw Hannah on the floor dead I then fell to the floor. Ryleigh held me in her arms an I felt her tears fall on my face. "MADISON YOU CANT DIE"
She screamed. I looked at her an held my wound. "Please I love you, you can't leave me or ethan or Rose please PLEASEEE"
Ryleigh begged. I kept trying to talk. "r-r-Ryleigh" I chocked out. "Please Madison don't die" Ethan said dropping to the floor next to me. "I-I-I want -yo-you to be happy w-w-with gray- Grayson, and m-m-make sure e-Ethan finds some- one" I chocked out an began crying. "Madison don't die" she begged again. I looked over at Ethan an smiled. "I love you so much" I said. "Madison please stay with me baby" he said holding my hand. "I'll watch over you guys" I said still crying.  "Madison no" Ryleigh said. "Babe you can't go please I love you I love you GOD DAMN IT DONT DIE" Ethan said.
Everything was getting blurry. "It's to late"
I whispered . I put my hand to his cheek an then my hand fell. I turned my face an saw Grayson staring at me an crying. "I love you" he mouthed. I smiled at him an my eyes closed making everything go black.
"Hey Madison. You probably don't recognize my voice I don't even know if you can hear though. I never thought I'd see you again an when I did I didn't wanna see you like this" I heard a girl say. "I saw what happened to you on the news an I knew I couldn't not come, I needed to see you again. I don't know if your going to make it so I came to say my goodbye to you or my hello to you. When you see me you'll probably freak an well so will mom an dad" she said. Mom and dad this isn't Rose talking to me?
"If you hear me your probably thinking who the hell am I"
She said laughing a little. "It's me Madison. Lily" she said.

It was done the memories coming, the pain was gone, I was now in the entrance an my family, the dolans, an everyone else was there.
"Madison" Ethan said coming infront of me.
"I remember" I said looking around. Everyone that was there for me stood up. "What"Ethan asked. "I remember everything" I said. I looked into his eyes. "I remember my birthday, the first time I met you, first time I met Grayson, memories with Ryleigh, my sister in the hospital an when she ran away, when my parents fought, what Derek did to me, me choosing you, our dates, I remember why I'm here because of Hannah, the last thing I saw before I blacked out that day was you Ryleigh an Grayson crying" I said. Everyone was smiling. I looked at my parents an began to cry. "I even remember lily" I said. They looked shocked. "Wait lily" I said an opened my eyes wider. "Lily" I said again. I turned my head everywhere. I knew I didn't know what she looked like but she probably looked similar."Madison what's wrong" Ethan asked. "My sister" I said still looking around. "Rose is right there" he said pointing to her. "No my other sister. Lily" I said. "What" he asked.
I ran away from everyone looking for her, I knew she was there. "Madison stop" Ethan said. "Honey you need to stop your not strong enough" my dad said. "Honey lilys dead" my mom shouted. "No she's not" I said. My dad was right I was stumbling while running but I kept running. Everyone was running after me, I made my way to the cafeteria an ran into some girl. "I'm so sorry" she said. I recognized the Voice. I finally looked at her an stopped. I heard everyone come in an they were standing at the door. I just stared at the girl an she stared back. She was so pretty an grown up, but she still looked like her young self. "Lily" I said. She looked shocked an nodded her head yes. I began to cry an she did to, I pulled her in for a hug an sat there hugging her an she hugged back. "I missed you sis" she said.
I backed away an smiled. A doctor ran in an at that second I felt a needle go into my arm.
"Wait No-" I heard lily say. "Lily" I whispered. Everything then went black an silent again.

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