Chapter 7:

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~end of school day~
Who ever had detention reported to the library. If you go to library during then detention then you have to clean it an sort books. If you had it in a classroom then you have to sit there in silence an do work. Ryleigh, Jacob, an I walked to detention. There was about 14 kids in library for detention. What shocked me is not only was Ethan there but Hannah an Grayson were.
We all sat down at tables. "Ok guys were separating you guys so 7 of you guys will be on one side of the library an other 7 will be on opposite side" mrs. Lilly said. She's one of our PE teachers.
"Jacob,Grayson,Ethan, Hannah, Madison, josh, and Scott. You guys will be on the right side" she said. Great.
"The rest of you guys will be on the other side" she said. Jacob an I went to go get supplies to clean the library. We ended up making jokes an laughing. Someone walked over to me an tapped my shoulder an I turned around. "Can I talk to you" Ethan said. "Uh-" I got cut off. "Go Madison I'll finish cleaning over here" Jacob said smiling. "Ok" I said. I walked with Ethan over by the books. "What do you want to talk about" I asked. "Us" he said. "What about us" I asked confused. "I mean like friend wise. I mean you won't talk to me an I don't know why" he said. "Look everything's fine I just needed space" I said. "Are we still friends" Ethan asked. "Yeah" I said. "Good" he said coming in to hug me till he was stopped. "Hey babe" Hannah said. "Hey Hannah" Ethan said. She wrapped her arm around his waist an he did same to her. "Uh I'll leave you two I have to go finish" I said akwardly.  I turned around an walked over to the other side where books were. I sorted books an put them back in place. "Hey" a boy said. I looked up an it was Grayson. "Hey" I smiled. "So how have you been" he said. "Gray you don't have to be like that. I'm fine ok just go back to how we were 3 days ago ok" I said smiling. "Ok" he said hugging me. I moved my head to where we were looking into each other's eyes. He looked at my lips an I looked at his. He bit his lip an at that second I kissed him. He kissed back an smiled which caused me to. He leaned me against a book shelf an we basically made out for about a minute. "Madison- oh sorry" Ryleigh said. I looked over at her an she winked an walked away. "We should get back to cleaning this place" I said letting go of Grayson an he let go of me to. I couldn't help but smile. I had sparks with him but not like mine an Ethans. It's to late tho Ethan's taken an I think I like Grayson more now.
I walked over to Ryleigh to help her clean. "So what was that, that I saw" she asked. "Nothing" I said blushing. "Are you guys a thing now" she asked. "Who" Ethan asked. "Uh nobody an no" I said to both them. "She was-" I quickly covered ryleighs mouth. "We'll be right back" I said pulling Ryleigh by the books. "What are you doing" I said. "Sorry can he not know that you an gray kissed" she asked. "No I don't want him to not yet" I said. "Ok ok I won't I'm sorry" she said. "It's fine" I said. We walked back over to Ethan an we all cleaned. Hannah joined us an wouldn't keep her hands off Ethan. I couldn't stop gagging. My phone buzzed an I looked at it.
New message from gray:
Gray: meet me by books again 😉
I smiled an got up an walked back to the books.
"Yes gray" I said when I saw him. "Nothing just wanted to do this" he said. He quickly grabbed my waist an kissed me. It became heated. "Wanna take this to the bathroom" Grayson asked. "How we're gonna get caught" I said. "We'll be fine" he said grabbing my hand. We snuck out of the library an made our way to the staff bathroom. Since there were really no teachers on campus no one would walk in.
Grayson picked me up an put me against the wall. We began to make out again an it got heated. He took his shirt off an then took mine off an my pants then his. He began to observe my body an smiled. He pulled a condom out of his bag an I laughed a little. "Why do you have a condom in your bag" I asked. "In case something like this happens" he said smirking.
(You guys know what happens next)
Grayson an I got changed back into our clothes an snuck back into the library. Before i walked in Grayson pulled me back an kissed me one last time. As I was walking in I ran into Ethan. "Madison where have you been an Wheres gray" he asked. "Uh sorry I had to go get something of mine in the office an I don't know where he is" I said nervously. I walked passed him an saw Grayson wink at me I couldn't help but smile.

Ethan's pov:
Me an Madison our friends again which is good. Plus she found out me an Hannah are dating which I didn't wanna tell her yet but now she knows an she took it well. A while later I walked over to her an Ryleigh. I heard Ryleigh ask Madison if her an someone were a thing. I asked who an Madison said nobody. Ryleigh began to say something but Madison stopped her an dragged her to the books an soon came back.
A while later her an Grayson disappeared. No one knew where they were an I was really hoping they weren't together. Madison finally walked back into the library an I walked up to her asking where she was. I could tell she was lying. She walked passed me an she looked at Grayson an he winked at her. They were definitely together doing who knows what. I don't know why but I was really annoyed that they were.

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