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{_{Luta's POV}_}

Today was a new day at school. I can't wait for today, another bending class.

As I get to the front door to the school Cinder and Sue are there. They were talking so fast and together I didn't know what they were saying.

"WOOOWOOOO! Clam down and one at a time guys." I say putting my finger to my mouth then remove it.

"My mom's been kidnapped!!" Sue yells.

"BE QUIET!!" I yell at her then she becomes quiet. "And did you know my brother is a air bender and never told me?! SO Mean! When he came yesterday night he gave me a note." But she gets cut off by Cinder.

"You mean us, right?" She asks Sue.

"Yeah, whatever. So the note said 2/3 and I think he's going after your mother too." Sue whispers.

"WHAT?! Well then lets leave school and GO!" I yell then look embarrassed because everyone is looking at me.

"I think we should get the boys too because they have cool skills we could use." Cinder says.

"Ok, then lets get them." So we went separate ways and look for the boys.

Once we got the I guess they told them about what's about to happen and so did I. We all met at the front door to the school.

"REALLY?!" Asks Renzo.

"Well that's we think." I reply. "Now lets GO!"

So we go out the door and get in the car and go through the portal and to my house.

I run through the door to see my mom laying on the couch.

"Whewww. She's still her." I say and turn around.

"I'm not sure." Says Renzo and he was right by the couch. WOW he does have mad skills of being quiet and fast.

He pulls over the covers and it wasn't my mom. It was a manican with a face that looked like my mom's.

"So he or she was already here?! Lets go find him!" I yell.

So we run outside and we see a man with a black cloak with my mom.

I run over and find a puddle and run the water to him, but I missed.

Everyone else was doing the same. Leo was doing his earth bending and same with Sue. Renzo and Cinder were flaming him up but his cloak was like fire prof.

Lexi and Liam were air bending but he wouldn't blow off, like he was a boulder and wouldn't fall.

Once we kinda of got tired of running and bending we stopped and so did he.

He turned around but we couldn't see his face but we could see my mom. Before I knew it and my friends everything went black.


I woke up on a couch. It was my couch from my house. I look up and wake up a little bit more. I see Sue, Leo, Renzo, Cinder, Lexi, and Liam.

They were talking and talking on the couch and chairs before I said, "BE QUIET!" I yell. They look over to me and are quiet now. "We need to find that man, or I won't see my mom!" I could fell fear and a tear drop fell. Even though I didn't know  a lot about my mom and we never talked I still loved her.

"But Luta, we can find him some how. Maybe they will send another note." Renzo says trying to cheer me up.

"Or maybe they wont." Sue replied but then Renzo looked over to her and gave her a dirty look.

"We need to find our moms. They might be tortured or dead or something!" Cinder said.

"But how are we going to find him? We didn't put a tracking device on him or anything and also how the crap did he make us fall asleep so fast?!" Liam said.

"I'm not sure. He must have a different power or he threw something and we didn't see it and it was a sleep bomb." Sue replied.

"But I didn't see a bomb or see him throw anything." Leo said.

"We are going to wait for a note and if they don't well then, it sucks for us." I reply. "Lets just get back to the school." I say.

"Shes right. It's getting dark and we all missed school. Lets go." Renzo replied.

So we all went to the car and stayed quiet. Went through the portal and got back to the school.

We told the principle what we did but lied about it. Instead of saying we went to find my mom we said "We went to the mall and went out to lunch and we fell bad for missing school". I'm not sure if he bought it or if he was being nice but we didn't get in trouble.

We went to our dorms and I was in mine.

I sat on my bed with my PJs on.

'What are they going to do?' I ask myself.

Before I knew it I was asleep.


I see our moms in a big cell. Chained up to the wall.

'They look starving!' I yell to myself.

I turn around to see my friends also chained.

'WHAT THE HECK?!' I say to myself.

I see the man with the cloak again waling by. I followed him to big doors. We went through them to see a man. He was tough looking and he has an eye on his forehead.

I wasn't sure what they were talking about but before I knew it they were looking at me.

"Well deal or not?" The cloak man asked.

I wasn't sure what was going on but before I knew it I heard a scream.

I look over to the moms. There fine. I look over to my friends to see Sue bleeding to death.

I have a shocked face on me before I woke up on a sweaty bed.

"Oh it was just a dream." I whisper to myself. I go back to sleep.

Thank you for reading hope you like it. ^_^

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