This is my life.

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I talked to my mom the other day about the whole new beginning that I want, She said she wanted to come but I don't want that, I need like a fresh start with Ava and chey I don't need my mom I need to be grown up and start being a mother, And having responsibilities. I mean I already have responsibilities but I don't need my mom coming and stopping twice a day and making sure I have looked after my kid. I know how to be a mom I mean I looked after my self almost my whole life and I think im doing a good job at being a mom. I asked a few people and they all said I was doing good, I love being a mom and supporting my Ava, I'll do anything to make her happy and to smile, Cause she makes me happy so ill do the same for her. So I made up my mind to leave here and go somewhere else, Im going to start looking today with chey, We were thinking about L.A because it isn't that far from Hollywood and I still don't know how Ava will do for long rides. Chey and I were sitting in my room on our laptops looking for houses to buy, we looked at a lot of houses we found 2 that we like but we think it will be best to call the people that are selling the houses and book a date to come look at the houses. We called and made a date and time, Were leaving tomorrow night and are going to stay at a hotel for the night then meet the people, Im going to ask my mom to look after Ava just for the time im gone. I picked up my phone and called her.


"Hey mom I have a huge favor to ask"

"Okay what is it?" She asked

" Can you watch Ava tomorrow night and during the day while Chey and I go and look at 2 houses that we liked?" I asked hoping she would say yes

"Yeah Of course I will, you haven't asked me to watch her yet and im proud of you" She said

"Okay thank you mom, I'll drop her off at about 7 she goes to bed at 9-930 have a good night bye mom"

We said our good byes and hung up. It was about 10:30 so I decided to try and get some sleep.

**8:30 Am**

I woke up to hear Ava whining, she wasn't crying just whining probably trying to get my attention. I got up and walked to her crib, I looked over at her and she started smiling. I picked her up and went downstairs to the kitchen. I went to the cupboard and grabbed the stuff to make Ava her bottle, after I was down I went to the living room and sat down in the rocking chair. When Ava was down her bottle I set it on the coffee table and started rocking her, 10 minutes later I looked down and saw that she had fallen a sleep. I carefully stood up and walked up to my room, I set Ava down in her crib. I grabbed a dipper bag and a back pack, I started to pack everything Ava needed for when she was at my moms house, Then I started to pack what I needed. I thought since Ava is a sleep I could take a nap until she wakes up from hers.

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