1 Week later

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Somtimes I'll put a week later.

1 week later


Its been 8 days sence Steve and I got together. It has also been a week sence Jason got here.
Jason is a total FLIRT! He'll flirt with me at any chance he gets. I found out that Jason is'nt John's real son that he got married about 5 years ago, His wife had her son Jason before John and her met. She passed away 2 Years later and Jason moved in with his grandparents, But they called John to take Jason cause they cant handle cause after she died he started acting out.
Cheyenne went home the next day. We also looked at some houses, we found one that we really like.  We are thinking about buying but I still hav'nt talked to my mom about it but anyway I havnt told her!
We are thinking about moving in soon in about acouple days so I have to talk to her soon I think I'll bring it up at dinner.

I was at my desk going threw twitter on my laptop, when there was a knock on my door.
"Uggh.. Hold on!"
I just remember I havent talked to Steve for a while.

I opened the door and Jason was there.
"What do you want Jason?" I asked Annoyed.
"Came to see what you are doing!"
As I walked to desk, I sat down.
"Oh? and why is that?"
I started going threw twitter
"Well I was thinking about after dinner if you wanted to get to no eachother abit?"  Jason asked.

"Well I guess if Ya wanna!"

"Ok see ya at dinner!"

"See ya"

Jason walked to the door and walked out.

I checked the time 4:22pm.

hmm what to do, what to do tell diner
20 Mins past and I was just laying in bed on Facebook.


I heard the door bell, I got up and went to my speaker.
"Who is it?"

"Cheyenne, Now let me in!"

"Aha! Okay"

I pressed the gate open button and walked down stairs. As I got to the last stair Chey just walked threw the door.

"Hey Chey!"
"Hey Faithy! Hows it like having a teenage boy living with you?" She asked

"Eee... well He is a total flirt!!"

"Haha thats Boys for ya! Well anyway I brang by the papers for the house that you'll need to sign, Papers for the INFO on the house and the date when we can go give the signing papers to the lanloard and when we can move in!"
She went on

"Uh okay.. I will bring all this up to my mom later but firrisst.. lets go to my room" I said


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