Chapter Seven

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"I swear these people I call employees want to see the nigga behind Killa" I growled into the phone, I get pissed off really quickly and my so called employees ain't doing shit right. I sat down since the pacing was making me more mad then I was "calm down nigga, I'm sure it isn't as bad" "isn't as bad? nigga I'm losing money and if Kareem lose money then somebody gotta pay up" I snarled into the phone, that's what I get for calling Chris' annoying ass.

There was a minute pause "yo Killa I gotta handle sum real quick" Chris said reluctantly and I knew something was up with him "was sup with you? better not lie to me either" I warned, he sighed "a couple of niggas been staring at Zi from the moment she got to school and I mean STARING" is he fucking serious right now. I packed what I needed and left my office "forward all my calls to my business phone" I passed my assistant and pressed the down button for the elevator "where you going Killa?" I hang up the phone and impatiently wait for the elevator to come.

I parked my car outside Zi'harias' school, tried to calm myself down before I got inside. Teens were walking around which I'm guessing was lunch period, some these nasty ass bitches tried to touch me I pushed her aside and said a couple of words that might make her stop being a how well I did say it might 'once a how always a how unless there is blessing in disguise for ya' I walked towards the cafeteria, stood outside and looked for Zi.

What I saw took my anger to a whole nother level, I burst in there slamming the double doors and walk towards Zia's table like the boss I am. I heard girls say some dumb shit about I could hit what they got in between they legs but my mission was to get Zi and leave.

I snatched off the nigga hand off Zi's shoulders "Zi let's go!" I said calmly but give that nigga a cold ass glare and a warning look him "b-but K-k-k" oh hell no, I'm bout to pick her up and throw her over my shoulder, I snapped my head towards her and pulled her to a standing position "GET YOUR STUFF AND LETS GO! I don't want to repeat myself again" I commanded and watched her pack up her stuff and make sure she everything from the table and walked off in front of me. This nigga grew a pair when he tried to punch me when I wasn't looking but I sent his ass into a straight coma and his left side came into contact with the table, ain't getting out of it any time soon.

People looked at me shocked, wide-eyed and speechless but I didn't have time to waste my time and breath on them. I walked to my car and sighed because now baby girl seems shaken up and didn't turn around once to look at me.

Throughout the ride to my other house Zi stayed quiet looking out the car window, once in a while I would look at the side of her face. She acts tough around a whole lot of people but deep down she is sensitive, vulnerable and a wall built up to keep her from getting hurt by anyone. I pulled into my second mansion drive way, I only came here because I had important stuff to care off and because people know about my other crib they be bothering me non stop. I stopped the car, got out and walked to Zi side of the car and opened the door for her. She slowly got out and mumbled a thank you but never looked at me. I stopped her from walking away from me, I held her face in my hand making her look at me. I guess I have to apologize "Zi I'm sorry about what happened, please forgive me" she shook her head out my hands and walked to the porch and waited for me to open the door for her which I did but kept staring at her as she walked around the house to get used to it.

"Where do I sleep?" she asked nonchalantly glancing my way, I lead her up the spiral stairs to my master bedroom and show her where everything is. I walk out to let her do what she needed to do and walk into the kitchen. I normally don't make anything for nobody but my heart can't take it with Zi not talking to me. I made some Italian pasta, with a side of shrimp, salad and for dessert we have a combination of strawberries with either chocolate mousse or this vodka whip cream I purchased a few days ago.

I prepared everything and waited for her to come down the stairs cause I know she smelt the aroma of food, and yes mama taught me how to cook while I was younger. A few minutes later Zi decided to finally come and join me. I pulled put her chair and let her sit down "what's all this for?" she asked looking down at her plate "this is a way of me showing you that I'm sorry" he said sitting across from her, all she did was nod her head.

We said grace and dug in, this food was on point if I had to say so myself. I stared attentively at how beautiful Zi looked when she was eating, she was beautiful whether she cooking or cleaning sometimes I have to pull myself together whenever I spot her bent over cleaning the cupboards.

"I forgive you" she sent a small smile my way, I got up after seeing we were both done eating and came back with the dessert, I smirked cause a nigga knew I had a whole of options to put this whip cream to good use. I took a strawberry dipped it into the chocolate mousse and brought it up to her lips.

Parting them slightly, she bit into the chocolate covered strawberry and unconsciously licked my finger that made my dick twitch. I fed her another resulting in her sucking on my finger "Lil girl you playing with fire and we all know what happens when you do" I smirked at her.

She got a strawberry and got the whip cream glazing it, as she was about to bite it, it slipped out of her hand leaving whipped cream above her chest and chin. Zi attempted to wipe it off but I got hold of her hands "let me" I kisser along her jawline until I got to her whip covered chin licking it hearing her take deep breaths "relax beautiful" I kissed down her neck where I had left a hickey and left a new one.

Her moans turned me on, I licked and sucked on the whipped cream, I spelled my name on her chest with my tongue. Lifting her shirt to see her gorgeous voluptuous body...


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