Chapter Nineteen

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All those times Zi had came to visit me and spoke to me, I heard everything how she actually loved me and was looking for the person who did this to me. When she placed her soft lips upon mine I managed to kiss back a lil just enough to show her I was awake and could hear her. The Dr came in and checked me out and took some blood to run tests on.

Zi'haria walked into the room with Explosive right behind her but she went and sat in the far corner "Zi come over here girl sitting so damn far away" I motioned for her her to come sit on the bed beside me, she slowly got up from the couch and slowly walked towards the bed I had been placed in and she sat down "wassup witchu Zi?" I asked only for her to shake her head and say "nothing" I could see the distant look in her eyes, looking towards Explosive he just shrugged "I'll be right back... I have to call someone" she stood up, pecked my cheek and walked the room.

"Yo man we finally figured who shot you" Explosive said, I just nod and wait for him to continue while I thought of Zi "word on the street is that his name is Blood but you know when you throw a couple of hundreds we got his name... Mason" he finished. I look at him "have you found his location yet?" he shook his head "he ain't got no location he is always on the move" he sighed "find the ma'fucker and I want him alive... got that?" I stated but I couldn't help but wonder about Zi "look for his family too we might need them to put this plan in action" I conclude.

Few minutes later Zi walks into my room with a bouquet of white lilies "are those for me?" Explosive cooed holding his hand to his heart "no" Zi said with an attitude. She walked over to the bin in my room and threw them in and walked to the couch in the far corner "I'm still gonna check shit" he mumbled as he walked to the bin and took them out looking at them closely and saw a note sticking out "ooh a note" he smirked and opened it, clearing his throat "uhm... Whenever I closed my eyes your beautiful face appeared, I had sleepless nights wondering if my precious jewel was safe but I see you are.
I can't wait to hold you like I used to, I missed you Zi'haria Beautiful Jones
-Love your not so secret admirer" I looked towards Zi and she had looked down at her hands that were shaking.

I calm myself down before I say something I would regret but I glared at her "Zi who sent these?" but she never looked up and didn't say a word which pissed me off "Zi'haria I won't ask yo ass again WHO SENT YOU THESE FUCKING FLOWERS?" She jumped up a bit cause I hadn't used that tone on her in a long ass time. She looked out the window to avoid my glare and Explosives curious eyes "some boy gave them to me in the reception area when I walked in" she said but o knew there was some more shit she was hiding so I asked "who is this 'not so secret admirer' huh? Don't think about lying either" she cleared her throat and looked at me for the first time since she had walked on here with the flowers "M-m-m-ma" she stutters, a person stuttering irks my nerves "M-M-M-MA WHO?" I yell out "MASON SENT THEM ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!?" She yelled back and her ass better be lucky I'm in this bed or I'd have her right beside me on a hospital bed herself, I clench and unclench my fists and my jaw.

"Very..." I groaned out staring at her "so you know Mason?" Explosive asked curiously breaking the stare down between Zi'haria and I, I must admit she done grew a pair to be looking at me like she lost her damn mind "yea, he is Asia's cousin" she answers softly "but what was he to you?" he turned his body to look at her attentively "he was a friend at first before our relationship blossomed into something more and that was wayy before he changed" I felt her eyes on me but I was looking up at the ceiling waiting for her to continue "we would do normal couple things like go out and cuddled but then I found out something about him that led us to breaking up..." she picks up a glass pours water in and takes a big gulp to probably calm her nerves "the first month of the break up was ok but then after that things changed I got cards, gifts and weird messages from him, it kept going on for five months and I found out from Asia that his room was filled with pics of me in the shower, at the park or wherever which scared me" I was pissed I threw a glass onto the floor "so what ain't like he hurt or some shit" I stated "the morning after Asia told me I vowed to stay as far away from Mason as I could but it didn't work we were at school..." she told us about what happened the day she was beat up so bad that I wanted to hold her and apologize for all the pain and heartache I caused her.

I look at Explosive "Look for him, find him and take him to the trap and Zi I'm getting you body guards..." I order and watch Explosive walk out the room leaving Zi and I "but K-" "but nothing Zi its the only way you'll be safe if I'm not around you" I look at her and she sighs "ok fine" she finally gave up "hey baby I heard you were awake" Lai walked in without looking at Zi who sat beside me "Lai get out" I said looking at Zi who was calm "cause this bitch is here and oh here you go" she handed me my black card.

This bitch has been on a shopping spree with my fucking card and has never been here to see me? "Lai I'm tired of all this shit... I want you to get the fuck out my house better yet gimme the damn keys right now" I hiss, she takes them out quickly and gives them to me "how am I gonna get my stuff then?" she asked stupidly "if I bought it, it ain't your shit no more and the car keys" I held out my hand "please don't take the Range" she cried "its either you want the clothes or the range or nothing at all your choice" she contemplated "you taking too long so I'll decide for you... you get nothing" Zi snatched the car keys out her hand and placed them in her purse "bit-" "I dare your ass to finish that word" Zi challenged "whatever" Lai backed off and exited the room "where did that come from?" I asked with a smirk "I have to grow and put on my big girl panties or these bitches will think they can walk over me like they used to" I bit my bottom lip, I have never been so turned on before.

The nurse walked in and I saw Zi mug her "hey Kareem" the nurse flirts "its Mr Michaels to you" Zi interjected making the nurse roll her eyes "is your body in any pain" she rubbed on my forearm only for Zi to pull her away "if you want to keep then eyes and them hands you better check yo self all on my man like that" I chuckle "bitch try me" the nurse challenged making Zi laugh "gurl you better back down now or you'll be in hospital fo' real" she pulled her hair into a bun. The nurse tackled Zi and got in a good fee hits until Zi punched her knocking her down and half unconscious onto the floor "its not cute to fight for a man boo now my work here is done" Zi kissed me and dragged the nurse out the room "somebody come help this bitch... she hit her head on the floor after I punched her one good time... hell no she needs to get her, her own man... sue me I don't give a fuck... have a good day doctor" I chuckled.

Now to see how I'll get Mason and deal with the rest of the bull shit the trap has been going through. Sigh.

Excuse any mistakes

I'm proud of myself three updates a few minutes apart. I've noticed some silent readers and sone voters that don't comment please leave me some feedback.

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