Chapter Seventeen

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I glare at the human beings that stood in front of me after a long as time "what you doing here?" I asked harshly "Beautiful... we uhh" my dad choked on his words "here is the money we owed Killa" my mom added to settle the tension that was slowly building in the office "we came to get you baby..." she smiled slightly "Zi we sorry for putting you in our business baby" she continued.

I looked at them like they had no place in my life, they were the enemy, they help make me like this "how much you got?" I snapped out all the thoughts of how they treated me and actually might have once cared for me "20 grand" my dad placed the duffle bag that contained the money inside on the desk, I open it and check if its all there as they say "baby please come home" my mom sobbed "I'll think about it... you can go now" I didn't look up at them, seeing my mom cry would make me all emotional and this was the time I had to be a big girl and stop the crying.

(Three Weeks Later)

If I wasn't at home taking care of my babies, or at the trap trying to find out who put a hit on Kareem I was by his side at the hospital even though he was in a coma "hey baby" I placed the flowers his sister told me to bring along on the table in the corner, walking to his hospital bed I looked down at his sleeping body "its crazy how we met and how I hated you once but look at me now, I've had opportunities to run away but here I am, right by your side... I love you and I know I shouldn't but I do" I wiped my tear, kissing his lips and I felt him kiss back "Kareem can you hear me?" I asked holding onto his hand as he squeezed it.

I pressed on the button the nurse told me to press on whenever I needed assistance "Kareem you had me worried about you" I laughed lightly but tears flowing down my cheeks "he moved... he squeezed my hand..." Kareem groaned as he opened his eyes slowly "get Dr Robinson in here" the nurse instructed another and seconds later in came Dr Robinson "ma'am could you please leave us for a few minutes" I walked out the room and let them do their thing.

"How is he doing?" Jonathan asked as he sat beside me in the waiting room "he woke a few minutes ago" I sigh "that's great now we can take Mason down! Nigga thought he could shoot at Killa and get away with it? He must be high on some cheap ass shit" Jono gritted 'Mason... Mason...Mason' I thought, then it hit me Asia's crazy ass cousin that somehow had a crush on me or should I say obsessed.

I kept it to myself for the time being, I thought he was in some mental institution in Texas but I guess he was too crazy for them to handle. The Dr let us back into Kareem's room and we was chilling while Jono filled him in on the things that have been happening at the trap and who had shot at him.

"Zi come over here girl sitting so damn far away" Kareem said motioning for me to sit on the bed beside him, I slowly got up from the couch that was in the far corner and slowly walked towards his bed and sat down "wassup witchu Zi?" I shook my head "nothing" I said lowly "I'll be right back... I have to call someone" I stood up, pecked his cheek and walked the room and let talk business.

I hit up Asia as soon as I was outside the hospital.

Asia- "Hey Beautiful" she answered after the third ring

Me- "Hey A but A got to ask you something..." I paused waiting for her to say 'okay' which she did "A is Mason still in Texas or...?" I ask

Asia- "gurl I heard that nigga escaped using some toothpaste and some Vaseline" I looked at the phone like that some crazy shit "I know it sounds crazy but if I were you I'd be careful cause you know he got a thing for you"

Me- "its not a thing but an obsession I can't go through that again A, you better find yo cuz before Kareem do or that's his ass" I said truthfully, ain't nothing stopping Kareem from killing Mason on the spot wherever he might see him

Asia- "he a grown ass man and he need to own up to the bull shit he has been causing..." she paused probably thinking if she should tell me or not "he is wanted in more than 15 States as is already and if he ever come across Killa I'll be sure to pray for him long and hard" she concluded

Me- "A I gotta go all this is too much right now... love you"

Asia- "Remember to watch your back when you alone that nigga is crazy... love you too"

I hang up and look around me and make my way back inside the hospital "umm excuse me are Miss Zi'haria?" a boy that looked to be around 9 or 10 asked, nodding my head "here you go" he gave me a bouquet of white lilies that happen to be my favorite flower, I look at the flowers to see a note on the side

Whenever I closed my eyes your beautiful face appeared, I had sleepless nights wondering if my precious jewel was safe but I see you are.
I can't wait to hold you like I used to, I missed you Zi'haria Beautiful Jones

-Love your not so secret admirer

I close the note and try to give back the flowers only this time the boy was gone, I walked up the stairs and into Kareem's room "are those for me?" Jono cooed "no" I say with hint of attitude. I walk to the bin and throw them inside only for Jono's nosey behind to get them out the bin and spot the note "ooh a note" he smirked and opened it, clearing his throat "uhm... Whenever I closed my eyes your beautiful face appeared, I had sleepless nights wondering if my precious jewel was safe but I see you are.
I can't wait to hold you like I used to, I missed you Zi'haria Beautiful Jones
-Love your not so secret admirer" I looked down at my shaking hands that where placed on my lap.

"Zi who sent these?" Kareem asked me with a glare but I never looked up and didn't say a word "Zi'haria I won't ask yo ass again WHO SENT YOU THESE FUCKING FLOWERS?" I jumped at his sudden outburst. I looked everywhere besides him nor Jono "some boy gave them to me in the reception area when I walked in" I said telling half of the truth "who is this 'not so secret admirer' huh? Don't think about lying either" I clear my throat and look at him "M-m-m-ma" I stutter "M-M-M-MA WHO?" "MASON SENT THEM ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!?" I yelled out cause it was kind of a reflex I started getting once somebody yells at me I yell back making him clench and unclench his fists and so was his jawline.

"Very..." Kareem groaned out "so you know Mason?" Jono asked curiously breaking the stare down between Kareem and I "Yea, he is Asia's cousin" I answer "but what was he to you?" giving me his attention "he was a friend at first before our relationship blossomed into something more and that was wayy before he changed" I look at Kareem and he had been looking up at the ceiling "we would do normal couple things like go out and cuddled but then I found out something about him that led us to breaking up..." I drink some water "the first month of the break up was ok but then after that things changed I got cards, gifts and weird messages from him, it kept going on for five months and I found out from Asia that his room was filled with pics of me in the shower, at the park or wherever which scared me" Kareem threw something on the floor "so what ain't like he hurt or some shit" he stated "the morning after Asia told me I vowed to stay as far away from Mason as I could but it didn't work we were at school..."

Sorry for the late update but I had to handle some stuff but here you go :-)

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