Chapter Fourteen

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Zi'haria let it sink into her mind, pregnant? Nope not her, she believed it was all in Mya's mind nothing more. The ride down in the elevator with Mya they shared a short conversation but what Mya had said still had Zi'haria in shock. It happened once and she surely thought Kareem used protection.

Disturbing her train of thoughts, the elevator doors dinged to show they reached the company lobby making Mya wrap her slender arm into Zi'haria's chubby arm "so who is the father?" choking on her breath "Mya I'm not pregnant OK, now can we just change the subject" Zi'haria defensively stated "mhm but this isn't over Zi, believe me" Mya leads them to her apple red Range Rover.

Kareem didn't know he was walking straight into a trap set up by the one and only Smoke, Smoke never liked being second best he always wanted to be first in everything. It all started when he became friends with Kareem girls always seemed to swoon whenever they saw Kareem and never acknowledged Smoke. Smoke coming from a broken home he always thought that people didn't care but there were a handful of people that cared so much about him but he never saw it 'cause he was on a mission trying to take down his own best friend Kareem.

"Smoke... Smoke" Kareem yelled out once he walked into his trap house, something was off and he felt it in his gut but brushed it to the side. Smoke walked out of one of the many rooms in the trap with an evik smirk plastered on his face "was sup Killa" Kareem confused at his friend's sudden change of behavior "what was so important that I had to leave the office?" there was no time to waste when it came to his businesses.

Smoke chuckling, a cold metal barrel pressed to Killa's temple but he didn't flinch "so this how we do fam na?" Killa said too calm for Smokes liking, Smoke wanted to see Killa squirm and beg not to be killed but Killa stood there as if he wasn't afraid of death he had accustomed to the fast life and the many near death experiences that feeling a gun against his temple didn't have him petrified.

"We was never fam, you stole from me so now you gotta pay" Smoke gritted out with a growl, with a smile Killa observed his once closest friend Smoke was easy to take down with the correct strategy but seeing no one had observed his way of shooting it was gonna be a mission and a half "give him a taste of his own medicine but don't kill him just yet..." Smoke walked off into another room in the trap house when five more men stood around in a circle with Killa in the middle "taking down the mighty Killa..." one smirked rubbing his hands "this is a sight to see" he chuckled.

A day turned into two,
Two days turned into a week,
A week turned into several weeks &
Weeks turned into months

Zi'haria lies in bed thinking if Kareem was alive and well, she rubs her growing baby bump the day she found out she was pregnant had her emotions and hormones all over the place and Kareem not being around at all made her angry and very emotional.

She missed how he annoyed her with the simplest things, she feels her lips and remembers how Kareem used to kiss her with so much passion and lust and her heart was aching from not seeing the guy she loved walk around the house but there she lies thinking if Kareem was OK.

"Zizi you need to eat and we need to get you all cleaned up... my brother wouldn't want you to be all sad and locked up in here" Mya walked into Kareem's bedroom where Zi'haria refused to move from until Kareem came back "I'm not hungry" Zi'haria said taking a glance at the delicious food Mya had cooked for her "Zi think of your baby please, if yu don't eat then that baby won't grow and you and I both know Kareem is grown enough to look after himself but that baby can't cause you starving him" Mya pleaded with Zi'haria. Zi'haria had been skipping meals the only time she actually ate is when Mya gives her a long speech about her unborn baby.

Zi'haria took the plate and started eating, two days without eating when you pregnant is bad for the development of the baby, letting out a soft belch "can I have some more please?" Zi'haria knew what Mya was saying was true "you didn't have to ask of course you can, gotta get my nephew's weight up" Mya giggled walking out the bedroom. Zi'haria took it as a chance to get herself washed up and clean.

In a dark room surrounded by four walls, a chain wrapped around his left ankle that is connected to the wall Killa could only do so much, no windows and the door had been on watch 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Each day he had to look at these four walls but in mind keeping a plan to get himself out of there, Smoke was starting to show off how he had taken Killa's place in the game.

Zi'haria baffled that Chris has not come over once since Kareem's disappearance but word on the street on how he was the new King of the streets confused her, he was supposed to be helping her find Kareem but he was too busy spending money and showing off his new found spot on a throne "Zi that nigga Chris is crazy" Asia said eating some Gummy bears "he told a few people that he had taken Killa out" wide eyed Zi'haria let's the information sink in "he killed him?" a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Zi don't cry take action show his ass that if Killa ain't around you the B.O.S.S cut the bullshit and go gangster on his behind" Asia said all ghetto. Zi had told her best friend about Kareem's occupations and didn't judge but kept the secret ever since "go fix your face hun" Mya said to Zi, leaving to do that Asia and Mya raided her closet and put an outfit together that said 'Don't fuck with me or I'll rock your shit' and still sexy, once Zi was out the bathroom "put that one we going to the hood" Mya said with an all black outfit as well as Asia.

Zi grabbed the clothing and walked into her closet, just because a guy once admired each and every part of her body didn't mean she her insecure ways stopped. She put on camouflage leggings, black tank with 'Baddest' in gold letters, her black and gold custom made Timbs, two gold chains, black beanie and MK Rolex wrist watch.

Walking out her closet Asia and Mya looked at her in shock, she had gotten more ass, curves for daysssss and she looking Sexy yet reading to kill. They walked down the spiral stairs and walked into his garage where there was a variety of cars to choose from "let's take the Range" "noo how about the Hummer" Asia and Mya argued "we taking the Mustang" Zi stated and got in the drivers seat.

Stopping the car across the street from the trap house "do you think he is in there?" Zi asked, both nodding their heads "some people would never think of lookin for him here cause well this is his trap" Mya says, Asia accidentally bumps the glove compartment and a shiny black glock is revealed. Take the first step and the rest will follow.

Do you think this means war for Zi'haria?

Kareem locked up in his own trap or nah?

Aww Zizi is pregnant but her baby daddy not around :(

Any thoughts on Chris?

This chapter is dedicated to all my commenters, silent voters and readers :)

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