Chapter 5: Fly

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A/N: Soooo I think now is a good time to mention that all the chapters are country songs... Hopefully you'll continue to read! These are some are of my favorite songs and artists and I love being able to share!

"So keep on climbing, though the ground might shake.  Just keep on reaching though the limb might break.  We've come this far, don't you be scared now. 'Cause you can learn to fly on the way down." ~Maddie & Tae

Two days after Kate Beckett met the famous author in the bar, she woke up to her phone alarm screeching on her bedside table.  She rolled over and hit the snooze button once again.  When it scared her awake five minutes later, she jolted out of bed and finally her feet hit the floor.

Wrapped in her bathrobe, she wandered into the kitchen to brew herself a coffee.  When she finally figured out the complex machine, it was way more complicated than the one she owned, she moved to the couch and flipped on the morning news.

She noticed a note sitting on the coffee table. 

Kate, went out to spend the day with Javi.  I'll pick up takeout on my way home.  See ya later!  -L

Well great, she thought.  What was she suppose to do all day? 

Three hours later, and Kate was bored out of her mind.  She had already took a shower, got ready for her day, painted her nails, and had a second cup of coffee while she watched two episodes of Temptation Lane. 

Her phone rang from the kitchen and she gratefully accepted the distraction.  When the caller I.D. showed an unknown number, she was surprised to feel  disappointed when she didn't see Rick's name there.  When did that happen?

"Beckett," she answered with her usual greeting.

"Hey, beautiful," the voice slurred from the other side.

"Josh, what the hell do you want?"

He could barely talk he was so far gone and Kate cringed thinking about how much he's drank.  "I miss you, Kate.  Why don't you come over tonight.  You know, we can make up and just hang out a little bit.  I really am sorry."

Not wanting to tell him where she was, in fear of him coming, she lied and said, "No, I have work to do.  And even if I didn't, I still wouldn't come"

"C'mon, please," he begged. "It'll be fun."

"No, Josh."  Kate was fuming.  Who did he think he was?  Calling her like this, drunk off his ass.  She couldn't deal with him and was grateful they ended things when they did.

"Oh, but Kate, look at what you've done to me.  I'm sitting here all alone, drunk at a bar, just like your fath-"

"Don't even think about finishing that sentence," Kate snarled.  "How dare you talk about my dad like that?  After everything I've been through!  How could you!?  I trusted you!  I trusted you with everything!  How could you throw it in my face like that?!  You're an excuse of a man, Josh.  Don't ever even think about calling me again."

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