Chapter 7: Take Your Time

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A/N: Sorry it took longer for this chapter! School starts in a week and I've gotten busier with summer winding down. From now on, I'm not going to be able to post as much as I have been so I'll stick with one update a week on Friday's :) Thanks for understanding! And, on a brighter note... CASTLE SEASON PREMIERE IS IN 1 MONTH EXACTLY!!!! Don't know about you guys, but I am so ready for Castle Monday's to be back.

"I don't wanna steal your freedom.  I don't wanna change your mind.  I don't have to make you love me.  I just wanna take your time." ~Sam Hunt


Rick Castle practically sprinted out of his daughter's bedroom and down the steps taking them two at a time.  When he finally made it downstairs, he slowed to a walk and took a deep breath.  He just couldn't believe his eyes.  The extraordinary Kate Beckett was sitting there, on his couch, eyes closed, and looking more beautiful than ever.

His heart was beating wildly in his chest, and he needed to figure out a way to grab her attention.  Slowly, he placed his right hand on the top of her knee, and the spark was enough to startle them both.

Just as Kate's eyes flew open, Castle's hand sprung off her leg.  "Jeez, Castle, you have to stop scaring me like that," she replied.

When Kate got nothing in return, she looked over to see a very confused and intrigued Richard Castle.  He was looking at her like she was speaking a different language.  He just kept staring at her with a lost expression. "Hello," she said waving her hand in front of his face, "Earth to Rick."

His mouth turned up to the biggest smile she's ever seen, "You called me Castle..."

"Yeah..." she said, not fully understanding where he was going.  "Sorry, it's a cop thing."

"A cop thing?!  That makes me like it even more!"

Kate had never seen anyone that excited about something that trivial before.  "You're a child, Richard Castle."

"A ruggedly, handsome child, though," he flashed a confident smile.

Kate blushed thinking about just how handsome he actually was.  She thought back to her and Rick's shared summer, and she pictured him as the scrawny, shy little boy he used to be.  Yes, she thought, age had treated him well.  Without thinking, she spoke, "Trust me Rick, I knew you as a child, you're much more ruggedly handsome now."

"I'm flattered officer, really, but I must say, I always knew you'd be pretty, I just didn't know how beautiful you'd actually turn out to be."

When Kate gave no response, Rick worried that he had pushed her too far.  He opened his mouth to apologize at the same time Kate started to say something.  She was smiling like crazy, "You first," she laughed.

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