Chapter 17: That's Where It Is

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A/N: This chapter is complete fluff - a little change of pace for us. I had to split this chapter and it's still really long. I hope you enjoy it!!!

"When I'm crashing through the madness, not sure who I'm supposed to be. When I'm caught up in the darkness, it's your hand that's leading me. You bring me back to solid ground. You lift me up right here, right now. In a midnight talk, in a morning kiss, when I'm in your arms, that's where it it." ~Carrie Underwood


The headlights of Kate's Crown Vic passed over the front of Castle's beachfront home as she pulled into his driveway. It was pitch black and no lights were coming from inside the house. Deep down she knew that he wasn't going to up anymore, but she wished he was. It would make this next part of her plan (or non-plan, considering she didn't have one) easier.

She killed the engine as she thought about what her next step should be. She couldn't just go to his door and knock. He wouldn't hear it, and if he did she didn't want to scare him. She could call him but what if his phone wasn't nearby? It was still worth a shot though. She dialed his memorized number and there was no answer. Damn it, she thought, what now?

She was racking her brain when it hit her. He had a key hidden in the potted plant next to the front door. Quickly, she grabbed her bag from the backseat of her car and dialed his number once again. If he didn't wake up from the blaring of his cell for a second time, he wouldn't wake when she opened the door to his home.

As she approached the steps it hit her that she had no idea what she was doing. Was she really about to break into his house in the middle of the night just because she wanted to be with him? She had just turned her back and decided to come back in the morning when she heard the slightest noise behind her.

The door flung open as soon as he realized who it was. Like it was her natural instinct, she dropped her duffel on the porch and ran into his open arms throwing her good arm around his neck. She took in his scent as she rested her head against his chest, tucked gently under his chin.

Them smell of his day old cologne smelt better than she remembered, and she realized in that moment just how much she had missed him.

"Why are you up and opening your door in the middle of the night?"

Rick stared back at her with an incredulous look on his face. "I could be asking you the same thing."

Kate was shocked, "How do you figure?! I wasn't the one opening doors!"

"Oh, I beg to differ," Rick laughed. "You were planning on using the spare, yes?"

Kate stuttered and tripped over her words. How did he do that? All she managed was a nod in his direction, and Castle wrapped her in his arms once more. "You still didn't say why you're up," Kate whispered once he helped her gain her composure again.

"I wasn't sleeping well and the sound of your car in the drive plus the headlights scanning my window got me curious. I wasn't expecting you and I came to see if it was an intruder."

"To what? Stop them with your dashing good looks?"

He chuckled before kissing her forehead. "God, I missed you so much. You're here. You're actually here in my arms again -" He stopped suddenly and his eyes grew two sizes. "You're shoulder, Kate! How's your shoulder? Does it hurt?" he was becoming more and more frantic with every question. "Are you in pain? Do you need any-"

Kate couldn't take his frenzy of questions and she planted her lips against his to shut him up. To her gratefulness, he didn't pull away, just tried to deepened the kiss when his tongue asked for entrance in her mouth.

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