Chapter 2: Jealous of Angels

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"I'm Dean Winchester."

"C-Castiel." Castiel stammered, fidgeting with his fingers.

He is shy, that's cute and now he finally knows his name. Dean smiled, hoping it would make the boy a bit more comfortable. Castiel just avoided his gaze and focused on the whiteboard, where Miss Masters had written important information about an upcoming assignment.

"You're going to work in pairs and no you can't choose. I have already made them." Miss Masters explained. Everybody groaned as expected, they wanted to work with their best friends. Castiel stayed silent. "The subject has to be about a problem in the modern day society. You will make an essay and a presentation which you of course have to present in class. The presentation has to be at least ten minutes long. Both the essay and presentation are due in six weeks."

Thinking about presenting in front of the whole class made Castiel shudder. He wasn't cut out for this.

"Okay, I'm going to tell you the names, after that you go and sit with your partner. No discussions, you can't switch partners." Miss Masters said. "Mike and Angela, Warren and Daniel, Blair and Chuck, Charlie and Balthazar, Castiel and Rachel-."

"Miss! Rachel moved to Canada." A kid shouted from the back of the classroom.

"Oh yes, I see. Castiel you can pair up with Dean." Miss Masters concluded and went on with the rest of the list.

Dean wasn't paying attention anymore, he turned his head and whispered in Castiel's ear. "Well hello there partner."

Castiel didn't respond, but the crimson color rose again, from his neck to his cheeks.

Castiel's heart was thumping in chest. He wasn't used to this kind of attention, especially not from hot new guys.

Yes hot, Castiel is gay. They accepted him at home, well, kind of. His brothers Lucifer and Gabriel understood and didn't judge him. They were just glad he had come out to them.

But Michael was a different story, he couldn't accept the fact he is gay and didn't speak to him ever since the day he came out. Castiel wasn't happy about it, but he was tired. Tired of hiding who he really was.

His friends at school accepted him right away and Castiel was grateful for that. Other people at school didn't exactly bully him, but there were some kids who are homophobic. Sometimes they yelled word at him like "Freak" or "Faggot", but Castiel ignored them the best he could. It hurts sometimes, still Castiel kept strong.

"Hey Cas, what are we doing for the assignment" Dean asked, ripping Castiel from his thoughts.

Did Dean just give me a nickname?

"Ehm, how about maybe bullying?" Castiel asked with a small voice, still not looking up. He was always the shy type, even when he was a little kid. His shyness made it hard to make friends in the past and relationships overall.

"That's a good subject. So my house after school?" Dean smirked, grabbing the back of Castiel's chair and leaning forward.

Castiel squirmed in his seat and let out a small "Sure."

The bell rang and most of the students were up and away in seconds. Castiel was one of them. He grabbed his stuff as fast as he could and bolted out of the room, leaving a confused Dean behind.

Dean took his time, sorting out all of his stuff and placing it in his backpack. He walked out of the classroom, hoping he would find Charlie in the sea of people that has formed in the hallways. It wasn't easy finding her as she was very small, but soon enough he found the tiny redhead standing in front of possibly her locker.

"Hey Charlie." Dean said once he arrived by her side. "Where is my locker?"

He showed her the document with his locker number printed in the top left corner. "Oh, you're down the hall next to the janitor's closet." Charlie pointed to a row with bright red lockers not too far from the one we were standing next to.

"Okay, thanks Charlie." Dean ruffled her hair and quickly walked over to the lockers before Charlie could hit him for messing up her hair.

When Dean was only a few feet away, he saw a familiar mop of hair standing on his toes to reach the highest locker properly. Dean sneaked behind him and inched closer, Castiel's front still facing the lockers. "Do you need help with that?" Dean whispered, making Castiel jump.

Castiel quickly turned around and his eyes widened. "No thank you." Castiel said a tad bit sarcastic. He was already so done with Dean.

Dean just chuckled and leaned against a random locker next to Castiel's, his own locker forgotten.

"So you never actually told me your last name." Dean said, trying to start a conversation with the beautiful boy.

"Novak." Castiel plainly answered. He grabbed the last book and closed his locker. He glared up at Dean and turned around placing foot forwards before hesitating. He faced Dean again observing his face. This guy wasn't just hot, Dean looked like God handcrafted him himself. Castiel instantly fell in love with the cute freckles that dance along his nose and further on his cheeks. His mom used to say freckles were angel kisses.

Is it possible to be jealous of the angels?

He tried to count the freckles, but was interrupted by eighteen. "Like what you see?" Dean asked with a smug smile and mischievous eyes.

Don't even get Castiel started on his eyes. They were the color of freshly mowed grass, the kind of grass you lay on in the summer to look at the clouds. Castiel could get lost in them forever.

But instead of doing that he ignored Dean's question and instead tried changing the subject.

"You never actually told me where you live." Castiel said, his cheeks still heated from Dean's question.

"Wait for me after school at the entrance." Dean replied. He walked away, not even waiting for Castiel's response.

He already knew Castiel would wait for him.

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