Chapter 21: I'm Falling Apart

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The mountain of books grew larger and larger every minute. Cas had claimed this table in the back of the library where nobody ever came as his own and littered it with as many lore books as he could. He didn't know how long he had been sitting there, reading about the supernatural creatures Dean told him about. At first, Cas was skeptical, these things were just fantasy and couldn't be real.

As the time passes Cas grew more and more curious about this hidden world. It was weird to know that these creatures have been walking this earth without many people knowing. It was even weirder to know that people have been protecting many others by hunting these things. In a way, Cas felt safe knowing that there were always people looking out for him. People like Dean.

Cas believed him now. It was hard to ignore something that had been pointed out by many sources. Of course, Cas couldn't know if these sources were telling the truth. But with the amount of information on the subject, even he couldn't deny the fact that there may be some validity in the books he had read.

It was nearing closing time when Castiel finally left the library. His eyes were hurting from the amount of books he had read. The dull pain was radiating to his head, making him wince when he stepped outside and was blinded by the streetlight. He decided to walk home, maybe some fresh air would help to get rid of his headache.

He made it home safely and made himself some coffee before opening his laptop. He pondered about the words he should pick for the search bar and decided on "supernatural creatures". Some Wikipedia pages showed up alongside lists of TV shows which aren't very trustworthy if you're looking for actual facts.

The Wikipedia pages led him to weird police cases which couldn't be solved for some reason. Castiel already recognized some of the aspects from a murder case as a werewolf thing where the heart was ripped out of the victim's chest.

This just confirmed Cas's thoughts. Everything Dean had told him, was very real. Cas knew he had no time to lose and dialed Dean's number.


"Hello, Dean. I know this is a short notice, but..." Castiel bit his bottom lip, sighing before continuing. "Could you please come over? We need to talk. Again."

Dean sounded nervous when he agreed on coming. He told Cas he would be there in about half an hour as he wasn't expecting this and had to redress. Castiel chuckled softly at this and the men shared their goodbye's.

Castiel took this half hour to tidy his living room a bit. Ten minutes later and he was just hunched over to grab some of his students papers when he heard a knock at the door. Dean was probably early, so Cas didn't think too much of it when he opened the door without looking.

He felt a hard hit on his head, his vision turning black. The last thing he heard were footsteps coming his way before he felt like falling and slipped out of consciousness.


There was something off, Dean felt that immediately. The moment he drove into Castiel's street, something didn't feel right. Maybe it was his hunter instinct that told him he should be careful. The only thing he knew in that moment, Cas was in trouble.

Dean shot out of his driver's seat, opening the door and slamming it shut. Castiel's front door was wide open as if he had left without looking back. Dean ran inside, noticing the small puddle of blood. Dean felt his heart drop to his stomach at the sight.

"Cas?" Dean yelled, but no one was answering. "Cas?!"

Dean screamed and screamed, searching all over the place. By the end, his voice was hoarse and still no sight of Cas. He felt hints of panic shooting through his body, his mind on high alert. Who could have taken Cas?

Dean did the only thing he could think of.

"Bobby? I need your help."

"Okay, slow down, boy," Bobby said, gripping his shoulder reassuringly. As soon as Dean called Bobby in panic, Bobby jumped in his car and drove straight to Dean. They were lucky Dean lived so close by, otherwise, Dean would have probably gone crazy by the time Bobby arrived.

"I was supposed to meet him here, he's gone, Bobby!" Dean nearly screamed, gripping his hair tightly in his hands.

"We'll find him," Bobby tried, but it didn't lessen Dean's worry. If something happens to Cas, he didn't know what he would do. It was as if fate was stone set on keeping them apart. Cas's life was probably in danger and there was nothing Dean could do about it.

"Don't lose hope just yet." Dean nodded at those words, giving Bobby a watery smile. His surrogate father was a very wise man, so Dean tried to hold on to those words and think straight. There had to be clues. "Dean, there has been many kidnaps here. It could be a supernatural thing."

"Why didn't you say anything, Bobby?"

"I thought you knew. You read the damn newspaper, right?" Dean nearly facepalmed at that. With the moving and the Cas thing, he totally forgot to read the newspaper. Even if he wasn't a hunter anymore, he still read the newspaper and contacted other hunters. Just in case. He still loved helping people, even if he couldn't do it himself.

"No, I haven't. What do they say?"

"People have been kidnapped and showed up death with liquefied intestines," Bobby explained, keeping a wary eye on Dean. They have encountered this before, they both know what this means.


Dean's thoughts were broken by the ringing of his cell phone. He quickly fished it out of his pocket and punched the 'answer call' button without even looking.


"No, it's Sam," Sam answered on the other end of the line. "Why would I be Cas?"

"Something happened, Sammy. I bumped into Cas again a few days ago and now he's gone."

"What did you do?" There was a pause, just a few moments of silence. "Dean?"

"I didn't do anything, Sam. But I do think I need your help," Dean said, rubbing his hand across his mouth.

"I'll be there."

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