Chapter 4: It's Dinner Time

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"Dean I'm hungry!" Sam voice interrupted the moment, making Dean groan.

"So..." He started. "Do you want to stay for dinner?"

"Sure." Castiel replied, surprised, he wasn't expecting that. Dean gave him a small smile and opened his bedroom door, leaving Castiel alone in his room.

Dean headed towards the kitchen, smacking Sam's head on his way.

"What was that for?" Sam huffed annoyed, rubbing the bow sore spot on his head.

Dean just ignored him and continued his way, not even looking back. Sam rolled his eyes and picked up the book, searching for the page he was reading before Dean rudely smacked him.

Sam knows Dean loves him dearly, so he usually lets these things slide. Dean was having a hard time already, putting him under a huge amount of stress. Sam hates to see his brother this way, but he doesn't know how to help him. Dean never lets him cook or clean or help him in any way. Constantly assuring him he can do all of it by himself.
Dean goes through great lengths to make sure Sam has a normal childhood, without all of the hard work. Truth be told, Dean never actually had a childhood. Not really anyways. So he knows what it's like, and he makes sure Sam doesn't miss anything. Sam admires him for it.

Castiel had been waiting in Dean's room for a few moments now, he was still bewildered about what just happened. Did he and Dean just almost kiss?

Cool, attractive, sexy Dean almost kissed average, boring, shy and really awkward Castiel?

Castiel pinched his arm, making sure this was not all just a dream.

Thankfully, it wasn't.

It hit Castiel that he was taking an awfully long time in this room, Dean was probably wondering where he was. He had to get out of there quick before things become awkward between them. What if Dean thinks he was rummaging through his stuff? That would be horrendous.

Castiel quickly left the room, closing the door behind him. He noticed Sam sitting on the couch, engulfed in a thick, leather bound book. It's probably best not to disturb him.

He decided he would head to the kitchen and see if Dean needs some help with cooking. Castiel's parents are very busy people, so he learned how to cook for himself and his siblings.

Although his parents accepted him for being gay, Castiel knew they weren't exactly happy either.

With that knowledge Castiel made sure he wasn't a burden and helped out as much as he could.

"Hey Cas." Dean said, not turning around. He must've heard the footsteps coming closer.

"Hello Dean, do you need help cooking?" Castiel replied, stepping forward. He kept walking until he was standing next to the green eyed boy, still waiting for an answer.

"Nah, I'm good. But you can keep me company, if you want to." Dean smirked, the mischievous glint in his eyes returning. Castiel blushed even though he had received that same look multiple times.

"Y-yeah, sure." Castiel stammered, letting his gaze drift away from Dean and to the recipes book that was lying open on the counter.

Dean moved away to grab something out of the fridge, Castiel didn't want to stand in Deans way, so he went to sit down at the small kitchen table in the middle of the kitchen.

The room fell silent, the only thing you could hear was the sound of Dean cutting the vegetables in small bits and the occasional ruffling of the pages of Sam's book.

The silence wasn't uncomfortable as Castiel feared, it was actually kind of comforting. Like they were a family, getting ready for dinner together. Is it weird to think like that? Probably, but at this moment Castiel didn't care.

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