Chapter 12: An angel called Castiel

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"I suck at this," Dean groaned, resting his head on top of his arms while he lay down. The cool wood of the table wasn't comfortable for the chilly weather; it sent shivers down his spine.

He usually didn't get worked up about a grade, yet here he was, moping because he got a D- for his latest history test. Yes, he never actually went to high school enough to know this stuff. However, he couldn't help but feel disappointed. If he was able to finish high school, even though it was near impossible with the amount of education Dean had and the fact that John didn't think school was important, he could support himself and even Sam. They could escape the hunting life and get a real one; with jobs and a nice house instead of dirty motel rooms. Sam's a smart kid, he could easily get a scholarship if he attended high school full time.

He deserved more than this.

"I could help you," Castiel said, rubbing his arm in a soothing manner. He could feel himself leaning into the touch. The comforting warmth of Castiel's hand relaxed his muscles immediately. Dean could feel himself smile, closing his eyes briefly to cherish the touch.

"You want to be my tutor?" Dean asked hopefully, he tried not to sound desperate, it didn't work. Castiel smiled softly, "Of course, Dean. I would be honored" he told him.

How Dean ever got this lucky to meet Cas was beyond him. The chance of finding someone as amazing as he was very small. Especially with Dean's hunter lifestyle. He could picture himself with Cas, on a veranda, watching their grandchildren play together. It may sound creepy or weird to people, who thinks like this? However, this was a life that wasn't meant for Dean, even if he desperately wanted it to be. He wanted a boring apple pie life with a boring job and boring problems, but his dad took that opportunity away long ago.

Ever since his mom died, his dad hasn't been the same. After the fire, John changed into this bitter and cold human being whose only goal in life was to find the creature that did this to his wife. That's how he got tangled up in the hunting life. Not only looking for Mary's killer but also killing every troublesome creature along the way. He dragged his sons into this too; teaching them how to shoot guns and how to fight the supernatural. Mary wouldn't have wanted this, she came from a hunting family herself and knew how damaging it was for children. It wasn't a life for kids, it was hardly a good life for an adult. She would've wanted her kids to be happy and, well, to be kids.

Sam didn't remember her that well, sometimes he recognized her face in old photos, but besides that, there was nothing. Dean, however, he did remember her; her sweet smiles, her voice singing her favorite song to him when he had a nightmare. Sometimes he still listened to that song, "Hey Jude", when he felt bad. Usually, it made him feel worse yet sometimes, he could hear her voice singing along. She used to bake him pies because he loved them and kiss his forehead goodnight, telling him that angels are watching over him.

He always felt safe when he heard those words, truly believing angels were there, watching over his shoulder and guiding him through life. Years later and didn't believe in actual angels anymore, maybe they were real but he never saw them. Maybe there was a whole world and different creatures that he didn't know about. That thought was pushed away as soon as it comes up and Dean remained skeptical.

Now, after all this time, he finally found his angel. Whenever he was with Castiel, he felt that same sense of safety he felt when Mary whispered those words. Castiel isn't an actual angel, he's human just like Dean, and he knew that. Dean did see him as one, though. Castiel pulled him out of his hunting life, bringing him peace and joy. Maybe angels weren't meant in the literal sense. Maybe they weren't celestial beings with wings and halo's. Maybe they were the people you needed in your life, the ones who made you feel safe and loved. Castiel did that for him, therefore, he was an angel.

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