Chapter 9: You can be my idiot.

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"You're very warm." Castiel stated, moving impossibly closer to Dean and his intoxicating warmth.

Dean laughed a throaty laugh and wrapped his arms around Castiel's waist. He looked over at Castiel and noticed he really did fall asleep this time. Dean had the sudden urge to kiss the sleeping boy in his arms, so he pecked his forehead softly and closed his eyes.


Castiel woke up, feeling two arms tightly wrapped around his waist. He looked up to see a sleeping Dean, his face only inches away from his own.

Dean looked so peaceful when he was asleep, not the weary expression he usually wore. Castiel smiled softly, even though he knew Dean couldn't see.

Castiel could lay here forever, in this warm cocoon of Dean with their legs tangled together. Too bad Dean woke up only a few minutes after Cas due to the alarm clock on his bedside table. Castiel felt the urge to throw that thing out of the window for destroying their peaceful slumber, but it was time to get up and go to school.

"Good morning angel." Dean whispered, trying not to ruin the serenity of the room.

"Angel again?" Castiel asked yawning. He stretched his arms out above his head. Castiel noticed Dean looking at the place where his shirt rode up. Castiel blushed, pulling the shirt down instantly. He wasn't used to this kind of attention.

"Unless you want me to call you Blue Eyes." Dean smirked, he untangled their legs and sat up, leaning against the headboard of the bed.

Castiel blushed and averted his eyes from Dean's, inspecting his room. The room was normal sized, but quite empty. There were no personal belongings. Not even photographs.

"Breakfast?" Dean asked, laying his big hand on Castiel's shoulder. Castiel could feel the heat radiating off of him, sending shivers down his spine.

"Yes, thank you." Castiel smiled softly, enjoying the warm feeling that was forming inside his stomach. Dean couldn't help but smile back and slid out of his bed, immediately exiting the room.

Castiel continued to just lay there, thinking about this feeling he always had with Dean. He never experienced that with someone before, well he never had an actual serious relationship before, but that was not the point. Dean felt like home; warm and safe. He could see himself falling in love with Dean too. It was amazing to know Dean felt the same way. Maybe it was time for him to take Dean on a date. Wait, isn't there a fair in town?Castiel smiled at his idea, already getting excited. Still, he had to ask Dean. This is going to be nerve-wracking.

Castiel finally stood up from the bed, leaving his cocoon of warmth behind, and headed to the kitchen. Sam was nowhere to be found, probably still in his room either getting ready or sleeping.

"There you are!" Dean's cheerful voice called out, still facing the stove and flipping what looks like to be a blueberry pancake. Castiel's stomach rumbled at the smell coming off the delicious food in front of him.

Castiel took place at the dinner table, patiently waiting until Dean was done. Dean quietly hummed a song Castiel had never heard. Castiel closed his eyes, almost falling back asleep again before Dean placed a plate on the table with an impressive amount of pancakes on top of it. Castiel's mouth watered at the sight.

Dean left again and returned with two plates and cutlery. "You can dig in now."

Castiel ignored the smug grin on Dean's face and stacked some pancakes on his plate, immediately "digging in" as Dean called it. He stuffed bits of pancake in his mouth, almost moaning at the taste. Almost.

Dean calmly ate his own pancakes, shamelessly staring at Castiel with a sparkle in his eyes. This almost felt domestic. There was no other word for it, and Castiel didn't mind it one bit. It was supposed to scare him, make him worried about their future, which would undeniably end badly. But he couldn't. This made him feel warm inside and with Dean's smile aimed at him, he never felt so sure of anything in his life.

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