Chapter 11: Teach me how to skate

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"So, you and Jess huh?" Dean teased, watching Sam's cheeks turn a bright red. Even though Dean pokes fun at him for having a date, he is in fact happy for him. The kid deserves something good in his life for a change. Especially after John came home last night. And honestly, Dean was very proud. Sam was a bit shy when it came to dating and girls, for him to finally ask her out was an achievement.

"When is the date?" Dean asked, a real smile on his face now. Sam's eyes lit up and immediately babbled about the plans he had made. He asked her to go ice-skating at a skating rink not far from their home. It was perfect for the season; snow was already falling and the wind was an icy cold. It left Dean with a frozen nose and flushed cheeks, but he kind of liked it. Sure, it was his least favorite season due to the cold, but the snow was pretty at least. And playing in the snow, making snow angels and having snowball fights were worth it. The brisk winds cleared his head when he was worried, or deep in thought. It felt like waking up.

"So I thought, maybe you could drive us," Sam smiled, shyly scratching the back of his neck. "Please?" He added, looking up at Dean with pleading eyes a hint of excitement flowing through them.

"Sure buddy," Dean smiled back, ruffling his younger brother's hair. His hair was getting way too long, but he didn't want to cut it and Dean wasn't going to force him. Unlike John, who had made many comments through the years. Yelling at Dean to take care of it. Dean, being the little soldier he was, brought Sam to the hairdresser with a heavy heart. However, John wasn't here right now, therefore Dean could do what he wanted and so could Sam. "Is it okay for me to bring Cas, we are not going to babysit you, don't worry. I have to make it up to him for not responding yesterday." Dean explained.

"Yeah, sure," Sam agreed, hopping inside the car, ready to go home and study. The faster today will go, the faster he could go on his date tomorrow. It was safe to say that he was more than excited. He had an eye on Jess for a while now, not just because she is pretty. She was the first person to actually speak to him, the others just gave him curious glances, but that was it. She, however, sat down next to him and started a conversation. That was enough for them to become friends and now he finally asked her out. She had mentioned she wanted to go ice skating a few days before. Even though Sam never learned how to ice skate, he was a fast learner. "I don't want you guys to break up. You've only been dating for what? Two days now?"

"Yeah, that's why I can't mess this up." Dean said, rubbing his face. He had never been in a proper relationship and he never expected it to be so damn stressful. He didn't know how to act either, but today went just fine. He was flustered at first, not quite knowing what Cas would do, however, from the moment their fingers laced together, everything flowed naturally. The occasional kiss on the cheek and hug were given that day, which caused their friends to mock them. Though, Dean could see how proud Charlie was. Even Kevin smiled and whispered "finally", before returning to his book.

"You won't, now let's go. I'm hungry!"

"Hey, Cas?" Dean whispered to his boyfriend. Yes his boyfriend. He couldn't get enough of saying that, even if it was in his head. He never thought he had a chance with this boy and now he was happy he never gave up.

"Yes, Dean?" Castiel whispered back, only glancing at him for one second before he faced the whiteboard again.

"Sam's taking Jess on a date," Dean explained, his tone hushed. He couldn't risk detention, not today of all days. Not when he was supposed to go on a date with Cas. "And I thought it might be nice for us to join them. So... are you free today?"

"Yes, I am. Where are we going if I may ask?" Castiel responded, quickly noting something down from the lecture they were given. Even though Dean reminded him a dozen of times he didn't have to be polite, not to him, it was a hard habit to break free out of.

"The ice skating rink. I've never been ice-skating before, so don't laugh if I suck." Dean answered, pushing away a dark strand of hair that had fallen into Castiel's' eyes.

"Thank you," Castiel smiled, his blue eyes shining. "And I won't , you know I won't."

"Yeah, I know."


"How do you get these damn things on?!" Dean cursed frustrated. He dropped the skate and threw daggers at it. It was annoying and Dean was already getting hotter from the many tries.

"Let me help you," Castiel said, crouching down next to Dean foot and helped Dean's foot inside it, then he tied the shoelace and did the same with the left one. He then pulled Dean up, catching him before he could fall. "Are you okay?" Castiel asked worriedly, keeping one arm around Dean's waist.

"'m fine." Dean grunted, trying to steady himself. He only felt himself holding on to Castiel tighter and gave up. He used Cas as a support and tried to copy Cas, who moved his feet with grace. This resulted in him landing on his butt. He flailed his arms and moved his feet in order to get up, but he fell back again. Castiel was trying not to laugh, he really was. But Dean's grumpy expression combined with the weird movements he was making, made Castiel burst out in laughter. Dean flushed red, but laughed along with him, how could he not when Castiel's melodious laugh sounded better than anything. Castiel looked so beautiful right now, it still baffled him how someone could look as gorgeous as he does. The snow started falling a while ago, leaving white specks in Castiel's hair. His eyes sparkled, Dean could drown in the depths of those big blues. His cheeks were slightly red, as if he was blushing all the time. He sure was a sight.

Castiel pulled him up again, this time not letting go of his hands. He could feel the heat coming from them even when they were wearing gloves. Castiel skated backwards, dragging Dean along. Castiel showed him how to move his feet and it actually kind of worked this time. It was still a bit sloppy and uncoordinated, but he managed.

"There you go." Castiel beamed proudly, slowly letting go until he was holding one hand and was skating right next to him.

They slowly came to a stop, taking a break to watch Sam and Jess skating alongside each other, smiling and laughing.

Castiel turned his head, staring at Dean until he turned his head as well. They ended up gazing into each other's eyes, before Castiel leaned forward and captured Dean in a soft, slow kiss. Their lips were frozen and cold really started to seep in once they weren't moving, but they couldn't care less.

Dean was pleasantly surprised when Castiel kissed him. Usually it was him who initiated the kisses and for Castiel to come out of his shell, kissing Dean without worries he might pull back, was admirable.

"Thanks, Dean." Castiel said, cupping Dean's cheek in his gloved hand.

"For what?"

"Taking me out on this date, it was incredible."

It was getting darker outside, they couldn't see much anymore. Fairy lights suddenly sprung on as well as the giant Christmas tree next to the rink. They watched sparkling lights, a sense of warmth washing over them.

They leaned in once again.

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