Chapter 13: Can I have this dance?

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A few days passed and John never returned. Dean was still hesitant to bring Cas over, afraid something like that night may happen again. Their relationship remained strong; the teachers and students were getting sick of their PDA during classes and in-between them. Neither of them cared, they could let themselves go without being afraid.

Luckily, the school was really accepting. There were no bullies and yes, sometimes they did say something about them being gay and that it's wrong. They ignored it the best they could. Dean wanted to punch them, threaten them to leave them alone, yet Castiel always intervened. Castiel was the one who could hold him back, even with his temper.

Eventually, after the news died down, everything was back to normal. No more gay slurs or weird looks, just peaceful quietness.

Dean found yet another prom poster on the wall next to his locker. The whole school was full of them, alongside the "Prom Queen" posters of various popular girls. Of course, Lisa was on a lot of posters too. There was no doubt she was going to win this year, she was the most popular girl after all. She had made moves on Dean, even after the entire school found out that they're together. Dean ignored her the best he could, he had no feelings for her, he had only eyes for Cas.

If he hadn't been with Cas, he may have flirted back, woo her so he could get laid. Those times are behind him, he has Cas now and he is content. He could've never imagined himself being tied down in a relationship, too many restrictions. This relationship with Cas changed everything. It didn't feel restricted, it felt good. Having such an amazing person to call his was the most wonderful thing. Dean was sure it wouldn't have felt like that if he was in a relationship with someone else. Dean tried it once; a relationship. It was a girl named Cassie, and yes he knew how ironic this was. Where he felt like he was tied down, unable to move, it felt like he was flying with Cas. She was too clingy, which made him want to pull away. Cas did the same things she did; hugs and kisses, hand holding and dare he say cuddling. Yet, Dean only wanted to pull him closer.

Dean knew how lucky he was to be with Cas, it was a privilege really. However, all good things come to an end. Sooner or later his father finishes the hunt and drives them to another town that needs their help. Dean would be away from Cas, unable to return. Dean tried to push these thoughts away, live in the moments he does get to share with the blue eyed boy. The thing is; Dean is going to break Castiel's heart and he knows it. It was inevitable. But Dean can't stay away, it would hurt too much. Looking at the boy in the hallways and in class knowing he had him and he couldn't keep him. That's the reason why Dean keeps silent for now.

Speaking of the blue-eyed boy; he was walking down the hallway right now. Dean stopped everything he was doing to admire his beautiful boyfriend walking towards him. The lights on the ceiling made it look like he had an almost angelic glow around his body.

"Hello, Dean," Castiel smiled stopping right in front of Dean. Cas stood on his tiptoes and pecked Dean on his mouth. Dean held in the urge to grab him, push him against a locker and kiss him hard. He tried that once and got detention for it.

"Hey, babe," Dean replied with a smug grin, remembering the plan he had made a few days ago.

As it was almost time for prom, Dean figured he could ask Cas. He had never been to a dance or prom and he was curious what it would be like. To dance with the person you love while listening to awful music.

"How are you doing, Dean?"

"Better now you are here," Dean replied swiftly. His lips turned upwards into a smug grin when he saw the blush on Cas's face. He loved how he could still make him blush, even after Cas was getting used to it by now. "Hey, I was wondering..."

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