Chapter 8: Yay, sleepover!

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Castiel showed up after a few minutes of waiting, only nodding at Dean before following him to his car.

This was going to be a long night.


"Still not talking to me?" Dean asked, exasperated, eyeing Castiel every so often. Castiel only shrugged and continued staring out of his window. Dean sighed, what was his problem? One moment he was happy and smiling and kissing me and the next moment he basically ignores me.

Dean was relieved once he saw his apartment, the awkward tension was killing him. He felt lonely without Cas talking to him. Sure, he was currently sitting next to him, but it felt like a wall formed between them. A wall that was not going to be easy to break.

But he had to try.

Dean shut off the engine and stepped out of his car, slamming the car door shut. It was harder than he intended on doing, but he was way too irritated to actually care.

Castiel slumped behind him, averting his gaze to the ground. Just looking at Dean hurt him. He was trying to create some distance, to get over this crush he had and move on with his life. But Dean was making it hard on him. How do you kill a feeling?

Dean held the door open for Castiel and shut it once he was inside as well. They both took off their jackets and hung them on the coat rack next to the door.

"Want something to drink or eat?" Dean asked as nice as he could. He was determined to find out what was going on, but was still hurt and no way he could hide that. Not from Cas anyway. It was like Castiel always knew what was going on in his mind, what he felt. Normally, this was a blessing. This way Dean didn't actually have to say things out loud. Now, it was a curse.

"Just some water please." Castiel murmured, still not meeting Dean's eyes, instead he studied everything else. The color of the walls, the brown color of the chairs he noticed through the open door leading to the kitchen. Anything to not look him in the eyes. Castiel was sure that once he did, he couldn't look away.

Dean went to the kitchen to get his water, when Castiel realized someone was missing. "Where's Sam?" Castiel asked, making his way over to Dean who was filling a glass at the counter.

"He's at a friend's house." Dean replied, a bit disappointed that of all things Sam was their topic of conversation. However, Dean was not complaining, talking to him was already exceeding his expectations. At least there was no complete silence.

"Want to head upstairs to work on the project?" Dean asked, handing Castiel his water.

"Sure." Castiel answered, sparks of electricity coming alive in his fingertips, where he accidentally touched Dean.


Dean couldn't concentrate, not one bit. His gaze wandered from his laptop over to the blue eyed boy sitting at his desk. Castiel was reading the books he picked up from the library about their topic "bullying". Dean could see the way he was fidgeting with the corners of the book, licking and biting his lips every so often. He was teasing him, probably without even knowing he did. This only frustrated Dean further.

A half hour passed by and Dean was having enough of it. He needed answers, he needed to know what he did wrong and how he could fix it. He was not ready to give up Castiel yet.

"What did I do wrong?" Dean suddenly blurted.

Wow, subtle. Dean thought, angry at himself for starting the conversation like that. But it did caught Castiel's attention. Castiel's blue eyes met his green ones, but something was different. His blue eyes didn't hold that usual spark, that tiny glint of happiness. It was like all life was sucked out of them. The only way Dean could describe his eyes as was hurt. Hurt and sad. Dean instantly wanted to kill the person who did that to him, but to be fair? That person was probably Dean himself.

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