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Chapter 1

I don't want to leave. I loved the warmth of the sun on my skin, the way my hair dances in the breeze. Arizona was my home. All my friends and childhood memories were here. The sun was here. It wasn't fair that I had to leave because Bella said she wanted to. Don't I have a say? Just because I'm 14, doesn't mean I don't have a brain.

"C'mon Ella! It's time to go!" Phil yelled. He was my stepfather. Well, step-step father. Charlie was technically my stepfather. Charlie and Renee adopted me after I was born. I've been the oddball ever since.

In Forks, I'd be an oddball too. Everybody knew I was adopted, and although they'd try, they wouldn't treat me the same. Here, everyone was already used to me and it was too big of a town to spread rumors and lies. You could always feel small here. You didn't have people looking down on your life with microscopes. I'd miss this place.

I loaded my bags in the back of the car as Renee said goodbye to Bella. She walked over to me and put her hands on my face.

"My darling. I'm gonna miss you." She smiled.

"I don't want to leave. I want to stay here. With you and Phil." I had been arguing this for months, but they never seemed to listen.

"You can't. I don't want to separate you and Bella. Especially during these years." She said, stroking my cheek.

"Please. I'll do anything. Just don't let the cold and the wet take me."

"Ella, Forks is a great place. You'll love it. Now get in the car, your gonna be late on your flight." I rolled my eyes and sat next to Bella in the passenger seats. She was twisting her hair in a nervous fashion.

"Bella, stop being a spaz. Your making me nervous." I said to her. She turned her brown eyes on me.

"You know, you should be more nervous than me. I only have junior and senior year, but you have the full four year ride. That means raincoats and gossip for the rest of your teenage life." My face twisted in horror.

"Bella stop messing with your sister." Renee said from shotgun.

"She started it." Bella argued.

"I don't care. Your both gonna be living under the same roof for a while, so you'll have to learn to get along." Bella let out a breath. I rolled my eyes. Don't remind me. I was gonna be going to the same high school as my sister because apparently Forks only has one. Go Spartans! I just hoped she wouldn't get in my way.

Renee turned back to the rod after an exasperated look at us. Bella had her arms crossed over her chest and so did I. We were both facing opposite windows, saying goodbye to our home. Goodbye warm, tropical Arizona, hello cold rainy stupid Forks.

Authors Note: I know it's short, but it's only the beginning. Keep reading.

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