Dead Hearts

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Chapter 13

I, Ella Swan, have officially lost my mind.

I haven't seem Charlie since the incident and I haven't spoken to Bella either. Whatever fate she wants to decide for herself was now officially up to her. I was just being a good sister and tried to warn her about Edward Cullen, who I was still highly suspicious of. The truth is, Ella barely trusted herself. Last time she spoke to her father, she let unforgivable words leave her mouth. She could never do that again, or else she won't have anyone to care for left.

Seth called a couple of times. It was nice to know that he still cared, even after all the awful things I had said. Believe it or not, I was actually started a feel a certain way around Seth. I don't know why though. For some reason, I always felt more comfortable around Seth. He was like the Robin to my Batman, except his parents weren't acrobats who died in a tragic accident.

Yeah, I've read a comic or two.

But anyways, my mind began to run away when I went to sleep a week later. I had fallen asleep on a too comfortable bed, made by the Cullens to make me feel like a welcomed criminal. I was dreaming again, or at least I think I was. I started hearing voices.

"Ooooh she's sleeping.."

"Quiet, you'll wake her up."

"She looks so pretty. Remember when I was that pretty."

"What do you think she's dreaming about?"

"Probably rainbows or unicorns or whatever crappy stuff girls dream about."

"Oh course you would say that. Your a 50s baby."

But Ella let it go as a dream. She thought maybe she was making up characters in her head, characters who gossiped about her. She had never done it before, but strange things have been happening recently. For one, Seth said some of his friends were becoming closer with Sam Uley, like they were following him. Ella found that hard to believe. When she met Sam, she never imagined him as the leader type.

But don't judge a book by its cover, it's something Ella was beginning to understand. People are to always what they seem to it's better to learn first about who people are, then decide how you feel about them. The only people she just about trusted was Sasha and Seth. Their the only ones that stood by her side this entire time, and if that's not friendship, I don't know what is.

Two weeks later, Ella began hearing the voices again.

The voices sounded so real, Ella thought that they might have been right next to her. But she had to be dreaming. No one was in her room, especially since the Cullens locked all her windows.

"Do you think she's dreaming about that boy? The wolf boy?"

Sam? Why would I be dreaming about Sam again?

"Doubt it. She's probably dreaming about some prince on a horse coming to take her away."

"Why do you think girls always dream about stupid things?"

"Oh my God, shut up!" I said. The voices went silent, and Ella thought maybe she was losing her mind. Maybe she was actually dreaming and it just sounded real, but a part of her said that was way off.

One of the voices gasped. "She can hear us, oh my!"

"Do you think she's gonna send us away?"

I opened my eyes to see three figures standing above me. I was so shocked, I couldn't even speak.

"She's awake. Yay!"

"Zarriah, that's not a good thing."

These figures weren't people, Ella could tell that much. They were all in long white silk robes, but when it got to their feet, it started to fade and disappear. All of their eyes were black. They all had bony figures like they hadn't eaten in ages. There were two girls and one boy. The old one looked to be around Bella's age, with dark brown hair, and dark skin. The younger girl had lighter brown hair and olive skin, but the vibe coming off of her was much more friendly. The boy had a stubborn grin on his face, the type that Ella hated. If there was anything she despised more than a stubborn boy, it was a small, stubborn boy. He had blonde hair and sharp cheek bones. He looked the same age as the older girl, and could have even been attractive in a past life, too bad I'll never know.

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