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Chapter 10

I met Sasha at lunch the next day. She brought her laptop, as promised, and began googling with me, but all the info we found was the same. Most of it was actually pretty useless. The only person with inside info was Seth, and we both knew that. But I wasn't talking to him, and I made that clear. He probably know much more than the rest of us, and sitting here plainly ignoring him, was a huge waste of time.

"Why aren't you talking to your friend anymore?" She asked, pulling me out of my zoned state.

"Huh?" I asked, even though I knew what she said.

"I said, why aren't you talking to your friend anymore? He obviously knows way more about this then we do. We're wasting time and resources."

I knew she was right, but Seth was wrong about her. What she said wasn't crazy, it was the exact opposite: It made complete sense. It was what all her visions meant, well half of her visions. She felt like she was missing this huge chunk to the puzzle, and it had something to do with the Cullens. She finally felt like she was finally figuring things out, but when she told the only person she trusted, he laughed in her face.

"I know, but I can't talk to someone who glazes over every word I say."

"But he must have been a big help. Without that book he showed you, you wouldn't even know about werewolves." Ella sighed.

Just then, Dominique and Michael were sat down at their table. Sasha turned away and blushed. Michael smirked at her reaction. Dominique sat right next to Michael and smiled at him. Uh. I silently pleaded that they would not put me into the middle of their love triangle.

"Hey." Michael said. It was directed at Sasha, but Dominique was the one who answered.

"Hey." She said, inching closer to him.

He didn't even look at her. "I made something for you." He went into his bag and pulled out his sketch pad. He flipped to a page, and carefully pulled it out. The three girls inched closer to see what it was. He handed it to Sasha, and she gasped when she saw it.

It was her. Well, a drawing of her. But it was so realistic. He managed to catch the glint in her eyes, the individual strands of her brown hair, the perfect color for her skin tone, it was beautiful. Even Ella had to admit that. Sasha looked liked she was ready to break down into tears, but she hugged him instead. Threw her arms around him and squeezed a little. Ella smiled. Dominique frowned.

When Sasha let go she said, "It's beautiful. Thank you."

"No problem. I enjoy drawing beautiful things." He said, blushing a little.

"I thought you didn't draw people." I said before I even realized it.

"Yeah, but this was a special occasion."

"And what occasion was that?"

"I was actually wondering if Sasha wanted to go to the dance with me." Dominique looked away. Sasha looked up, and I looked at Sasha.

"Yes." She said, almost immediately.

"I thought dances were stupid." Dominique spoke, for the first time since she sat down.

"Well, I changed my mind." Michael said, shrugging his shoulders. Sasha was quiet, but I knew she was squealing on the inside. I mean, how often does your crush ask you to a dance?

Personally, I was happy for her, but I don't know. This felt wrong for some reason, but I ignored my feelings, and smiled.

I looked across the cafeteria and caught sight of Bella whispering to Edward Cullen. They were so close, the could touch each other. It made me wonder what they were talking about. A few weeks ago, her and Edward Cullen were hardly acquaintances and now their best friends. Something's going on.

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