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Chapter 6

The suspicions about the Cullen's had no subsided, like most things I was obsessed with. Their behavior was human. A little too human if you ask me. I never saw any of them eat but there was always scraps of food left on the table, almost purposely just so I could see it.

School was the same. Only the Cullen's and my family knew about my eyes. Everybody asked how I was doing when I got back to school. I said I was fine, and that I just had low blood sugar. The Cullens went along with my story and I didn't tell anyone I was staying at their house. If they knew, they would bombard me with questions.

Bella's friends decided they were going to La Push that day. I finally learned their names. Jessica Stanely, captain of the volleyball team and hate Bella. Anyone could see that, except Bella of course. Angela Webber, shy and polite and a photographer. Eric, Eric something, it's not important enough to remember. Eric was tall and... That's pretty much it. I really didn't think he had any special qualities. He was just there.

Dominique, being good friends with Jessica since thy were both athletes, was invited to go and invited me, Sasha, and Michael. I was happy to be away from the Cullen house for one afternoon, but I really didn't wanna hang around my sister. But one trumps the other. So, after school, I called Charlie and told him I was hanging out with Bella so he wouldn't be all "you need to spend more time with your sister because one day she's gonna be gone an your gonna regret blah blah blah..." One, there's no chance that she's dying any time soon and two, I'm pretty sure I won't regret not spending time with her. The La Push boys were there too, so Jacob was there naturally.

There was a rumor floating around that Bella had invited Edward Cullen. No one really said anything because I doubt anybody even cared, but Jessica's annoying shout rang from their car to the shore about how Bella had invited Edward, and he declined. See, if it were me making fun of Bella, that would have been acceptable. But it's Jessica and her nasal voice that bothers me.

So Jacob starts to talk to Bella and then Jessica goes, "You should keep her company. Her date bailed."

Eric turned around, almost appalled. Of course he liked her too. "What date?"

"She invited Edward."

"To be polite." Bella said, embarrassed.

"I think it's nice she invited him. No one ever does." Angela said. The only person in Bella's group I actually like.

"And if you wanted Edward to be your date, you should have asked him Jessica. Considering how much you like him and all." I said. The boys laughed, Angela giggled, and Bella smiled. Thank you, she mouthed. Your welcome, I mouthed back. Mike rolled his eyes.

"Cullen's a freak." He said.

"You got that right." A masculine voice said. I turned to look at the person who said it and nearly fell off the log. It was the boy from my vision, my first vision. The lone wolf. The boy all on his own. His seemed to sense me staring at him, and he turned to look at me. He recognized me too. I wonder if he had the same dream. I started to remember the large black wolf and how it was so alone.

"Ella." Bella snapped me out of my trance.

"What?" I asked.

"You've been staring at that guy for like 10 minutes. What's so interesting about him? Who is he?"

"Sam. His name is Sam."

"How do you know that?"

"I just do."

Just then, she asked Jacob to go to watch the rides with her. He agreed and they walked away. I decided to take a walk myself. To clear my head.

I didn't understand why I was dreaming about a wolf and a boy. It didn't make any sense. A boy who transforms into a wolf. The feelings I got when I touched Edward. The graduation caps. It was all somehow connected, but I'm missing something. I don't know what, but it's something important. How I even got into all of this, I don't even know.

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