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DISCLAIMER⚠️: This story is an mPreg story. Also, please note that this was written about five or six years ago. I was a very inexperienced writer (I was like 12yrs old). Mad young lmfao. So, I apologize for anything inconsistent or cringe. Anyways, thanks for giving it a chance! Enjoy💖💖

((Important)) DISCLAIMER CONTINUED 06/25/21 ⚠️⚠️: to add onto this clarification, i want to mention that at the time i started writing this, i had a misconstrued perception of the "perfect way" to introduce a white kid to a predominantly black school with the intentions of there being a sort of "culture shock". so a lot of instances that happen between cameron and other students are a drag and are unrealistic on a larger scale—some of the experiences you see that Cameron will face are in a way unique to him and probably a handful of individuals rather than it being a universal experience. in addition to that, the approach for writing out cameron's innocent nature was also a drag at times, but i was a kid so i thought innocence looked one way and one way only and that way was being completely clueless & incapable (which isn't the case). with that being said, i opt to leave everything as is for rr's and nostalgias sake, but if u can make it past moments that seem iffy, i do hope u enjoy the story as it does change drastically! (& i would like to think it gets better!). enjoy! 💕

Cameron's POV
"Cam! Get your stuff out the trunk please. We don't have all day." My mom yelled from inside the entrance of the apartment building.

I sighed and leaned over, kissing my dad on the cheek goodbye before getting out and getting my heavy bags out of the trunk. I re-adjusted them so that they were on their wheels and began to roll them inside of the apartment building. When I got into the empty "lobby" I saw my mom standing by the elevator door, waiting for it to come.

"You start school tomorrow just so you know." She said as the elevator came and she walked in as I followed.

I pouted. "What school is it called?"

"West Hills High School." The elevator finally stopped on the 9th floor and we got out and the hallway smelled weird.

"How far is it?" I asked wanting to know if I'd be walking, taking my dad's car or taking public transportation.

"Well, it's about, ehh, say 5 to ten minutes away by walk depending on how fast you walk which in your case, should be about five. But for the first week your dad or I will be taking you." She said opening apartment door 18R.

We walked in and I took my time to examine the place. The first thing I saw was the living room, which was average size. I set my bags down and walked around. The room over was the kitchen which was average as well. Then I walked towards the back and saw two doors. I opened one of them and it was a average sized room. I opened the other and it was fairly big which I guess was my parents room. But I noticed in both rooms were two other doors which I guessed were bathrooms, and closets. I walked back up front and saw that there was a bathroom near the door. 'Well at least no one has to fight for the bathroom' I said in my head, giggling a little bit.

Since my dad and some workers he hired furnished the place before we got here, I plopped down onto the burgundy colored couch.

"Mommy!" I shouted at my mom who was no where to be found.

"Cammy." She said while drying her hands on her pants, walking into the living room.

"The smaller room is mine, yes?"

"I mean if you want the bigger room that's not a pro-"

"No mom. It's fine. I'm one person. You and dad are two. The smaller one is about the size of my older one anyway just a bit smaller." I shrugged.

"Alright sweetie. That works.... Well I'm gonna go back to the kitchen. I'm cooking pasta and baked chicken tonight. Nothing much." She said and proceeded back to the kitchen.

I sighed and looked around my new place of living for God knows how long. In all honesty, I'm really scared to go to school. I'm not trying to sound racist at all, because I am not. No. Never. That's disgusting. Ew.

But, I am scared because this is an urban setting. And when I go to school I'm not only going to stand out because I'm the new kid, but because I'm the white new kid. And not only because I'm the white new kid, but because I'm the gay white new kid.

I know, 'how can you know someone is gay by looking at them?' That's true. But many people base their judgement on stereotypes which some of them, unfortunately, fit with me. Such as my petite yet curvy figure. When you're shaped like that, people will question your sexuality which is dumb. Like I was born this way.

Also, I'm very soft spoken and my voice isn't very deep. It has like, no bass. But that's also another stereotype that I can't help. Unless I fake a voice all my life. But I'd sound stupid.

I'm not very tall either and people think "shortness" is tied with "girl". I mean, I'm 5'3, give or take about 1/2 an inch. I personally don't think I'm that small, but everyone else says otherwise.

Anyways, yes. That's why I'm scared to go to school. But I could only wish for the best.


After I ate dinner and kissed my parents goodnight, I went into my new room and laid down on the mattress. Tomorrow I'm gonna have to decorate this place. It's sooo plain. But good thing I brought my old decorations, so I didn't have to buy much. And my walls are already painted the light red I wanted it. All thanks to my dad.

Im really not looking forward to tomorrow. At all. But I can't do anything about it. It's whatever.

I pulled out my phone and decided to text my good friend Molina back in L.A.

Me: Hiii 😎

Molina: hey, what's up ? (:

Me: nothing really just laying in my new room lol

Molina: ooooh, okay I see. I'm gonna miss u over here 😭😫

Me: me too but I didn't have a choice. But anyways, I just wanted to check up on you. Gotta go to bed BC I start school tomorrow morning :/

Molina: okay, night night 😘

Me: night 💕

I shut off my phone afterwards to and put it on the charger. I'm terrible with new people and I'm scared of being made fun of. But I'll do my best to be unnoticed. Which is gonna be hard.

I sighed and turned off my light, and soon enough sleep took over my body.

Unpredictable Match (Interracial boyXboy)(Mpreg) Where stories live. Discover now