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Cameron POV 

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I quickly shut it off, annoyed of the high pitch ringing noise it made. Why did I make that my alarm instead of a nice, soft, song? Sigh.

All I could think about last night was how much Anthony had hurt my feelings. I don't know him that much, but it wasn't necessary for him to be so rude. I didn't do anything for him to act such a way towards me.

Anyway, I need to get ready quick before I'm late. And I sure will be trying my best to avoid Anthony.

Anthony POV

"Anthony, get up!!" My mom hit me at least 10 times in the arm with her hand.

"Damn, ma. I'm up, I'm up." I swatted her hand away.

"Get cleaned up. And get your ass to school on time, don't play with your education." She walked out of my room.

I stood up and yawned. At that moment  my three siblings came in my room.

"Ant! Ant! Ant!!! AAAAAANNNNTTT!!!" My baby sister, Lauren pulled on my sweat pants. She's the youngest, 3 years.

I picked her up. "What's up lil one?"

"Ewwww your bwet (breath) stinks!!" She exclaimed. I laughed, knowing it was mostly because I drank some last night. I opened my mouth and purposely breathed in her nose. She scrunched her face up and struggled to get out of my arms. After a little while, i let her go and she went to my bed to jump on it. Its big enough, so I knew she wont fall.

My little brother, Hayden came and hugged me. He's 8, but as he grow into a lil man he seems to favor me a lot.

"What up?" I said scratching his head.

"Nothin' much."

"Doing good in school?" I asked.

"I've only went once, how would I know?" He laughed. I playfully pushed his head.

"Don't get smart with me boy. You know what I meant, how was your first day?"

He shrugged. "It was alright. I met some new pretty girls that I haven't seen last year though." He said, smirking.

"It ain't bad to look, but focus on the books, iight?" I said seriously, so he know I'm not fucking around with him. He nodded.

"Can I pick our what you're gonna wear?" He asked, excitedly.

"Yeah, but don't take too long before ma come beat your ass, and beat my ass too for having you do something other than get ready." He nodded, then ran to my closet and started looking through. I make sure not to put any of my drugs or weapons or nothing in the closet for times like these.

I watch my little 14 year old sister, Zaniya, type away on her phone and smack on her gum loud as shit. She saw me looking and rolled her eyes.

"Is there something you need?" She asked with an attitude. She always frontin like she got a problem with me when she know she don't.

"So you not gon' give me no hug, kiss. No nothing?" I asked, pretend being upset.

"No. You're crusty." She put her eyes back to her phone.

"If I'm crusty, why you in here then?"

She huffed and rolled her eyes, stomping her feet towards the door. But before she could walk out, I grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug.

"Stop frontin'. You know you love your big brother." She was elbowing me in my stomach, trying to get away but I'm not gonna give her the satisfaction.

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