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Cameron above^



Cameron POV

We walked into the main office and there were two police officers talking to the people behind the desk. I heard Anthony mumble swear words under his breath. It's all my fault this is happening right now.

We began to approach them hesitantly and slowly when they turned around.

"Well, you must be Cameron and Anthony, am I correct?" One of them asked. I nodded.

"Okay. Well whoever Cameron is come with me, Anthony go with officer Bryant over there." He began to walk away and I followed him. He led me outside of the office and I followed, not before taking a quick glance at Anthony. His expression was emotionless, but by his body language and the look in his eyes I could tell he was something around impatient and pissed.

We were now standing outside of the office and I didn't dare make any eye contact with him.

"You're Cameron Smiths. Okay, well," he raised his eyebrows, "care to explain?"

"U-um, yeah. Well, uh—"

"Cut to the chase kid, I don't have all day." He said impatiently.

I let out a quick apology before trying it again. "Well, I-I was at the locker with my friend when Trevor came to speak with her, and I happened to be staring at them too much for Tre- for Trevor's liking and he got upset and punched me."

"And what happened after that?"

I gulped. This is the part where I could either save Anthony by lying but potentially get caught or telling the truth and hoping for the best.

"W-well Anthony, he uh, he started o fight Trevor I guess but I was on the floor, I couldn't see much. There was more commotion, but then it stopped and Anthony took me to the nurse."

To say I walk nervous is an understatement. I've never been in this predicament in my entire life.

"If I may ask, what is your relationship with Anthony?"

"My friend." I answered quickly.

"Mm... Okay. So let's get this straight. Your friend, Anthony, was enraged with Trevor for punching you. So he took it upon himself to put matters into his own hands, correct?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "I guess so—"

"Do you know your friend nearly heat that kid to death?" He said tauntingly.


"Do you know how long he could possibly go to jail for? Do you-," he sighed, "do you know how much trouble this puts not only him, but you in?"

I'm confused.

"But, he was the one who hit first.."

"But were you nearly beat to death?"

"But that's not fair, it was only defense!" My voice began to get shaky. The last thing I want is for Anthony to go to jail.

"Technically, it wasn't. If you had taken it upon yourself, that would be defense. Self defense to be exact. But what happened here is classified as attempted murder."

Anthony POV

"Attempted murder? Nobody is trying to attempt murder on no one." I lied.

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