Forty Seven

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Cameron POV

The police ran up to the steps with their guns pointed at Anthony.

"No!" I shout, trying to make it in front of Anthony. That is until I feel a strong, rough arm pick me up and the police tackle Anthony, even though he was already down on the floor. They quickly take out their batons and all four of them hit Anthony repeatedly with them. I'm screaming for them to stop and I try my absolute hardest to get out of the police officers grip. "Calm down! Everything is okay now."

"Let me go, stop hitting him! Please!" I sob.

Anthony is trying to cover their batons with his arms which only makes them hit him harder and tell him to stop resisting. Tyler tries to stop them from hitting Anthony, but they quickly put handcuffs on him and took him away, and my babies.

I break free from the officers hold and run back to the steps. Two of the four officers had backed away while the other ones started putting Anthony in handcuffs.

"CAMERON! Get back here now!!!" I hear my father yell. I don't pay him any mind because my focus is completely on getting to Anthony.

"Young man? You're going to have to step away."

I try to shove past them but they block my way. "Young man, step away or we'll have to cuff you."

"Please, I'm begging you please just let me talk to him." I cry. They shake their heads. "From this point on, everything is under control. You don't have to worry anymore."

I wanted to explain to them that I'm not worried and that I never was.

"Please. Please, he's the fath- just please." I beg to the point where I'm almost on my knees. At this point a crowd scattered around the whole scene, and my dad and his son are yelling for me to come back down. Phoenix is nowhere in sight and Tyler is handcuffed, in the back of a cop car.

"No son, go back to your family. We've got it all under control."

I look behind the officer at Anthony's now bruised and bloody face. His lips are busted and his eyes are swollen. They beat him so badly he could barely stand up on his own. They manhandle him to stand up and start dragging him down the steps. I shove myself through them as quickly as I can, and hold onto Anthony. I put my lips on his, not minding the blood that's coming from his injuries. I can't stop sobbing on his lips. Anthony kisses back, but that's the last thing that happens between us when my father comes and yanks me off of him.

"Cameron, what are you thinking?!" He shakes me by the shoulders and I don't even look him in the eye.

"Let me go!," I move myself away from my dad. I watch as the cop car pulls off with Anthony in it and I suddenly feel empty. I try to convince myself that this hadn't happened for real. That this was a dream. But when I hear the cries of Anthony jr. and Taleah, I'm reminded that yes, this really did happen.

"Where is the young lady? I'm assuming these are her kids?" An officer asks my dad. He has my babies in his hands. I take the car seats from him quickly and look at them. They're crying. They know daddy is gone, and that daddy is hurt.

I try to wipe away the tears that's blinding my vision, but they keep coming. My dad puts his hand behind my back and leads me to the car he and his son came in. "Come on Cam, lets go home now honey."

"I don't want to go anywhere with you!" I screamed making the babies cry louder. "Just leave me alone! Leave me alone!"

"Cameron! What the hell has gotten into you?"

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