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Cameron POV

I woke up to the sound of light snores and someone's arm around my shoulders. I almost freaked out but then I remembered that I slept over at Anthony's apartment.

I looked up at him to find that I was laying on his shirtless chest and my heart started beating fast. Did something happened last night?!?!

I lifted up the sheets a little bit just to find that we both had our bottoms on and I still had my shirt on. Relief washed over my body.

But besides all that, Anthony looks so handsome while he's asleep. Or maybe I'm just biased towards anything he does and thinks he looks good.

I cuddled closer to him then began drawing imaginary shapes on his chest. 5 minutes in I was so caught up into drawing an imaginary cat on his chest that I jumped when I heard a deep scratchy voice begin speaking.

"Why you up." he said. Oh lord, his voice makes my knees weak.

"Don't know." I said now looking up at him. He looked at the time on his phone which said 9:30.

"Shit, the kids late for school." He said about to get up.

"Anthony, It's Sunday." I laughed.

He thought about what I said for a minute. "Oh yeah you right.. I think Ima go see my moms today. And tell her about us if she's awake."

"Are you sure about that? That's a big move." I said now sitting up.

"Yeah I'm sure. How long I'm gon' keep you a secret, the world gotta know who's mine sooner or later. And Ima start it off with family."

"If thats how you feel go ahead, and I'm proud of you." I bent down and kissed his cheek.

"Give me a real one." He said.

"Not with my teeth unbrushed." I laughed.

"I don't care." He said pulling me in.

"Well I do," I laughed. "Speaking of toothbrushes I didn't even bring one or another set of clothes because I wasn't aware I'd be here right now."

"I got some extra toothbrushes and old clothes you could borrow that's too tight for me." He said.

"Alright. Can I use your-"

"Don't ask me no dumb shit Cameron. If you about to ask can you use my shower I'm gon' kill you." He said cutting me off.

"I just thought it'd be polite to ask. This isn't my place."

"What's mine is yours. Lemme go get the stuff for you."

I was admiring him the whole time he was looking through his closet until he finally found what he was looking for.

"Okay look." He showed me a black t shirt and blue basketball shorts that look smaller than the ones he wears now.

"Thank you." I said as he handed me the clothes. He went to his drawer and pulled out two things.

"Here's the toothbrush and new draws. I just took these out the pack." He took out some boxers. I dont wear boxers. This is embarrassing to admit but I only wear boy shorts, you know the ones that are technically for girls? Yeah. But I can't help it, everything else is uncomfortable.

"Just the way you lookin I know you don't normally wear boxers, but i don't own briefs. It's just for today. They might be a little big but you have ways to fill em out." He said smugly.

I blushed. If only he knew I don't even normally wear mens underwear. Aka the day I will die and erase myself from this Earth.

"Thank you, Anthony." I laughed and took the boxers and toothbrush from him. 

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