Twenty Four

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Cameron POV

I woke up and opened my phone and saw that it was 10:00 in the morning which makes me roughly two hours late for school.

I jump out of bed and ran out my room to see my parents casually sitting around as if they don't have work or errands to do today.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up? I have a history test today." I complained "and I missed that. It was first period."

"Oh my, I totally forgot. Me and your dad have the day off so we must've gotten caught up in excitement." My mom said.

I sighed.

"Don't worry hon, you'll be able to make it up tomorrow. I guess you have a day off too." My dad said.

I walked back to my room; upset because I rarely miss days of school, only for serious reasons. Sometimes I wish my parents weren't so passive on everything and be more strict with me instead.

I brushed my teeth and laid in my bed.

The memories from yesterday came running through my head and I remembered... Anthony! Is he ok?

I tried calling him and he didn't pick up.

I called nearly ten more times but he still didn't pick up. I sighed and set my phone to the side feeling nerves overtake my body. What if he isn't okay? What if TaiShawn was trying to get him again and he did? What if-

I heard my phone ringing and I eagerly picked it up.


"Cam, wassup?" I heard Tyler's voice.

"Um Nothing, you?"

"Chillin' and shit. Same old."

"Oh okay. Why'd you call?"

".....why'd I call? Um, let's see... Oh yea! Anthony dumbass dropped his phone in boiling hot water, that shit gone so he wants you to know that if he ain't pickin up that's why."

"Oh.." I said laughing nervously. You don't know how relieved I am right now.

"Don't let him hear you laughing, I was crackin the fuck up, he almost popped my shit."

"What happened?"

"Oh he had some pain so he was tryna self heal."

"Where is he now?" I asked.

" Showering. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. He said get ready because he'll be there in 45." Tyler said.

"How'd he know I didn't go to school today?"

"We checked. Anyway I'm boutta hang up because you're wasting my battery when I'm gonna see you in a while. So bye CamCam."

"Bye Tyler."

After the conversation ended I heard a knock at the door then someone walking in.

"Biiiiiiiitch guess who???"

That could only be one person. Why did they let her in. She's great, but it's so early in the morning and she's always so amped up.

"Yo ass didn't go to school today so I cut. I knew you was home, what you was finna do out here by yourself? Shit when I first moved here I didn't know what to fuckin do." She rambled, laying on my bed.

"Hey Pheonix.. Wait, you weren't born here?"

"I was born in North Carolina, then when I was two moved to Georgia, Texas at seven, back to Georgia at ten then New York at 14." She said.

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