Twenty Nine

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(Ik so many updates😬I'll briefly explain why in the end.)

Cameron POV

So they told me. They told me the truth. My dad said they were only trying to help me and that TaiShawn wasn't a safe person for me to be around.

It was all just so confusing. My mom bust into tears when being confronted, but it's starting to feel like I have no more tears left. I'm done crying, it's not gonna make a difference.

So I left. No, I didn't leave home for good; that's just overreacting. But after they told me, I just left. I didn't feel like discussing the issue further because I already know everything that I need to.

It's now 9:00a.m, I haven't gone to the hospital yet and Tyler is still in police custody. I hope they don't sentence him because it's gonna be a whole other process trying to bail him out.

I've just been roaming around thinking about a lot of stuff. I'm honestly procrastinating going to the hospital because if they officially pronounce him dead, I don't want to be there.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and saw that it was an unknown number. I picked up hesitantly.


"Yeah, they brought me to question me about everything. They was gonna give me some time, but my father is bailing me out right now so, I'm coming to get you. We'll go to the hospital together." Tyler said.

"Okay, that's good- great news actually. I didn't think it was gonna go that quickly."

"Yeah me either. I'll see you later though, wait by the Train Station, you know the one by the bank?"


"Yeah wait near there." He said. We exchanged goodbyes and lucky me, I was only about two blocks away from the train station.

I decided to sit in the McDonalds that was across the street because I really didn't feel like standing for two hours. To my surprise it was packed with teenagers who didn't have a problem being late to school. I guess I'm one of them today.

I went to the back and sat in the corner. Everywhere I went it was cold, and I didn't think to put a heavier sweater. All I had on was a thin zip up sweater and some cheap thin sweatpants. It doesn't make any sense, it's March for gods sake.

"Hey." Some boy came up to me after about an hour of sitting there. "You got a dollar I could borrow."

"No." I said simply not really giving myself time to think if I did have one or not.

"Broke ass."

I barely payed him any mind, didn't even look him in the face.

"Wait, you Anthony's old works right?" He asked and a bunch of kids started surrounding me and sitting around me.

I shrugged. Like I said, not in the mood.

"Daaamn... Knowing him that shit must've hurt." He laughed and everybody joined him.

"He mad rude, he ain't saying shit back." Some girl said.

"Nah nah leave him alone, he just went through some shit." The boy said then smiled.

"Fruit cup ass boy"

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