Forty Four

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Anthony POV

It's been four months of complications, in and out of the Doctor, crying, complaining, arguing. That's what came along with Cameron and this unbelievable pregnancy. It came to a point where I wanted him to get rid of it because he had almost died. His body isn't prepared for this. And we couldn't do anything about it. All our hope was on the doctor, we couldn't even go to an actual hospital. I found him on the floor, in the apartment I had rented out for the time being, in the bathroom, bleeding. Bleeding through his pants. If I didn't come when I did, I would've lost him and he would've been gone.

That's what I tried to get through his mind. But he didn't listen, he got mad at me. I don't care how happy I was over him having our child and how lucky we were for being able to have a biological one; if it costs his life that shit gotta go. Of course, I didn't tell him in those words. But I told him.

So, we're still going through with this. Right now, he's six months and getting bigger as the time goes by. He's actually looking like he's eight months rather than six. These past two weeks, he's been okay for the most part. His back hurts and he's tired and has an attitude. He's very swollen everywhere too. But other than that, recently nothing life threatening. I keep a close eye on him and make sure that he's okay.

"Look, feel." Cameron grabbed my hand and put it on his stomach. I waited a while in silence then suddenly felt a little movement under my hand. When I looked back up at Cameron, he had a smile on his face. That's one thing, despite all he is going through with this, it's like nothing else makes him happier. "Do you want a boy or girl?"

I shrugged. "It doesn't matter. As long as they look like you."

"No, they will look like you." He replied. I didn't try to argue what he was saying because I know that if I did, it would turn into Cameron being actually mad with me. So I just nodded and said "Maybe."

He sighed and slowly got up, balancing his back on his hand. He started to waddle away so I got up myself and followed behind him. "Ant, I'm just going to the kitchen. You don't have to follow me everywhere I go."

"If you fall I'll be here to catch you..."

He opened the fridge "Not gonna fall."

"You can't predict the future."

"Yes I can, if I know I'm careful."

"No you fucking can't, just let me do what I gotta do to make sure you good. Is that alright with you?"

I didn't mean to snap at him but if it's one thing that piss me off, it's him acting like he don't need guidance. I don't play Russian roulette with these kind of things. He might be fine doing shit on his own, but you just never know.

"Okay... Don't yell at me." He mumbled quietly and walked off again and I still followed him. He went to our room and started stripping off his clothes the moment he got in. I closed and locked the door for him so no one would bust in here while he's naked. He doesn't like to wear clothes anymore, so he takes them off whenever he gets a chance. When he got all his clothes off, he laid on his back and let out a huge sigh. "I'm fat."

"Yeah it's because you carrying a baby." I shrugged and I heard him laugh. I reached over on the dresser and got some soothing oil thing that I had bought for Cameron's swelling when it was aching him. I put his legs in my lap. I poured some in my hand and warmed it up before going right into giving Cameron a foot massage. Not only are they the part that swells the most, but it hurts the most.

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