Forty Three

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TaiShawn POV

We've been trying to find Cameron for nearly three months now. Although the drive is not the same from the first time the situation was known, the cops are still involved because it's one of their mens sons that has to suffer because of who they're looking for. From what the cops know right now, another girl in Georgia that used to live in Brooklyn went missing. She was Cameron's best friend apparently, so we know he's been over there.

The closest we got is the boy going into a police station. When I heard how easily they let him slip away, I lost it. How the fuck do you let somebody escape from questioning? What kind of system they got over there? All of this could've been over with if they had just done their job right.

Dad and I are doing everything in our willpower to do the job by ourselves. Makai's dad as well. They gave him an emotional leave and he's using that time to help us, and help himself if you should say. Ma went back to California and is staying with our grandparents for a little bit because she can't be by herself when she's pregnant, and pops felt like he couldn't keep dragging her along when she needed her rest.

I try to distance my mind from how scared my little brother is and how he's feeling. I don't even know if he's still alive. And I have no one to talk about my worries with because pops will just tell me to shut up, and after him there's no one else I can talk to. I don't really have anyone, I don't have friends, I don't have acquaintances. I just got my family, that's why I'm going so hard. I have my second family, the ones I've lived with my whole life, but even they dropped me after a while.

So I know I'm going hard, but I don't care. It's selfish for that boy to think Cameron is his. He got his own family to worry about, leave mine alone.

Cameron POV

"Be back." Anthony and Tyler got out of the car. It was Tyler's that we were if fact gonna go to Mexico as funny as it sounds. But before we could do that, Anthony has to get his money up, as he says. So that's what they're doing right now. In some way they're still connected with Damien, Anthony's drug dealer guy or something. And he has work for him, and Tyler's helping. They know it's risky to still be in contact with someone back in Brooklyn but Anthony said its the only thing that's going for him right now.

I pouted, but I swear I didn't mean to. I don't like when Anthony leaves, it makes me anxious. "Fix your face. I'm coming right back." He said. That only made me more upset so I just shrugged and rolled the window up. He knocked on it, signaling for me to roll it down but I didn't. He walked off.

"Yo, you really obsessed with him." Pheonix laughed, pushing me playfully. I don't know if it's because she touched me and I'm still not on good terms with her or if it's because she's talking about me, but I got irritated quick after she said it. "You're right, I am. Is there a problem?" I snapped. She shook her head, widening her eyes. "Nah bitch, I'm just playing." I side eyed her, turning my head back around.

"CamCam, not to offend you, but you're getting a little chunky." She said. I suddenly felt bad because I know I am. That's why I'm wearing bigger clothes so Anthony won't notice and think I'm ugly. Whenever there is a time and place to you know what, I always deny him because I'm just not trying to take my clothes off. I keep gaining the weight and it's starting to show everywhere. I thought no one was noticing, but now that Pheonix said it I know that it's probably noticeable by everyone.

"...You see it a lot?" I asked and she shrugged. "I mean, not a lot. But it's a noticeable difference." She replied.

"To be honest... And you're gonna call me crazy but... With the throwing up and the mood swings and the gaining weight...I think that maybe...." She made a face as if I was supposed to know what she's talking about.

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