Forty Five

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Cameron POV

I woke up this morning feeling extra sick and tired and I know it has something to do with Anthony being up and down all night. He spoke to himself a lot too, inaudible to my ears. But all I know his he isn't okay. Right now, I'm laying on his chest while he's finally catching some sleep. He has a freshly busted lip and bruised up knuckles that I know have something to do with wherever he was last night. He's still wearing his clothes and shoes too.

Tyler came in not too long ago and he also was bruised up with a black eye. I tried asking what happened to them but he, like Anthony, told me not to worry myself about it and that they were okay. Of course, I don't believe him. But they don't tell me anything.

Besides that, I'm trying to follow Doctor Suzies orders and not stress too much about anything. She says we have to stay clear of any possible risks. She said that if I feel anything unusual or I'm in any type of pain, we're going to settle for giving up our baby. I've been feeling pain in my stomach here and there and my back is hurting, but isn't that normal? It doesn't matter, I'm just going to go to my checkups to see if our baby is alive and that's all that matters. When or if she asks if I'm in pain I'll just say no. I'm just going to keep it to myself.

I suddenly feel a pressure on my bladder so I know I have to pee- which I've been doing a lot lately. The only problem is Anthony had a tight grip on me and I don't want to move and wake him up. It's really rare that he's asleep, he barely ever is. But, it got to a point where I felt like I was going to pee on myself so I have to get up. I slowly tried to lift his arm off of me but that didn't help at all. I attempt again but this time it only makes him bring me closer and tighter to his chest.

I sigh, knowing that I'll have to do it the most logic way. I caressed the side of his face, "Anthony." I whispered. This doesn't make him move a muscle so I say it louder. "Anthony I have to pee."

The volume of my voice made him jerk awake and I instantly felt bad when I saw how red his eyes were. "What? What's wrong?" He asks sort of in a panicked, rushed way. He sits up but I put my hand on his chest to stop him from over reacting. "Nothing's wrong, I just have to use the bathroom."

He stares at me for a minute confused, but then lets out a heavy exhale. I squeeze his hand briefly before going to the bathroom, taking care of my business including taking a shower and brushing my teeth. Anthony told me to keep the door open though so he could keep an eye on me. When I get out the bathroom, Anthony's up holding fresh clothes in his hand. We make eye contact with each other.

"Sorry for waking you up." I say. Anthony shakes his head, "Shouldn't have been 'sleep anyway." He mumbles and walks past me to use the bathroom. I turn around and watch him close the bathroom door. Anthony never closes the bathroom door when he's in there by himself and I'm with him. He deserves his space though, I can tell he needs it.

I slowly lay on my back keeping a firm hand on my stomach. Even though I woke up not too long ago I feel myself start to slowly fall asleep again. I must have been asleep for a while though because when I open my eyes, Anthony is sitting on the bed with my head in his lap. He's staring into open space and looks like he's deep in thought.

I run my hand over his arm and he makes eye contact with me. When Anthony looks at me, it's different from when he'd look at me about eight months ago. I can't describe it but it's almost like everything that has happened to him changed him.

"Are you okay?" I ask him. I still can't shake off how weird he was acting last night. Now, I don't expect him to just tell me what's wrong because that's just how Anthony is.

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