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Cameron POV

I see him in the hallways, he ignores me. Doesn't even spare a glance.

At lunch? He ignored me.

My 'good morning' message? Read, yet ignored.

Anthony just keeps on ignoring me and it's making me feel sad as ever. If I had known that this was going to happen, I would've never went downstairs to meet him and I would've never kissed him.

But when I say that, I don't really mean it because I wouldn't trade that kiss for anything. Talk about confused.

When my dad came to pick me up at the end of the day, it's like he read me like a book.

"What's got my beautiful son, my pride and joy, my sunshine, so down in the dumps?" He asked, trying to make me feel better with all his compliments. I smiled softly.

"Nothing, I'm okay." I gave him the best reassuring smile that I could.

"Bad day at school?" He asked.

"If you put it like that. A lot of work." I lied.

"Awe, it's okay. It'll all pay off in the end. Okay?" He smiled at me before putting his eyes back on the road.

"Okay..." I trailed off, looking out the window.

"Plus I have something waiting for you at home!" He piped up. This caught my interest.

"What is it?" I asked.


"Is it a dog???" I smiled.

"Uh... No. But it's much better than a dog, I can tell you that."

Confused, I kept my mouth shut and just waited until we got home.

As soon as we reached, I eagerly tried to open the car door.

"Slow your roll there, kiddo. The surprise isn't going anywhere."

Blushing, I eased back down into my seat. My dad chuckled and shook his head. "Go ahead." He smirked. I then got out of the car, my dad following.

Eager as ever, I finally reached our apartment. I walked in and everything seemed normal.

"I don't see Anything, daddy." I slumped my shoulders.

"Did you check in your room?"

"Oh, no." I started to walk towards my room. When I opened the door and looked at who was sitting on my bed, I almost screamed.

"Molina!!" She got up from the bed and I jumped into her arms.

"Cammy!!" She spun me around a bit before putting me down.

"Oh my goodness, I missed you so much! H-how, Wh-what? Why are you here?"

"Needed a place to go while my parents are on a 1 month cruise. They couldn't get me a ticket but they told me I could be sent to a place as long as I could stay with somebody there so I thought of you." She shrugged.

"Oh wow! O-okay well you look so beautiful!" I admired her. Molina was a 5'8, beautiful Armenian girl. She had a slim figure, complementing her height and bronze skin to complement her jet black hair and dark brown eyes with the longest natural eyelashes you've ever seen. She was truly beautiful.

"Thank you Cam. You look amazing yourself. And I see that ass isn't getting any smaller." She grabbed my hand and spun me around. I turned back around.

Unpredictable Match (Interracial boyXboy)(Mpreg) Where stories live. Discover now