Twenty Eight

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LMFAOOO I posted it anyways idc😂


Anthony POV

"You gonna grow up and be a strong man for ya pops okay?" He said staring at me as if it was the most important thing he would ever say. I didn't understand what he meant, I was only 11 at the time.

"Okay." I said toying with the gun he gave me.

"Fuck people's feelings, fuck feelings in general. Say it."

"Fuck feelings."

"Louder." He demanded.


"Good." He smiled showing the gold grills in his teeth. "Now I might not gonna be around for long. But you remember that you never stop being a man. Show no signs of that emotion shit what so ever because niggas gonna think they can just get to you whenever they feel like it. Never be on that soft shit."

"Dad?" I asked.


"Why won't you be here for long?"

He laughed and ran his fingers through my long hair. "The same reason you aren't going to be lil' man."

I woke up out my sleep when I heard banging coming from the living room. I looked at the time to see 3:17 a.m, so who the fuck could be at the door this late? Whoever it is bugging the fuck out, whatever they need could wait till tomorrow.

But at the same time, I'm not a dumb ass nigga. Whoever's knocking is either at the wrong apartment or is in the mood to fuck with me tonight

I sat up on the bed and it made a loud creaking noise that I know would wake Cameron up. I looked at him to see him looking at me through squinted eyes.

"Bathroom?" He asked beginning to get out of bed until I pushed him back down.

"Nah. Go back to sleep."

He shrugged. I saw him slowly close his eyes showing that he was damn near sleep so I went through the long process of getting myself into that wheelchair.

The banging at the door only got louder and more frequent.

When I was in front of the door I banged right back and they got quiet. But not for long. They started twisting the doorknob like they didn't have no damn sense.

You see, if I could stand by myself I would've looked through that hole on the door, and go from there. But besides the stand/cabinet thing that's about 5 feet from the door, there's nothing I can brace on.

I grabbed my gun from underneath the cabinet just in case.

"Who is it?" I asked and the person didn't answer. They continued knocking.

"Who the fuck is it?!" I shouted.

"It's me, oh my gosh. Calm down." I heard a familiar female voice say and I opened the door. I instantly got upset when I saw who was at the door.

"Zaniya, it's three o'clock in the fucking morning, why you not home."

"I was at a party.." She said slowly.

"At three in the morning?! You kidding me right?"

When she didn't say anything I chuckled. "Get inside. I don't even know what the fuck you got on." I laughed to calm myself down.

She got in and sat on the couch looking ashamed. "Sorry."

"Nah, I'm not about to feel bad. Fix your fucking face. You could've gotten raped or some bullshit out there Zaniya! You don't know who be walking around at this time."

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