Chapter 2

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A/N: I don't know about you guys, but I've never gotten a love confession note in my locker. LOL, how about you guys? 

I don't know when it started.

But I do know that I'm starting to fall for you.

The bus probably left by now. I stood in the same spot dazed. Was this a joke? A dare? I read a book where this guy only dated the nerd as a dare. I shuddered from the thought. Telling myself it was a mistake, I crinkled the note and threw it away. I quickly dropped off my textbooks, shut the door, and started the 20 minute walk home.

When I got home, I slipped off my sneakers, tossed my backpack onto the ground, and headed to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and looked for a snack to munch on. The ham sandwich I ate during lunch seemed to have disappeared. My stomach grumbled. I spotted a Hot Pocket in the freezer and quickly placed it into the microwave. I pressed 2 minutes and waited for it to heat up. As I waited, I started to think of the note. Starting to fall for you.... don't know when it started...

Ding! The Hot Pocket was ready to eat. I ripped open the plastic and took a bite. Mhm! The note already forgotten, I took bite after bites of the Hot Pocket. Savoring each bite before swallowing. Before I knew it, I finished it and all that was left was the wrapper. I frowned and crumpled it up and threw it into the trash can.

Picking up my backpack from the ground, I went upstairs to my room.

I unzipped my backpack and took out a folder I specially bought to keep the instructions for homework assignments, essays, and projects of those who "asked" me to do it. Today I had one project, 4 homework assignments, and 1 essay for to do. I let out a sigh. How long will it take to finish this?

I first started the homework I had from my last two classes before doing theirs. The lesson we learned today was pretty simple so I finished it in about 30 minutes. Now completed, I placed them in their designated binders or folders.

It was 4:30 pm when I started to work on their assignments. I started with Bailey and Cynthia's acrostic poem. I slowly let myself have some fun with it.

Bit better than Cynthia




Enemy of Sadie Taylor

Yearns for attention

Coughs like a horn

Yells like a man

Never tries in class

Tattletales on others

Has no common sense

Itches for attention

Amanda's minion

I couldn't stop laughing at what I came up with. It was just too hilarious! Taking a quick look at the clock, 5:15, I realized I shouldn't be wasting time. I still had a lot to do. I grabbed my eraser and started to erase what I had written.

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