Chapter 47

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A/N: Did you guys hear about what happened in Paris? #prayforparis


Sadie's POV

W-what did he just say? My mom was... hurt?? She was in the hospital? No no no... this can't be happening. I must've heard him wrong. This can't be true... I was in denial for a couple seconds before it wore off. I have to go see her. I have to see if she's okay. I ran into my room and slipped on something warm before rushing out the front door as if my life depended on it.

At the parking lot downstairs, I searched for Adam. Although I had a jacket on, I was still shivering- from both the cold and from the fear of losing my mom. Of not being able to see her for the last time if the worst were to happen. When I finally spotted him, he was getting into his car and a few seconds later, his car sped past me.

I have to go after him or else all chances of seeing my mom would be lost. I had no idea which hospital my mom was at. Adam was my only way to her. I quickly got in an empty taxi and immediately told the driver to follow his car.

"Follow that car please!" I said, pointing at the white Ferrari in front of us. The vehicle came to life and began to move forward, following Adam's car as I have instructed.


The surgery took 2 hours. I hid behind a tall plant the entire time. I wanted to get closer but Adam was sitting directly in front of it which made it impossible for me to do so.

When they finally came out, I watched from afar as my mom was rolled out of the operation room. As they went past me, I caught a glimpse of the state she was in and it instantly made me teary eyed. She was pale and she had bandages wrapped almost everywhere.

"M-mom... it's Sadie" was what I really wanted to say to her. I wanted to rush over to her side and hold onto her hand, but I couldn't. The fact that I had to hold myself back was torturous for me. I felt like I wasn't fulfilling the duties I had as her daughter. She was the woman who brought me into this world but I wasn't even doing anything! It really broke my heart.

Right when I was about to follow after the nurses, I heard something that made stop in my tracks.

".... liver transplant... her life will be in danger..."

At first I wasn't too worried because I knew that I was there to give her the donation she needed, but then I remembered that I was not Sadie. Not anymore.

If I were to do it, my identity would be revealed. But if I didn't, I was basically watching my mom die by my hands. I would be the one who killed her. What was I going to do???


I waited outside until Adam left. I didn't want him to see me. He would start asking questions. Questions I knew I couldn't answer.

Once I was sure that he was a safe distance away, I hurried inside the hospital room.

"M-mom..." I choked out as tears poured down my face. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner." I thought of the time I went into the hospital and how she had been there with me the entire time. I should've done the same for her, but I didn't. I'm such a terrible daughter.

When I noticed how long I've stayed, I quickly dried my tears and reluctantly left. Before I shut the door, I took one last look at my mom and I promised her that I was going to make her all better again.


When I got back to the house, I took out my cell phone and dialed the number of the only person that knew of my true identity. The one person who I trusted.

He picked up on the first ring.

"It's 2 in the morning, why are you even awake?" Bryan groaned.

"Bryan, you've got to help me," I pleaded desperately.

"What happened??" His voice was filled with concern.

"M-my mom. She's in the hospital and the doctor says she needs a liver transplant or she'll die. I'm the only one who help her. We have no other relatives. I have to help her Bryan. But if I do, everyone will find out that I'm alive. I-I don't know what to do."

"Everything's going to be okay," he assured me. "Now tell me, which hospital is she staying at right now?"

"Angel Hospital."

"Okay, I think I have a friend who works there, I'll call you back in a few," he said before he hung up.

I paced around the room nervously, my cell phone in my hand, as I waited for his call.

And just as he promised, he called back a few minutes later.

"Did you figure out what to do?" I asked right after I answered.

"My friend told me that your mom places #68 on the list of patients that need a donation. He said that if we were to depend on that list, the waiting time would take too long. Your mom won't be able to wait that long."

Deep down inside, I already knew that her life would be in danger without the donation but hearing it from someone else was when the cold, harsh reality of it hit me.

I laid wide awake and stared up at the ceiling as I thought about a lot of things. I thought about how my mom single-handedly took care of me as a single mom after my dad abandoned us. Then I thought about what I was going to do next: reveal my identity in order to save my mom or gamble on my moms life as I tried to find another way to save it.

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