Chapter 33

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3 months passed and we were still together. We went on many more dates. From movies to a stroll on the beach. They were the happiest moments of my life. I truly felt that we were destined for each other. And that we would be together for the rest of our lives.

But I was wrong.

One night, I had just gotten home from work and as I was getting out of the car, someone suddenly appeared and held onto me from behind. I could barely get a glimpse of the person. It was a man who had a strong build. He blended in perfectly with the darkness of the street.  In his right hand, he held a moist rag that had a strange smell coming from it. He pressed it against my face and forcefully tried to make me inhale the chemicals that was soaked in the rag.

This exact situation reminded me of the many dramas I had watched: he was trying to make me unconscious.

At first, I struggled to get away but I could tell that it was no use. He was obviously stronger than me and it wasn't long before I completely ran out of energy.

Within seconds, everything turned pitch black.


When I regained consciousness, I was sitting in an unfamiliar car. Rays of sunlight peeked into the small vehicle. This told me that I've been gone for several hours at least. I peeked outside the dirty window to see if I could get a clue on where I was and I couldn't believe what I saw. The car was parked in the middle of a railroad. I would be killed instantly if a train were to come.

I lunged for the door handle and pulled on it desperately, praying that it would be unlocked. That I would freed from this prison.

But to my dismay, it was locked tight. The door didn't budge at all. I tried the other doors but the result was the same. It was naive of me to think that it wouldn't be locked.

Someone had deliberately put me here and that person wanted me dead.

I banged my fists on the glass continuously until my knuckles turned bright red. The pain made me face reality. I was stuck here. There was no way out.

I slouched down on the seat in defeat as warm tears rolled down my cheeks.

After who knows how long, I dried my tears and decided to look around the car for something that could maybe break the window.

And that's when I spotted a cell phone. It was right beside me in a cup holder and somehow I didn't even notice it until now. I blinked away the leftover tears and examined the phone carefully.

It was an old Nokia flip phone and saw that it fortunately had 10% of battery left. I quickly flipped it open and the screen lit up in response.

But just when I was about to press 9-1-1, the phone began to ring. I looked at the screen and saw that it was from an unknown number. Willingly to try anything to receive help, I gladly accepted the call.

"Hello Sadie," a squeaky voice greeted sweetly.

I was quite surprised to hear the person say my name. But that wasn't the only thing that surprised me. The high pitched voice I heard through the speaker sounded extremely familiar.

No no no nooo... it couldn't be...

"Amanda?" I asked in disbelief.

"It's been a long time Sadie," she responded.

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