Chapter 32

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We agreed to try dating for a month. If by the end of the month we didn't want to continue this relationship anymore, then we were going to break up. But.. if we did want to be with each other, we were going to continue dating. Hopefully breaking up won't be on our bucket list!

I can't believe tomorrow was our first date! I had trouble sleeping the night before because I was just so nervous. You know how when you're so excited for something and everything just goes wrong? That was what I was afraid of.

When tomorrow finally came, I sprung out of bed happily. I couldn't wait for the date. I was so curious about what we were going to do. No matter how much I begged, Adam wouldn't tell me. Not even a little hint. He just told me to wear something comfortable.

Something comfortable?

I spent the entire morning trying to find a "comfortable" outfit. My definition of comfortable was a pair of jeans and a t-shirt but I didn't want Adam to know that. I wanted to wear something special for the date, but it was just so hard to choose.

I wouldn't even have noticed how much time I spent doing this if my mom didn't barge into my room unexpectedly asking me to eat lunch.

"Omo, why does it look like a tornado ran through your room?" she asked me as she looked around my room.

Clothes were all over the place. A while after rejecting outfits after outfits, I became too lazy to go back to fold the outfit and put it away in my closet, which is why I ended up just tossing it over my shoulder. I didn't realize that it got this out of hand.

"Sorry Mom, I'll clean it up afterwards," I promised.

"So what's the special occasion?" she teased. "I haven't see you so indecisive about choosing something to wear since your college graduation."


"No wayyy... are you going on a date??" my mom dared to ask.

"Yes," I admitted quietly. There was no point in hiding this from her, I knew she was going to find out eventually. I don't know if I was just a terrible liar or what, but she could always tell when I was hiding something from her.

She squealed in delight. "Oh my goodness Sadie!!! Why didn't you tell me???"

I've never seen her this happy before. Man if someone didn't know, they would assume that she was the one who was going on her first date.

"Cause I knew you were going be like that," I pointed at the big smile on her face.

"Who asked you??? Was it that Adam boy?" The smile on her face grew wider as she mentioned Adam's name.

My silence only confirmed her guess.

She stomped her feet enthusiastically. "Let me help you pick an outfit!!" I didn't even get the chance to deny her request when she rushed over to my closet and threw open the doors.

After many hours of bickering, we finally decided that I would wear a light blue and white blouse with a pair of navy blue skinny jeans. Since he had said to wear something comfy, my mom picked out a pair of white Converse sneakers. She was planning on curling my hair then braiding it into a waterfall braid. She even lent me her Kate Spade black and white shoulder bag! And she rarely ever does that. She treats her bags as if they were her babies.

Even though my mom said that the infinity necklace didn't match with the outfit we chose, I persisted on wearing it. It was a symbol of Infinite, this kpop group, she won't understand.

Before I knew it, the sky had already turned dark. The sun had already set and I could see the moon. My mom finished curling my hair an hour ago. I was sitting nervously in the living room waiting for Adam to arrive.

When the clock struck 8:00, there was a knock on the front door. I quickly got up and opened it.

Adam was dressed in a simple light blue button down short sleeve shirt with black jeans. His hair was down and to my amazement curled slightly. Just like the Korean guys in the dramas I watched. I had to admit, he looked very cute. 

He smiled at me. "You look beautiful Sadie," he complimented.

I felt my cheeks heat up in response.

"You ready?" he asked a few seconds later. His eyes sparkled brightly at me in the darkness.

I nodded and walked with him toward his car.

Right when I was about to go in, I could hear the front door open again. I looked over and saw my mom waving goodbye joyfully. "Have fun kids!!!" she shouted. "Well.. not too much fun if you know what I mean," she teased before winking at me.

Did she have to say that out loud? And in front of Adam?

I groaned. I heard Adam chuckle behind me.


When we were a safe distance away from my house, I saved up some courage and asked him where we were going.

"It's a surprise," he grinned. He reached over to my hand and held onto it the rest of the way to the mystery location. His warm fingers felt nice against my cold ones.

When I heard the music in the distance, I instantly knew where we were going.

A carnival.

As we got closer, I could see the bright lights coming from the carnival. There was a carousel. A ferris wheel. And also a lot of people. The parking spaces nearby were completely filled up by cars of different shapes and sizes. Vans. Compact cars. Trucks.

This was my first time going to a carnival. I was beyond excited. I stared out the window at the view in front of me. I knew right away that I had to ride that ferris wheel. And get some blue cotton candy too. Maybe Adam can win me a large stuffed animal like the guys usually do in Korean dramas? I couldn't help but laugh at my hopeful imaginations.

A/N: Yay! I get to post another chapter ^~^ My school's electricity went out and we got to go home early. Anyways here's your question:

What's your favorite bag brand? (ex: Kate Spade, Michael Kors...)

Personally I don't have any preferences, but I want to know yours! :) I have a friend who is obsessed with brand names *cough cough

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