Chapter 50

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A/N: I AM SO SORRY FOR NEGLECTING THIS BOOK!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME OR SADIE OR ADAM!!! I've been so busy, I'm not even kidding. Please stay until the end w/ these two lovebirds to see how their story will end :)

Adam suddenly jumps out in front of me, becoming my shield and blocking Amanda from hurting me. I can hear him gasp in pain as the knife breaks through his skin and before I know it, he falls down in front of me, clutching his side in pain.

I could faintly hear Emma scream nearby and there was something else too, but I wasn't paying attention to that. All I could think about was Adam who was hurt because of me...

I immediately dropped down by his side and at the sight of all the blood coming out of him, my eyes began to water. Adam.

"A-Adam!" I stuttered in shock. "W-Why did you...?" I use my hands to help cover his bleeding wound as I stare at him. He leans onto me for support and covers my hands with his own larger ones.

His face was twisted in agony. His pain was evident. He let out a tortured groan before answering me. "Y-You just said my n-name... I knew it was you all along... Sadi-"

"Somebody call the police!! Call the police! Please!" I scream, purposely cutting him off. "Call the police!! Someone's hurt!"

"S-Sadie.." he murmured softly. "I'm so glad you're back... I missed you so much.."

I could feel the warmness of his blood seeping through the cracks on my hands. I could see so much red.

"I'm s-sorry... about.. w-what happened... in high school... your a-accident... I didn't mean for you to get hurt... I-I swear.." he said in bits and pieces.

"Adam..." I unconsciously say his name again.

His eyes brightened when he heard me say his name again. "See I knew it was you, Sadie." He gave a weak smile before his eyes suddenly rolled back and his body went limp in my arms.

I scream his name and feel tears spill from my eyes. I try shaking him a little but there was no response. "I never blamed you for my accident, Adam... I never did..." I whispered as I held onto him. "Adam..." I cried as my heart ached.


Someone had called the police and the ambulance arrived some time after Adam fainted. I didn't know for sure since all I could remember was crying and screaming for him to wake up.

At the hospital, Adam went straight into a surgery room for an emergency surgery and shocker, Amanda had to be admitted to- for mental issues, of course, a completely different problem.

Emma and I sat beside each other on the uncomfortable hospital benches outside the surgery room and silently waited for the green light above the double door to turn off.

I felt guilty for causing Adam's injury and taking the place of Emma when he should've been talking to her for comfort as he laid on the ground bleeding. I kept my mouth shut and just watched the door.

"Angela, can I we talk?" Emma speaks up suddenly.

"Uh, yeah sure."

"Did you know Adam before?" she asked. "Be honest with me."

I contemplated whether I could lie or confess. "Yes, I did know Adam before. A very long time ago. It's nothing really. We were just... classmates."


There was a pregnant pause before she continued. "He seems to care a lot about you, like a lot. He threw himself in front of the blade to save you from that crazy witch. That tells me a lot. It tells anyone who saw a lot," she said. "You're important to him."


"I'm not stupid or naive. Adam doesn't love me. We were set up to be married with not much of a choice. We just both went along with it. I saw from day one that his heart was already taken."

"I'm sure he has feelings for you, Emma," I argue back with a weak excuse.

"We're just friends. I was thinking of breaking off our engagement for a while already before you came so don't think of hurting me. Don't hold your feelings back because of me. Everyone deserves true love. You may have already found yours and I'm... I'm still looking." She smiled at me easily and continued. "I don't want to be the barrier that stops you, alright?"

"Did you already know I knew Adam before?"

"I've suspected it from the way he looks at you. I knew something was up and I happened to be friends with Officer Jules and she may or may not have let a slip of a certain tragic story of a girl named Sadie and how Adam went a little crazy when he saw you."

"Oh, so you knew more then you let on."

When I was about to reply, the light went off and Adam came out on a gurney with nurses at his side. We watched them push him away and waited to speak with his doctor.

"Is he alright Doctor?" I asked right away when he came out.

"Yes, the stab wound wasn't too deep so we were able to stop the bleeding and stitch it up. He needs plenty of rest since he did lose quite a lot of blood."

"Oh thank god," I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Doctor," Emma said gratefully before he left.

Emma went to fill in his hospital admittance forms while I went up to his room first.

I quietly and slowly pushed open the door and went inside.

He was lying on the bed, his chest falling and rising at a normal rate.

I sat down beside him and watched him sleep.

As I watched, I thought about Emma's words earlier. Everyone deserves true love. You may have already found yours... Don't hold your feelings back because of me...


I sat for almost an hour, just watching him lay there before the police arrived to take our individual witness statements. Emma went to watch Adam and let me go first.

We sat outside the hospital and the officer began to ask some basic questions. When I finished with giving my statement, I curiously asked him about Amanda.

"What will happen to her?"

"The doctors found that she had mental instability and will keep her isolated for tests. She will be charged with attempted murder and assault, don't worry. And we have read your case and have been investigating. You'll be able to regain your true identity soon, miss."

"Thank you, officer."


I went back inside and switched places with Emma to let her give her statement.

The anesthetic still hasn't worn off. He looked so peaceful and so good-looking, as usual. I continued to stare at him when his eyes suddenly fluttered open.

"Sadie!" he called out for me right away, his arm reaching out midair.

"I'm right here, Adam." I held onto his hand and gave it an assuring squeeze. After thinking long and hard, I was done hiding from everyone, especially Adam.

He looks up at me and smiles. "Good and don't ever leave me again, got it?"

I nod and smile back. "Thank you for saving me from Amanda back there."

"I'd do anything to protect you from harm, Sadie. Like taking a stab from someone. I can do that."

Tears brim my eyes and I nod again.

"I'm guessing Amanda has been arrested and won't try to hurt you again?"

Another nod.

"And you're getting back your true identity?"

I nod again.

"Then you can stop running now Sadie, you don't have to run away anymore," Adam gives my hand a squeeze. "You're safe now and if anything does happen, I'll protect you."

A/N: An epilogue is being written- this book is not over yet :) I mistakenly marked it complete 

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