Chapter 14

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Sadie's POV

I pushed open the restroom door and ran into an empty stall. I locked it behind me before squatting down and placed my hand on my stinging cheek. I winced as my hand got in contact with my cheek. Tears rolled down my face as I rocked myself back and forth.

When I calmed down, I tore off a few squares of toilet paper and used it to dry my tears. I unlocked the door and came out of the stall. I walked over to the sinks and looked at myself in the mirror. My face was stained with tears and my eyes slightly swollen from crying. I turned on the water and cupped it in my hands before spraying over my face. My cheek was now a light pink color, no longer red. A faint handprint was still imprinted on my cheek. I sighed. There's no way to hide that, I might as well leave work early today. I got a paper towel and dried my face. I grabbed my cell phone from the pocket of pants and texted Carla that I wasn't feeling well so I was going to head home early.

Then I left the restroom and headed to the front entrance. I prayed that Adam and Amanda were still eating lunch somewhere and haven't returned yet. At the parking lot, I unlocked my car and got in. I started the engine, turned on the music player, and started backing out of the parking space. I drove home as BTOB's song, It's Okay, played through the speakers.

[Lyrics to the song translated into English]

Look forward to this melody you like (woo woo)

The voice will flow out of the radio


The only thing I can do

Is to sing the lyrics to this song

Even if things are hard

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay

I believe in you

By the time I drove up the driveway, I was no longer feeling down. The song soothed me and made me feel a little bit brighter than before. I smiled as I pulled out the car key and got out of my car. I locked the car and walked to the front door. I unlocked it and yelled, "I'm home!!!" I took of my black pumps and placed them in the shoe cabinet. I slipped on a pair of blue bunny slippers and hurried to my room.

There was no way I was going to let my mom see my face like this. She would start asking questions. And since I was a terrible liar, the truth would eventually surface, no matter how many lies I made up to cover up the truth. I really didn't want to worry her.

I made sure to lock my room door behind me before going into my bathroom to take a shower. After I finished showering, I changed into a large white t-shirt and blue & white striped pants. I picked up my Samsung laptop and brought it with me to my bed. I laid down against my pillows and turned on the laptop.

After checking my email (I didn't have any new email except for a bunch of spam ones), I logged onto my Facebook account and checked my News Feed. There was a friend request. I clicked the little logo and saw that it was from Adam West. I clicked on his name to see his profile.

When I saw that his phone number was listed in his information, I added it to my phone as a new contact and named it "LOSER". Not only that, I bought Big Bang's song, Loser, and assigned it to his number. This way if he ever calls (I don't know how he'll find my number, I wasn't going to put my number on Facebook like he did) I'll know not to pick up.

I checked my Twitter News Feed next. I didn't follow my people/pages, just Infinite members' account and pages like Viki, DramaFever, etc. There wasn't much to read so I proceeded to check my Instagram account. I smiled when I saw that one of the members of Infinite, L, posted a super cute selfie. I felt my heart skip a beat. He was just so cute.

I would've laid on my bed staring at his picture if I didn't hear the notification sound from my phone. I reluctantly looked away from the picture and got up from my bed to get my phone. My phone was on desk. I walked over and picked it up. I pressed the rectangular button near the bottom of the phone and the screen came alive.

My phone was a LG. I got a last year from my mom as a birthday present. I unlocked it and saw that I had 2 new text messages.

The first one was from Sam: Do you have time to go eat dinner w/ me? :]

I grinned when I read his message. This was perfect, I could leave a note for my mom saying that I was eating out with a friend and then she won't see my swollen cheek and ask about it. I quickly agreed to the dinner. Of course! What time? Will you pick me up? ;]

The second one was from LOSER: Are you okay? Where are you? Can I come and see you?

I rolled my eyes when I finished reading his message. Should I answer this? I asked myself. I decided not to and threw my phone on my bed. I went over to my closet and looked for something decent to wear. Most of my wardrobe consisted of white blouses, pencil skirts, and pants.

After 25 minutes, I finally decided on what to wear. A dress. The top part was blue and the bottom part was black. In the middle was a gold colored belt. I wore a silver necklace with an infinity sign as the charm. It took an hour to curl my hair but I did it. I was proud at the results when I looked in my full length mirror. I applied light pink lip gloss, some concealer for my swollen cheek, and then a little bit of blush. It was around 7:45 when I was done with the final touches. A few seconds later, I heard a notification sound from my phone.

I hurried to my bed and picked up my phone. I unlocked it and saw that it was a text from Sam. A gentleman will never make the lady drive. I'll be here at 8. Text me your address. I texted him my address. I didn't have to wait too long until I heard a honk from the outside of the house. I stuffed my phone and keys into my purse and hurried out of my room. I wrote a little note and stuck it on my bedroom door before I slipped on a pair of black flats and walked out the front door.

A silver Infinti was parked in front of my house. I walked over and pulled open the door. I sat down and closed the door shut behind me. Sam was dressed in a black suit. He smiled at me. "Ready?" he asked. I smiled back and nodded. He started the engine and we drove off.

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