Sadie's POV
I pushed open the restroom door and ran into an empty stall. I locked it behind me before squatting down and placed my hand on my stinging cheek. I winced as my hand got in contact with my cheek. Tears rolled down my face as I rocked myself back and forth.
When I calmed down, I tore off a few squares of toilet paper and used it to dry my tears. I unlocked the door and came out of the stall. I walked over to the sinks and looked at myself in the mirror. My face was stained with tears and my eyes slightly swollen from crying. I turned on the water and cupped it in my hands before spraying over my face. My cheek was now a light pink color, no longer red. A faint handprint was still imprinted on my cheek. I sighed. There's no way to hide that, I might as well leave work early today. I got a paper towel and dried my face. I grabbed my cell phone from the pocket of pants and texted Carla that I wasn't feeling well so I was going to head home early.
Then I left the restroom and headed to the front entrance. I prayed that Adam and Amanda were still eating lunch somewhere and haven't returned yet. At the parking lot, I unlocked my car and got in. I started the engine, turned on the music player, and started backing out of the parking space. I drove home as BTOB's song, It's Okay, played through the speakers.
[Lyrics to the song translated into English]
Look forward to this melody you like (woo woo)
The voice will flow out of the radio
The only thing I can do
Is to sing the lyrics to this song
Even if things are hard
It's okay, it's okay, it's okay
I believe in you
By the time I drove up the driveway, I was no longer feeling down. The song soothed me and made me feel a little bit brighter than before. I smiled as I pulled out the car key and got out of my car. I locked the car and walked to the front door. I unlocked it and yelled, "I'm home!!!" I took of my black pumps and placed them in the shoe cabinet. I slipped on a pair of blue bunny slippers and hurried to my room.
There was no way I was going to let my mom see my face like this. She would start asking questions. And since I was a terrible liar, the truth would eventually surface, no matter how many lies I made up to cover up the truth. I really didn't want to worry her.
I made sure to lock my room door behind me before going into my bathroom to take a shower. After I finished showering, I changed into a large white t-shirt and blue & white striped pants. I picked up my Samsung laptop and brought it with me to my bed. I laid down against my pillows and turned on the laptop.
After checking my email (I didn't have any new email except for a bunch of spam ones), I logged onto my Facebook account and checked my News Feed. There was a friend request. I clicked the little logo and saw that it was from Adam West. I clicked on his name to see his profile.
When I saw that his phone number was listed in his information, I added it to my phone as a new contact and named it "LOSER". Not only that, I bought Big Bang's song, Loser, and assigned it to his number. This way if he ever calls (I don't know how he'll find my number, I wasn't going to put my number on Facebook like he did) I'll know not to pick up.
I checked my Twitter News Feed next. I didn't follow my people/pages, just Infinite members' account and pages like Viki, DramaFever, etc. There wasn't much to read so I proceeded to check my Instagram account. I smiled when I saw that one of the members of Infinite, L, posted a super cute selfie. I felt my heart skip a beat. He was just so cute.
I would've laid on my bed staring at his picture if I didn't hear the notification sound from my phone. I reluctantly looked away from the picture and got up from my bed to get my phone. My phone was on desk. I walked over and picked it up. I pressed the rectangular button near the bottom of the phone and the screen came alive.
My phone was a LG. I got a last year from my mom as a birthday present. I unlocked it and saw that I had 2 new text messages.
The first one was from Sam: Do you have time to go eat dinner w/ me? :]
I grinned when I read his message. This was perfect, I could leave a note for my mom saying that I was eating out with a friend and then she won't see my swollen cheek and ask about it. I quickly agreed to the dinner. Of course! What time? Will you pick me up? ;]
The second one was from LOSER: Are you okay? Where are you? Can I come and see you?
I rolled my eyes when I finished reading his message. Should I answer this? I asked myself. I decided not to and threw my phone on my bed. I went over to my closet and looked for something decent to wear. Most of my wardrobe consisted of white blouses, pencil skirts, and pants.
After 25 minutes, I finally decided on what to wear. A dress. The top part was blue and the bottom part was black. In the middle was a gold colored belt. I wore a silver necklace with an infinity sign as the charm. It took an hour to curl my hair but I did it. I was proud at the results when I looked in my full length mirror. I applied light pink lip gloss, some concealer for my swollen cheek, and then a little bit of blush. It was around 7:45 when I was done with the final touches. A few seconds later, I heard a notification sound from my phone.
I hurried to my bed and picked up my phone. I unlocked it and saw that it was a text from Sam. A gentleman will never make the lady drive. I'll be here at 8. Text me your address. I texted him my address. I didn't have to wait too long until I heard a honk from the outside of the house. I stuffed my phone and keys into my purse and hurried out of my room. I wrote a little note and stuck it on my bedroom door before I slipped on a pair of black flats and walked out the front door.
A silver Infinti was parked in front of my house. I walked over and pulled open the door. I sat down and closed the door shut behind me. Sam was dressed in a black suit. He smiled at me. "Ready?" he asked. I smiled back and nodded. He started the engine and we drove off.

The Runaway Nerd | ✓
RomanceMeet Sadie Taylor, currently a senior at East High. You can say she is the nerdiest student East High had ever had. She took either advanced placement or honor classes. Sadie always passed every class with an exceptional A. The students of East High...